Barriers Healthcare Providers face in managing female sexual dysfunction & genito-pelvic pain
Title: Barriers Healthcare Providers face in managing female sexual dysfunction & genito-pelvic pain
Description: This study aims to gain insights into the challenges healthcare providers across Canada encounter in assessing and managing female sexual dysfunction and genito-pelvic pain. The goal is to identify provider needs and preferences for resources and training, and to develop supportive tools that enhance care for both patients and providers in managing these conditions.
Specifics: Study Population:
To be eligible to participate in the online survey, a participant must:
be a healthcare provider in any field practicing in Canada
Participant Obligation:
Participants will be asked to complete a brief online questionnaire, estimated to take 15-20 minutes. At the end of the survey, they will have the option to sign up for a focus group session to further discuss their insights and experiences.
Location: Online - Vancouver BC
Project lead: Lori Brotto
Study Dates: mai 13, 2024 to mai 12, 2025
Study Website: