Understanding Sexual Victimization Experiences among Professional Psychology Graduate Students at Practicums
Title: Understanding Sexual Victimization Experiences among Professional Psychology Graduate Students at Practicums
Description: We are exploring the impact of experiencing sexual victimization by a supervisor at practicums on professional psychology graduate students’ professional life and identity. To participate in this study, you must meet the following criteria: (1) 18 years old or older; (2) attended or currently attend a Canadian post-secondary institution; (3) completed, enrolled in (but did not necessarily complete), or currently enrolled in a clinical, counselling, school, or neuro- psychology graduate program; (4) completed at least one placement (i.e., practicum, clerkship, internship) in the program; (5) have experienced sexual victimization by a (clinical) supervisor. You will be invited to participate in a 90-minute interview, with questions related to the sexual victimization experience, disclosure and/or reporting, and the impact of the experience on your professional life, identity, clinical work, and future as a psychologist. To reimburse you for your time, you will receive a gift card for your participation. Please note that participation is completely confidential, voluntary, and will not affect your placement, academic standing, or employment in any way. If you wish to participate, please contact Alisia Palermo (Clinical Psychology Graduate Student) at alisia.palermo@usask.ca.
Specifics: Study Population:
See eligibility criteria in Description of Study section.
Participant Obligation:
Participants will be invited to participate in a 90-minute interview. See further information in Description of Study section.
Location: Online - Saskatoon, SK.
Project lead: Alisia Palermo, Supervisor: Dr. Jorden Cummings
For more information about this study, please contact Alisia Palermo at alisia.palermo@usask.ca, or Dr. Jorden Cummings (Principal Investigator) at jorden.cummings@usask.ca. This study has been approved by the University of Saskatchewan Human Behavioural Research Ethics Board (#3753) on September 14, 2023.
Study Dates: février 12, 2024 to février 14, 2025