Clinical Neuropsychology Section: Executive


Nicolás Narvaez Linares

Nicolás Narvaez Linares, Ph.D., C.Psych.

Nicolás completed his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at the University of Ottawa in early 2022. Currently, he is pursuing post-doctoral training in Clinical Neuropsychology at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO), in School Psychology at the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB), and in Clinical Psychology in private practice. Nicolás will be seeking registration in these areas with the College of Psychologist of Ontario and l’Ordre des Psychologues du Québe. He provides neuropsychological and psychoeducational assessments to children and youth who have a medical condition, a neurodevelopmental disorder (e.g., ADHD, ASD, APD, ID, SLD), or are gifted/twice-exceptional.



Past Chair

Theone Paterson

Theone Paterson, Ph.D., R.Psych

Dr. Theone Paterson is the Past Chair of the Clinical Neuropsychology section. She is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at University of Victoria, and teaches within the Clinical Psychology Graduate Program. She is also a co-investigator, and site principal investigator for the Victoria data collection site, of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA). Her research focuses on examining the interplay between neurocognition and psychosocial functioning, and the prediction of real-world health outcomes in aging and chronic illness groups. Dr. Paterson is also a practicing Clinical Neuropsychologist with lifespan focus.


Sabrina Lemire-Rodger

Sabrina Lemire-Rodger, Ph.D., C.Psych.

Dr. Sabrina Lemire-Rodger is a Member-at-Large of the Clinical Neuropsychology section. Dr. Lemire-Rodger is a registered neuropsychologist and clinical psychologist in Ontario. Her clinical work focuses on the assessment and treatment of individuals with acquired brain injury, dementia, mood disorders, and trauma. She is part of the Trauma Recovery Clinic at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and also works in private practice. She is passionate about integrating clinical and neuropsychology, as well as clinical training and supervision. She is a graduate of York University and completed her residency in the Neuropsychology and Cognitive Health program at Baycrest Health Sciences and the Neuropsychology Clinic at the Krembil Neuroscience Center at UHN’s Toronto Western Hospital.

Amir A. Sepehry

Amir A. Sepehry, MSc, PhD
CPA – Psychopharmacology Chair
CPA – Director of Chairs
BCPA – President

Dr. Sepehry has an extensive training as a scientist – practitioner. He completed his doctoral training by combining works from the University of Victoria (UVIC) and the University of British Columbia (UBC). Completed a Post-doctoral training in neurology at UBC, and forensic neuropsychology. He has published nearly 100 peer reviewed manuscripts, book chapters, and encyclopedias chapters ( Before his doctoral training, Dr. Sepehry completed a master’s program in psychiatric sciences/pharmacology at the Universite de Montreal (In French). Dr. Sepehry is currently teaching at the Adler University (Vancouver) as an assistant professor of clinical psychology, and adjunct professor of counselling psychology. Dr. Sepehry serves at the CPA as the psychopharmacology section chair, and Chair of the Council of Sections. He is currently the BCPA president.

Iris Yusupov

Iris Yusupov is a Member-at-Large of the Clinical Neuropsychology section. She is currently a Ph.D. student in York University’s Adult Clinical Psychology program in the Neuropsychology stream. She is completing her pre-doctoral residency at Baycrest Hospital. Her clinical training to date includes providing psychotherapy, cognitive rehabilitation, and conducting neuropsychological assessments in a variety of settings such as hospitals, correctional facilities, and private practices. Iris also has an MBA and graduate diploma in Health Industry Management. She is on the Board of Directors of a long-term care facility for veterans in Toronto. Her dissertation research is evaluating the newly translated online version of the in-person Memory & Aging Program®, a memory-strategy training and brain health promotion intervention for healthy older adults offered at Baycrest Hospital.

Sara Pishdadian

Sara Pishdadian

Dr. Sara Pishdadian is a Member-At-Large in the Clinical Neuropsychology section. She is a graduate from York University’s Adult Clinical Psychology program in the Neuropsychology stream and The Ottawa Hospital’s Clinical Psychology, Neuropsychology stream predoctoral internship. She works as a clinical psychologist and clinical neuropsychologist in supervised practice at The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) where she conducts research and provides psychotherapy, cognitive rehabilitation, and neuropsychological assessment services to individuals with individuals with neurological, neurodegenerative, and psychiatric illness.

Student Representatives

Somayya Saleemi

Somayya Saleemi, B.Sc. (Hons.) (She/her | Elle)
PhD Student, Clinical Psychology / Étudiant en Doctorat, Psychologie Clinique

Somayya Saleemi (she/her) is a Doctoral student at the University of Ottawa in the Clinical Psychology program. Her research is focused on the effects of bilingualism on cognition and aging. Other areas of interest include child psychology, clinical neuropsychology, and research ethics. She completed her Hons. BSc. in Psychology from York University in Toronto, followed by an Ontario Post Graduate Certificate in Clinical Research from Humber College. Currently, she is serving as a clinical program representative on UOttawa’s Graduate Association of Students in Psychology, and is passionate about advocacy related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking, swimming, and spending time with her three cats named Potter, Weasley, and Hermione.