Understanding Sexual Victimization Experiences among Professional Psychology Graduate Students at Practicums #

Title: Understanding Sexual Victimization Experiences among Professional Psychology Graduate Students at Practicums

Description: We are exploring the impact of experiencing sexual victimization by a supervisor at practicums on professional psychology graduate students’ professional life and identity. To participate in this study, you must meet the following criteria: (1) 18 years old or older; (2) attended or currently attend a Canadian post-secondary institution; (3) completed, enrolled in (but did not necessarily complete), or currently enrolled in a clinical, counselling, school, or neuro- psychology graduate program; (4) completed at least one placement (i.e., practicum, clerkship, internship) in the program; (5) have experienced sexual victimization by a (clinical) supervisor.

You will be invited to participate in a 90-minute interview, with questions related to the sexual victimization experience, disclosure and/or reporting, and the impact of the experience on your professional life, identity, clinical work, and future as a psychologist. To reimburse you for your time, you will receive a gift card for your participation. Please note that participation is completely confidential, voluntary, and will not affect your placement, academic standing, or employment in any way.

Specifics: Study Population:
See eligibility criteria in Description of Study section.

Participant Obligation
Participants will be invited to participate in a 90-minute interview. See further information in Description of Study section.

If you wish to participate, please contact Alisia Palermo (Clinical Psychology Graduate Student) at alisia.palermo@usask.ca.

Location: Online - Saskatoon, SK

Project lead: Alisia Palermo

Study Dates: juillet 11, 2024 to octobre 15, 2024