CPA Developmental Section Research Award
The CPA Developmental Section is proud to announce 2018 Developmental Section Research Awards. These research awards will foster and support exciting and important emerging developmental research. Research trainees of all levels (undergraduate and graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers) from all areas are invited to apply for this support for their developmental research project by November 1st, 2018 for this $2000 award. Application guidelines are available here.
CPA Developmental Section Travel Awards for travel to SRCD 2019
The CPA Developmental Section is proud to announce 2019 Travel Awards to support CPA Developmental Section Members’ travel to the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) biennial meeting. The travel award supports the dissemination of important, innovative, and impactful Canadian Developmental Psychology research, sharing it with a large international audience. Undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows are invited to apply by October 1st, 2018 for this $500 award. Details are available here.
The Elinor Ames Award
The Elinor Ames Award is given to the best student presentation in the Developmental Section at our annual convention. The award winners receive $500 and are recognized on the Developmental Section website.
Full award eligibility and adjudication criteria are available here.
2018 Winners

Congratulations to Miao (Kitty) Qian, PhD Candidate at the University of Toronto, for her award-winning CPA presentation A long-term effect of perceptual individuation training on reducing implicit racial bias in preschool children.

Congratulations to Chantel Ritter, MSc Student in School and Applied Child Psychology at the University of Calgary, for her award-winning CPA presentation Externalizing Mental Health Issues in Children and Youth with Multiple Early Risks..

Congratulations to Kylee Clayton, M.A., PhD Candidate in Clinical Psychology at the University of Manitoba for her Ames Award-winning poster The Relationship Between Methodological Variables and Attachment Classification in the Strange Situation Paradigm: A Meta-Analysis.
Previous Winners
The 2011 winner was Austin Sye of Trent University for her poster presentation entitled "Early mathematical development: Processes that lead to higher levels of understanding
." Congratulations to Ms. Sye!
Two students were tied for second place in this year’s competition. They are Danielle Labine of Ryerson University and Gregory MacLean of St. Francis Xavier University. Charlene Parker of St. Francis Xavier University and Jessica Flores of University of British Columbia also gave poster presentations worthy of honourable mention.
The 2010 winner was Jennifer Barrett of Laurentian University for her poster presentation entitled "Youth’s perceptions of cyber-bullying." Congratulations to Ms. Barrett!
The 2009 winner was Belinda Boekhoven of Carleton University for her poster presentation entitled "Extra-curricular arts activities for adolescents, and the effects of parental involvement." Congratulations to Ms. Boekhoven!
Travel Award
All CPA Developmental Section members who are student (undergraduate or graduate) or postdoctoral researchers and who were presenting research at this year’s conference were eligible to apply. Full application criteria and instructions are available here.
2018 Winner

Congratulations to Ghinwa El-Ariss, graduate student at Trent University, and winner of the 2018 Travel Award for her poster Making of a trouble-maker: Association between attachment and everyday sadism.