Survey of Violence Risk Assessment Stakeholders #97

Title: Survey of Violence Risk Assessment Stakeholders

Description: This study seeks to examine professional perceptions of violence risk assessment reports from the perspective of stakeholders (i.e., direct users who read completed violence risk assessment reports and then make decisions on cases). Specifically, the current research aims to examine the clinical utility of specific components of violence risk assessment reports. Of note, the current research seeks to examine how helpful/useful case formulation is from the perspective of those who read violence risk assessment reports and then make case decisions (e.g., regarding treatment planning, sentencing, conditions).

Study Population
Various stakeholders in North America, including forensic mental health treatment providers (i.e., psychologists, psychiatrists, and counsellors) who routinely receive/review violence risk assessment reports as part of their jobs.
Participant Obligation
Participants will complete an online survey where participants will report on their perceptions of violence risk assessment reports in general, and read three mock violence risk assessment reports and answer questions about the reports.

Location: Online-Burnaby, BC.

Project lead: Erin Fuller, Supervisor: Dr. Kevin Douglas

Study Dates: July 26, 2023 to July 26, 2024

Study Website: