IRC Articles in Psynopsis & Psygnature

Psychology 2021 (Vol 43, No 3, pp. 32-34)
Human Rights, Dignity, and Justice
(Naomi Koerner & Josephine Tan)

Psynopsis 2021 (Vol 43, No 2, p. 30)
Virtual Conferences of the Interamerican Society of Psychology and the Puerto Rico Psychology Association
(Naomi Koerner)

Psynopsis 2021 (Vol 43, No 1, p 32)
The International Union of Psychological Science: Roles, Functions, and Current Activities
(Saba Safdar)

* Psynopsis 2020 (Vol 42, No 3, pp 36-37)
The Global Voice For Science, Including Psychology
(Jennifer Veitch)

* Psynopsis 2020, (Vol 42, No. 2, p 29)
Remembering: Marta Yolande Young (1962-2019)
(Patrick Orchard, Submitted by Gira Bhatt (IRS) and Maya Yampolsky (ICCP)

* Psynopsis 2019 (Vol 41, No. 4, p 41)
A Conference on Intercultural Research at Shanghai International Studies Universities
(John Berry)

* Psynopsis 2019 (Vol 41, No. 3, p 29)
Russia And Cuba: Hosts of Two Major Conferences
(Janel Gauthier & John Berry)

* Psynopsis 2019 (Vol 41, No. 1, p 35 )
An International Gathering of Cross-cultural Psychologists in Guelph
(Saba Safdar)

* Psynopsis, 2018 (40, No. 4, pp 18-19)
Free Circulation of Scientists: Implications for International Psychology Conferences
(John Berry)

* Psynopsis, Winter 2018 (Vol. 40,. No. 1, pp 26 & 27)
The first Southeast Asia Regional Conference of Psychology: Human well-being and sustainable development
(Janel Gauthier)

* Psynopsis, Summer 2018 (Vol. 39, No. 3, pp 32 & 33)
Research in a Celtic nation
(Maxine Crawford)

* Psynopsis, Spring 2017 (Vol. 39, No. 2, pp 30 & 31)
Report on the third conference of the Caribbean alliance of National Psychological Associations
(John Berry)

* Psynopsis, Winter 2017 (Vol. 39, No. 1, pp 34 & 36)
A gathering of psychologists in Japan for two conferences
(Gira Bhatt)

* Psynopsis, Spring 2016 (Vol. 38, No. 2, pp 37)
Joining international organizations of psychology and becoming involved in their governance: How does it happen and what’s in it for you?
(Marie-Helene Pelletier)

* Psynopsis, Winter 2016 (Vol. 38, No. 1, pp 32 & 33)
Latin America: Host of two regional conferences of psychology
(Janel Gauthier & Marta Young)

* Psynopsis, Fall 2015 (Vol. 37, No. 4, pp 32)
Development of an International Declaration on Core Competences in professional psychology: Update
(Janel Gauthier)

* Psynopsis, Fall 2015 (Vol. 37, No. 4, pp 34)
International Society for theoretical Psychology (ISTP) 15th Biennial conference: June 2015, Coventry, England
(Randal Tonks)

* Psynopsis, Summer 2015 (Vol. 37, No. 3, pp 56)
ICAP 2018: Double,double, toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble
(David Dozois & Peter Graf)

Psynopsis, Winter 2015 (Vol. 37, No.1, pp. 43 & 46):
International knowledge exchange: Reflection of a Canadian Psychologist.
(Peter Suedfeld)

Psynopsis, Fall 2014 (Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 38-39):
Paris and Reim: Hosts of two international psychology conferences.
(Janel Gauthier, John Berry, & Saba Safdar)

Psynopsis, Spring 2014 (Vol. 36, No. 2, pp.63-64):
First ever Eastern African regional conference of psychology.
(Janel Gauthier & Gary Latham)

Psynopsis, Winter 2014 (Vol. 36, No. 1, p. 47):
Why become a delegate to the general assembly of the International Union of Psychological science?
(Janel Gauthier & John Berry)

Psynopsis, Winter 2014 (Vol. 36, No. 1, p.48):
Twin Peaks: The US hosts two international conferences in 2013.
(Saba Safdar)

Psynopsis, Summer 2013 (Vol. 35, No. 2, p. 53):
International Teaching: Challenges and Opportunities.
(John Berry)

Psynopsis, Summer 2013 (Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 45-46):
China to Canada: Reflections of an International Student of Psychology.
(Biry Zhou)

Psynopsis, Winter 2013 (Vol. 35, No. 2, p.57):
Memoranda of Understanding and International Relations in Psychology
(Janel Gauthier)

Psynopsis, Winter 2012 (Vol. 34, No 2, p. 55):
The International Society of Political Psychology: Connecting Psychology and Politics.
(Peter Suedfeld)

Psynopsis, Fall 2012 (Vol. 34, No. 4, p.46 & 47):
Highlights of the 22nd Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development
(Kimberly Noels)

Psynopsis, Fall 2012 (Vol. 34, No. 4, p.45 & 47):
South African International Conferences 2012
(Janel Gauthier & John Berry)

Psynopsis, Spring 2012 (Vol. 34, No 2, p. 35):
The Caribbean Regional Conference of Psychology
(Janel Gauthier and John Berry)

Psynopsis, Fall 2011 (Vol. 33, No 4, p. 41):
Cape Town to Host 30th International Congress of Psychology
(Saths Cooper – in collaboration with the Canadian National Committee)

Psynopsis, Summer 2011 (Vol. 33, No 3, pp. 26-27):
A Room with a View of La Boulangerie: A Sabbatical Journey
(Saba Sadfar)

Psynopsis Winter 2011: pg. 39
Melbourne International Conferences 2010
(Janel Gauthier and John Berry)

Psynopsis Fall 2010: pp. 32-33
Highlights of the 2010 General Assembly of the International Union of Psychological Science Melbourne, Australia, July 14-15, 2010
(John Berry and Janel Gauthier)

Psynopsis Summer 2010: pg. 34
Launching an International Alliance for Organizational Psychology
(Gary Latham)

Psynopsis Winter 2010: pg. 19
Doing Psychology Internationally while on Sabbatical Abroad
(Randy Tonks)

Canadian Psychologists International Activities
Psynopsis 07 for a scan of the ICSU statement on the free circulation of scientists