Ken Pope – Resources: New Informed Consent Requirements, Sample Forms, Articles, Etc. (therapy, e-therapy, supervision, forensic exams, etc.)

Today I added some new resources to a web page of materials that may be helpful in thinking through the process of informed consent.

The resources fall into 3 categories:

  1. ) links to examples of diverse informed consent forms from different sources (e.g., The Trust [which provides professional liability coverage to psychologists], The Center for Ethical Practice, Laura Brown);
  2. ) excerpts stating the informed consent requirements from the standards and guidelines of 15 professional boards and associations—e.g., American Group Psychotherapy Association, American Psychoanalytic Association, Canadian Psychological Association, & Psychological Society of Ireland—including links to each of the 15 original documents; and
  3. ) quotes addressing informed consent in a variety of contexts (e.g., psychotherapy with kids & adults, e-therapy, forensic exams, supervision) from ethics, clinical, and forensic textbooks; research studies; and articles in professional journals.

Here’s the link: