Ressources d’intérêt pour les praticiens

Ressources pertinents pour la pratique de la psychologie

Le portail des meilleures pratiques en psychologie est une plateforme en ligne gratuite destinée aux psychologues, aux stagiaires en psychologie, aux professionnels de la santé mentale et comportementale et aux usagers des services de santé mentale de partout au Canada. Il fait le lien entre la recherche et la pratique en fournissant les dernières ressources fondées sur des données probantes, des informations utiles pour orienter la pratique clinique, ainsi que des échelles et des outils cliniques gratuits que les cliniciens peuvent télécharger. Sur ce site Web, les psychologues approfondiront leurs connaissances sur l’utilisation de la pratique fondée sur des données probantes, du suivi en continu des résultats de la psychothérapie, des guides de pratique clinique, des réseaux praticiens-chercheurs et des outils cliniques dans leur travail. On trouve également sur cette plateforme des vidéos qui permettent de s’informer auprès de cliniciens, de chercheurs et d’étudiants.

Le portail des meilleures pratiques en psychologie est disponible en anglais et en français. Il a été élaboré par une équipe nationale de chercheurs et de cliniciens, financée par le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines (CRSH), la Section de psychologie clinique de la SCP, ainsi que la Section des psychologues en milieu hospitalier et en centres de santé. Le site Web a été créé par les Drs Martin Drapeau, Maxine Homlqvist, Annett Korner et David Dozois, avec l’aide de nombreux psychologues et étudiants en psychologie.

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Ken Pope

  • Ken Pope – Antidepressant Medications: 68 Meta-Analytic Studies Published in 2014-2019. I updated a web page to help therapists, caregivers, expert witnesses, researchers, and others keep up with new meta-analyses of antidepressant medications. For each brand name and generic antidepressant, I searched out meta-analytic studies on its uses, effectiveness, risks, side effects, differential effects on different populations, etc., focusing on studies published in 2014-2018.The studies look at potential side-effects such as risk of gastrointestinal bleeding, coronary heart disease, and so on.

    They also look at the use of antidepressant meds not only for depression but also for other conditions.

    Each of the 68 listings includes both the citation and a brief excerpt.

  • Ken Pope – Telepsychology, Telehealth, & Internet-Based Therapy. This collection of resources is intended to help therapists, counselors, and other clinicians to keep abreast of the rapidly evolving professional guidelines, research, treatments, legal standards, innovations, and practices in the areas of telepsychology, telehealth, and internet-based therapy. It’s divided into 3 sections:
    1. ) Links to 28 sets of professional guidelines that focus on telepsychology, online counseling, internet-based therapy, etc.
    2. ) Citations for 73 recent (i.e., published in 2015-16) articles
    3. ) State Psychology Board Telepsychology Laws, Regulations, Policies, & Opinions–This third section was generously compiled by psychologist Kenneth R. Drude, and I am indebted to him for his kind offer to post it on the web page.


  • NEW STANDARDS OF CARE & RESOURCES FOR BOUNDARIES, DUAL RELATIONSHIPS, GIFTS, CONFLICTS OF INTEREST, BARTERING, ETC.; PRACTICAL GUIDES, REFERENCES, & OTHER RESOURCES Making thoughtful, informed decisions about whether to cross a particular boundary with a client can sometimes be a real challenge for most of us. Boundary crossing can enrich psychotherapy, serve the treatment plan, and strengthen the therapist-client working relationship.They can also undermine the therapy, disrupt the therapist-patient alliance, and even cause harm to clients.

    I’ve just updated and expanded a web section of resources that may be helpful in thinking through issues and choices about whether to cross various boundaries under different circumstances with different clients.

    This set of resources is intended to make it easier for clinicians keep up with the evolving standards of care, research, and creative approaches to multiple relationships, bartering, and other boundary issues.

    The resources fall into 5 major ares:

      I’ve collected excerpts addressing boundary issues from the the ethics codes & other formal professional standards (with links to the original documents) published by professional associations including the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT); American Association of Christian Counselors; American Association of Pastoral Counselors; American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists; American Board of Examiners in Clinical Social Work; American Counseling Association; American Mental Health Counselors Association; American Music Therapy Association; American Psychoanalytic Association; American Psychological Association; American School Counselor Association; Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards; Australian Association of Social Workers; Australian Psychological Society; British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy; British Association of Social Workers; British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors; Canadian Counselling Association; Canadian Psychological Association [with quotes from both the current 3rd edition and the draft 4th edition of the CPA Ethics Code]; European Association for Body- Psychotherapy; Irish Association for Counseling & Therapy; National Association of Social Workers; & Psychological Society of Ireland;
      I’ve gathered quotes from a variety of research studies and other published articles and books on boundaries in clinical work.
      Included are those by Michael Gottlieb, by Janet Sonne, & by Jeffrey Younggren.
      The article are from *American Psychologist*, *Professional Psychology*, *American Journal of Psychiatry*, etc. Among those included are : « A Practical Approach to Boundaries in Psychotherapy: Making Decisions, Bypassing Blunders, and Mending Fences »; « Misuses and Misunderstandings of Boundary Theory in Clinical and Regulatory Settings »; « The Concept of Boundaries in Clinical Practice: Theoretical and Risk-Management Dimensions »; « A Study Calling for Changes in the APA Ethics Code regarding Dual Relationships, Multiple Relationships, & Boundary Decisions »; « Dual Relationships Between Therapist and Client: A National Study of Psychologists, Psychiatrists, and Social Workers »; « Dual Relationships: Trends, Stats, Guides, and Resources »; & « Nonsexual Multiple Relationships & Boundaries in Psychotherapy. »


  • Ethics Codes & Practice Guidelines — Ethical Standards & Practice Guidelines for Assessment, Therapy, Counseling, & Forensic Practice
    This is a web page of links to over 170 ethics codes, standards of care, and practice guidelines in the areas of therapy, counseling, forensics, and assessment. The links lead to complete copies of formal codes, standards, and guidelines addressing:

    1. specific areas of practice (e.g., online psychotherapy, forensic, rehabilitation, neuropsychology, school psychology, group therapy, body work, hypnotherapy. employee assistance, pastoral counseling, equine-assisted psychotherapy, biofeedback, pre-employment psychological assessments, custody evaluations, diminished capacity assessments, end-of-life decisions; evaluation of sex abuse in children);
    2. specific aspects of practice (e.g., supervision, managed care, duty to protect, record keeping, email communication with patients);
    3. specific theoretical orientations (e.g., Christian Association for Psychological Studies; Canadian Psychoanalytic Society); and
    4. different professions (e.g., psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, counselors).

    Currently links *only* include documents that are both: (a) in English and (b) free to everyone (i.e., no fees or restrictions).

  • Ken Pope – Resources For Coronary Heart Disease. A resource to make it a little easier for clinicians, researchers, and others to keep up with the evolving research on psychological factors related to the causes of, treatments for, and recovery from coronary heart disease.This web page provides the citations for and excerpts from 80 recent studies of the psychological aspects of coronary heart disease development, treatment, and recovery published in peer-reviewed journals. All of the studies were published in 2013-16.The studies are diverse, focusing on cognitive and emotional factors, optimistic and pessimistic styles, prayer, PTSD, post-traumatic growth, complicated grief, cognitive training, mindfulness based interventions, acceptance-based behavior therapy, psychological factors linked to prognosis, social support, purpose in life, Type D personality, quality of life, « illness cognition, » and so on.

Pour la liste complète des documents que vous pouvez commander cliquez ici. Pour le bon de commande cliquez ici.



Gouvernement du Canada

Le bureau de l’enquêteur correctionnel (BEC)

Institut Canadien d’information sur la santé (ICIS)

Rapports de la psychologie

Canadian Psychology Associations

International Psychology Associations

Psychology Resource Sites

The Roundtable is an instrument of information analysis and ideas concerning the linkage between business, the economy, mental health and work.

A web site of The Global Social Change Research Project.

As the professional arm of the International Network on Personal Meaning, ISEPP is a multi- and interdisciplinary organisation dedicated to encouraging and advancing research and education in existential psychology and psychotherapy.

The mandate of the restructured unit is to promote and support mental health and reduce the burden of mental health problems and disorders, by contributing to the development, synthesis, dissemination and application of knowledge, and the development, implementation and evaluation of policies, programs and activities designed to promote mental health and address the needs of people with mental health problems or disorders.

CIHI is an independent, pan-Canadian, not-for-profit organization working to improve the health of Canadians and the health care system by providing quality, reliable and timely health information.

Making the Internet a practical tool for research and collaboration within the healthcare community.

A Health Canada publication that provides reliable information on a range of health-related topics.

Run by psychologist Dr. John Grohol, it is an information service providing an excellent selection of links under « Mental Health & Psychology Resources, » « What is…?, » and « Have I got…? ».

PsychNet-UK is a privately owned web site developed to provide access to a host of sites which may be often sought by persons engaged in the mental health professions.

A service organization within the Psychology Department at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale which provides professional services in applied research, evaluation, and consulting.

This website offers a new perspective on this disorder, one based on current clinical and neuroscience research. It presents a model of ADD/ADHD as essentially a problem with executive functions, the management system of the brain. It describes how a child or adult with ADD/ADHD can focus very well on a few activities that intensely interest them, yet be unable to focus adequately on most other tasks of daily life. It explains how ADD/ADHD often looks like a weakness in willpower, but isn’t.

The Canadian Association for Adolescent Health (CAAH) seeks to ensure that Youth receive the best possible health care and services. CAAH offers quality health information to help youth make choices and stay healthy.

A bilingual regional mental health promotion and intervention program run by youth, for youth.