Thrivival Skills for Therapists

Begins April 28, 2023

Thrivival Skills for Therapists
Location: online
Contact Phone Number: (204) 444-5660
Contact E-Mail:
Event Link:

This unique 6-week cohort based online program was developed specifically for female mental health clinicians interested in redefining what it truly means to take care of themselves and moving beyond simply surviving to thriving. The reality is, as female mental health clinicians we face unique challenges related to workplace hazards, as well as receive powerful messages and reinforcers for being self-sacrificing, conscientious, hard working, and caring women who prioritize the needs of others. Because of that, it’s hard for us to make room for ourselves and if we do, it’s often accompanied by feelings of guilt and judgement, which quickly push us back to our default patterns that have become so familiar but, in the long run, interfere with us creating a life that we truly want and desire.

Thrivival Skills for Therapists offers female mental health clinicians a flexible, convenient, and supportive environment for learning about and applying our “4C’s” framework (connection, compassion, courage, and creativity) to self-care. This program starts off on April 28 with a live virtual group meeting facilitated by psychologists Dr. Melissa Tiessen and Dr. Karen Dyck. This will allow participants to meet other members of their cohort and will provide an orientation to the program. Beginning on May 1, for 6-weeks, participants will receive online lessons. Weekly topics are designed to help participants: 1) understand the common factors impacting female clinicians’ wellness and self-care, 2) develop a more compassionate awareness of their personal self-care roadblocks, 3) apply the “4C’s” framework for evaluating and enhancing self-care practices and 4) formulate a personalized plan and begin taking concrete steps to enhance their current self-care practices. Lessons will introduce the theme of the week and include questions/exercises intended to help participants reflect on their own self-care influences and practices and to begin taking steps to redefine how they take care of themselves. Following the 6-week online course, Dr. Tiessen and Dr. Dyck will facilitate a second live virtual group meeting on June 16. This will provide an opportunity for participants to share their successes and identify ways to keep the self-care momentum going.

The first virtual group meeting will take place on Monday April 28 and spaces will be limited. Register by March 31, 2023 using the coupon code “SPRING2023” to access early bird savings of $100 off the regular registration rate.

For more information or to register, please go to