Meanings of Inclusion: Perspectives of Young People with Disabilities and their Parents

Title: Meanings of Inclusion: Perspectives of Young People with Disabilities and their Parents

Description: We are conducting this study to explore the perspectives of key groups of people on inclusion and gain a deeper understanding of what inclusion means to them. In the interview, we will be asking questions about your/your child's experiences at school.

Specifics: Study Population: You are invited to participate if:
1. You are a youth diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, and/or learning disabilities.
2. You are enrolled in a school in Ontario in grades 10, 11, or 12;
OR, you are a parent of a youth meeting the above two criteria.

Participant Obligation:
Participants will complete an interview lasting up to 1 hour. The interview will be audio/video recorded. Participants who complete interviews will receive a $30 gift card. Please contact to participate or for more information.

Location: In-person (at the University of Guelph or the participant's residence) OR Online (Ontario)

Project lead: Riya Sharma, Supervisor: Dr. Kieran O'Doherty

Study Dates: May 31, 2024 to September 30, 2024