Message from our Student Representative, Payden Spowart
Hello Members! I am honoured to have received the nomination for the position of Student Representative for the Counselling Psychology Section of CPA. I am looking forward to working with the executive and members of the executive over the next two years, continuing to build upon the work of my predecessors, and initiating new projects that help advance the profession of counselling psychology.
For those who don’t know me, I am a third year PhD student in the Counselling Psychology Program at the University of Calgary. As I write this, I have completed my coursework and am preparing for my candidacy exams. My research area is focused on clinical supervision, multiculturalism and social justice. I had wonderful opportunities in my doctoral program to learn about and then provide clinical supervision to masters students, which served as some of the motivation for this research. Prior to beginning my PhD, I completed my undergraduate and masters degree at the University of Victoria and worked in the field for several years. Since getting back into the student life, I have enjoyed recommitting to serving my peers, and am excited to take on the student representative position.
I look forward to contributing to the section over the next couple years and invite members, especially student members, to reach out and connect with me about issues that are important to you or questions you might have about the counselling section. You can reach me via email at pspowart@ucalgary.ca
For up to date information on conferences, networking opportunities or other initiatives being carried out by the section, follow us on the CPA Counselling Psychology Student Section Facebook page.
All the best
Payden Spowart
For up to date information on conferences, networking opportunities or other initiatives being carried out by the section, follow us on the CPA Counselling Psychology Student Section Facebook page.
Graduate Studies in Counselling Psychology Presentation – September 2017
Student Travel Award
For the 2019 annual convention, we will have a draw for three $200 Section student travel awards, to help students to attend the Counselling Psychology Section Annual Meeting at ICAP.
- Be a Student Affiliate of the Section on Counselling Psychology (note that this is different from being a student member of CPA).
- Attend the Section Annual Meeting at the 2019 CPA National Convention
Call for CPA Counselling Psychology Student Awards
The Counselling Psychology Section of CPA offers awards annually for:
- Best Doctoral Dissertation Award (one award)
- Best Master’s Thesis Award (one award)
- Best Conference Poster Award (two awards)
These awards are awarded for outstanding student research in the field of counselling psychology, and include a monetary prize ($100).
Best Thesis/Dissertation Awards
The Best Doctoral Dissertation and Best Master’s Thesis Awards are given annually to one doctoral and one Master’s student for their outstanding research conducted in a Canadian counselling psychology program.
NEW Inclusion Criteria:
- . The research must have been successfully defended within 2 years prior to the annual award submission date.
- . A student’s research can only be nominated once for each award.
- . A nomination letter, written by a section member, must accompany the application, along with a two (2) page summary of the thesis/dissertation, written by the student, which should include the following:
- . Background/rationale; Research question(s); Methodology; Results (2/3 or the summary).
- . Implications and Contributions to the field of Counselling Psychology (1/3 of the summary).
Summary should be double spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins. In addition to the two-page summary, the student should include a title page and references. Tables and figures may also be included as appendices.
Evaluation rubric: a) Contribution to knowledge and understanding in counselling psychology; b) Originality; c) Quality of the research, as evidenced by (i) clear and compelling statement of research problem/question, (ii) appropriate methodology and methods, (iii) findings/results that are clear and show evidence of rigor, (iv) compelling and well-grounded conclusions and implications, and (v) discussion of limitations; d) Quality of the writing.
Nominators are kindly invited to submit the nomination letter and the student’s 2-page summary to martha.chamodraka@mcgill.ca by May 15, 2019.
Awards will be announced at the 2019 CPA National Convention in Halifax, NS, during the Section Counselling Psychology AGM. If a winner is absent, he/she will be emailed after the convention.
Best Conference Poster Awards
The Best Master’s Conference Poster Award and the Best Doctoral Conference Poster Award are given for outstanding research projects completed by graduate students. Posters are evaluated for:
- Contribution to knowledge and understanding in counselling psychology
- Quality of the research
- Quality of the writing
- Visual appeal and organization of the poster
- The student’s engagement in questions and comments about the poster
The student needs to be first author on the poster. Students do not need to be a member of the Counselling Psychology Section to be eligible for these awards. The amount of each award is $100.
a) All students accepted to present their poster at the annual convention are made aware via e-mail that their poster will automatically be considered for either the Best Master’s Poster or the Best Doctoral Poster (the option of opting out is provided).
b) Candidates are to be next to their posters during the scheduled poster session of the convention.
c) There will be 3 or 4 reviewers who will do a preliminary review of the posters. Each reviewer will review a specific number of posters (as opposed to all) in order to allow for more time to engage with the candidates on their list. No two reviewers will adjudicate the same poster.
d) After the convention, reviewers will submit their top selections to the Executive Committee, leading to a short list of candidates.
e) The short-listed candidates will be asked to submit an electronic copy of their poster for final review by the Member at Large: Awards, in consultation with the rest of the Executive Committee.
The winners will be e-mailed after the conference and will be given the opportunity to have an abstract of their work included in the next issue of the counselling psychology newsletter, Kaleidoscope.
For more information, please email the Awards Coordinator – Martha Chamodraka atmartha.chamodraka@mcgill.ca
Best Thesis Award: Jasmine Nathoo, University of Calgary, with "Investigating the Phenomenon of School Integration: The Experiences of Pre-Service Teachers Working with Newcomer Youth"
Best Doctoral Poster Award: Chelsea Arseneault, University of Alberta, with "Facing the future with hope: Supporting youths’ transition out of care"
Best Master’s Poster Award: Syler Hayes, Adler University, with "What helps or hinders university students to overcome learned helplessness in academic environments?"
Best Dissertation/Thesis: Zarinna Giannon, University of British Columbia; Kaori Wada, McGill Uinversity
Best Poster: Chen Vu, University of British Columbia
Past Student Award Winners
Best Dissertation/Thesis: Chelsea Arsenault, University of New Brunswick
Best Poster: Maggie Brennan, University of Alberta; Micheal McDaniel, University of British Columbia
Best Dissertation/Thesis: Tatjana Elez, University of British Colombia.
Best Poster: Shakib Nasrullah, McGill University; Julie Cohen, University of British Columbia
Best Dissertation/Thesis: Emily Christina Koert, University of British Colombia; Aiofe Freeman, University of Calgary
Best Poster: Meris Williams, University of British Colombia; Megan Suehn, University of British Colombia
Best Dissertation/Thesis: Lauren Johnson, University of Alberta; Marnie Rogers-de Jong, University of Calgary; Jennifer Williams, University of Alberta
Best Poster: Dilys Haner, York University; Erin Buhr, Trinity Western University
Best Dissertation/Thesis: Aviva Laye-Gindhu, University of British Columbia; Breanne Faulkner, OISE-University of Toronto.
Best Poster: Lara Schulz, University of Calgary; Jennifer Williams, University of Alberta.
Best Dissertation/Thesis: Danielle Brossseau, Trinity Western University; Radha Messmer, University of British Columbia; Chantelle Quesnelle, University of Calgary.
Best Poster: Touraj Amiri, OISE-University of Toronto; Nichole Pickett, University of New Brunswick
Best Dissertation/Thesis: Lara Cross, University of New Brunswick.
Best Poster: Emily Koert, University of British Columbia; Gena Davies, Trinity Western University; Arlene Simpson University of Victoria.
Best Dissertation/Thesis: Olga Sutherland, University of Calgary; Marnie Fukushima-Flores, University of British Columbia.
Best Poster: Maria Iaquinta, University of British Columbia; Linda Klevnick, OISE-University of Toronto; Danielle Brosseau, Trinity Western University; Tina Lee, Trinity Western University.
Best Dissertation/Thesis: Becky Stewart, Trinity Western University.
Best Poster: Natalie Hansen, University of British columbia; Olga Oulanova, OISE-University of Toronto; Reana Saraceni, University of Calgary;
Best Dissertation/Thesis: Robin Cox, University of British Columbia
Best Poster: Michelle Emmerling, University of Alberta; Babatunde Ogunfowora, University of Calgary
Best Dissertation/Thesis: Karen Kranz, University of British Columbia; Vivian Dzedzora, Univerrsity of British Columbia
Best Poster: Holly McLean, University of British Columbia; Ronaye Coulson, University of Calgary; Elaine Greidanus, University of Alberta; Summerlee Samuels, University of British Columbia; Sean Latimer, Trinity Western University
Best Dissertation/Thesis: Shari Couture, University of Calgary
Best Poster: Michel Eugene, University of Montreal
Best Dissertation/Thesis: Patrice Keats, University of British Columbia