Past Initiatives of the Practice Directorate

Find out more about what the Practice Directorate has accomplished.

In 2016….

Hosted a Leadership Conference focused on the following theme: “Act Strategically & Think Politically”

From 2014-2016….

Promoted Psychology Month with the Mind Your Mental Health Campaign that lets politicians know that better access to a psychologist is important to all Canadians

In 2012….

Use of the term Doctor by the Media. Recently a MacLeans article did not use the term Doctor when referring to psychologists. In response, the Practice Directorate wrote a letter to Editor-In-Chief Kenneth White. Please read the letter to learn more about the issue that effects health care funding and delivery in Canada. Read the original article;

In 2011…

The Practice Directorate commissioned a Poll to gather information on Canadians attitudes towards Psychologists and Accessing Psychological Services. See the Poll results here Survey of Canadian Attitudes Toward Psychologists and Accessing Psychological Services.