Past Presidents Committee / Comité d’anciens présidents

Chair / Président

Eleanor Gittens

Members / Membres

All Past Presidents

Contact the Committee / Contactez le comité

Terms of References

The role of the Committee is to advise, assist and provide feedback to the Board of Directors and the Presidential Officers.


The Committee’s goal is to provide advice and feedback to the Board of Directors during the annual meeting of the Committee held during the CPA annual convention or during the year as required.


The Committee reports to the Board of Directors through the current Past President, who is also the Committee Chair.


The Committee is composed of all CPA Past Presidents available and interested in being part of the Committee.

Responsibilities of Committee Members

The Committee has an advisory role and as such has no delegated responsibilities.

Membership Term

There is not fixed term for Committee membership

Meetings and Reporting

Throughout the year communication will take place primarily through e-mail. Conference calls will be arranged by the Chair when needed. Meetings are minuted. Regular communication of the plans and activities of the Committee will be provided to the membership through the Committee’s Annual Report to the Annual General Meeting, and may also consist of articles in Psynopsis, information on the web site and information sent to the Board of Directors through the Chair of the Committee.


In November 1998, the CPA Board of Directors approved the creation of the Committee of Past Presidents and they first met during the 60th anniversary of the Association in Halifax, June, 1999.