CHAIR 2024-2025
Dr. Lesley Graff
Dr. Graff is the Provincial Medical Specialty Lead for Clinical Health Psychology, Shared Health, Manitoba responsible for workforce, planning, and delivery of clinical psychology services in the health system across the province. She is also Professor and Head, Department of Clinical Health Psychology, Max Rady College of Medicine, University of Manitoba. She has been on medical staff at Manitoba’s largest tertiary hospital, Health Sciences Centre, in Winnipeg for 30 years. Dr. Graff’s clinical and academic work is integrated in the area of behavioral medicine with acute and chronic disease, focused on gastrointestinal disorders and chronic pain. She established the provincial GI Psychology clinic in the 1990s, and additionally has worked with multidisciplinary teams in pain and bariatric surgery clinics. She has supervised clinical and research trainees from the undergraduate to postdoctoral level. Her research on the role of psychological factors such as stress, depression, anxiety, and resilience in disease course and management of inflammatory bowel disease is well known internationally. Dr Graff is a Fellow of the Canadian Psychological Association, and has previously served on the CPA Clinical Section executive, including a term as Chair.

Dr. Sean Kidd, C.Psych.
Dr. Kidd is a Clinical Psychologist, Senior Scientist, and the Division Chief of Psychology at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and an Associate Professor in the University of Toronto Department of Psychiatry. Areas of Dr. Kidd’s research focus have included developing and trialling interventions for individuals with severe mental illnesses and youth who have experienced homelessness. His research has included trials of cognitive and critical time interventions for schizophrenia spectrum populations, housing stabilization interventions for homeless youth, digital health interventions for severe mental illness, and global health work in the area of climate change and homelessness. As Chair Elect, he assists with planning and organizing Section activities and responsibilities.

Dr. Jane Heintz Grove, Ph.D., C.Psych.
Dr. Heintz Grove is a Clinical Psychologist, Development and Rehabilitation Service at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario and a Clinical Professor with the School of Psychology at the University of Ottawa. With over 20 years of working in the hospital and health care sector, she is actively involved in psychology training, as well as collaboration and consultation with a variety of health professionals. She provided psychology practice leadership for 13 years at the Ottawa Children’s Treatment Centre. Her role as Secretary/Treasurer includes keeping a record of section activities, including the annual budget, and minutes of general meetings of the Executive Committee.

Aidan O’Callahan
Aidan O’Callahan is a clinical psychology student at the University of British Columbia and is passionate about the future direction of his profession, especially in the context of hospitals and health centers. His research focuses broadly on mental health visits to emergency departments and evidence-based interventions. As the student representative, he is a vital link between student members and the PHHC section. He advocates for students working in public settings and helps the executive to create more opportunities for student involvement (e.g., the Graduate Student Symposium at the CPA Convention).

Dr. Kelsey Collimore, C.Psych.
Dr. Collimore is a Clinical Psychologist in the Mood and Anxiety Program at The Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre and a Clinical Investigator with the Institute of Mental Health Research. She is also an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Clinical Professor in the School of Psychology at the University of Ottawa. She is actively involved in psychology and psychiatry training, provision of consultation to other health professionals, quality improvement, and evaluation research.

Dr. Kerry Mothersill
Dr. Kerry Mothersill is the Coordinator of the Regional Psychological Assessment Service (Calgary Zone, Alberta Health Services) and an Adjunct Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Calgary. He was the Psychology Professional Practice Lead in the AHS, Calgary Zone from 2011 to 2021. He provides Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and psychological assessment services in private practice in addition to teaching, supervision and research. Former positions in Psychology organizations include: President of the College of Alberta Psychologists, the Canadian Psychological Association, and Psychologists Association of Alberta; Chair of the Psychologists in Hospitals and Health Centres Section and the Clinical Section, (CPA); and Chair of the Canadian Council of Professional Psychology Programs.

Dr. Joseph Pellizzari
Dr. Joseph Pellizzari is the Professional Practice Lead for Psychology at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, a McMaster University affiliate. He has been a hospital-based psychologist for over 20 years working at the interface of medicine and mental health. Recent clinical interests: critical care psychology, palliative care, renal transplant, and in-situ staff support.

Dr. Amanda Pontefract
Dr. Pontefract is Profession Leader for Psychology at The Ottawa Hospital (TOH). She is a Clinical Professor with the School of Psychology at the University of Ottawa and a Clinician Investigator with the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute. She is involved in graduate-level teaching and training, with a focus on individuals living with physical disability or chronic illness. Her role as Secretary/Treasurer includes keeping a record of section activities, including the annual budget, and minutes of general meetings of the Executive Committee. She works with CPA Head office to maintain an up-to-date list of members, dues paid and approved Section expenses.

Benjamin Diplock
Dr. Diplock is the Pediatric Psychology and Integrated Care Postdoctoral Fellow at Weill Cornell Medicine, and a recent graduate of the Clinical Developmental Psychology program at York University. His research has focused on evaluating in-person and virtual interventions for clinical (e.g., brain injury, learning disabilities) and non-clinical populations. As Ex Officio and previous student representative, he is a consultant for the Section.