A look through the kaleidoscope of culture: How Canadian second-generation immigrants’ identities shape their sexual attitudes

Title: A look through the kaleidoscope of culture: How Canadian second-generation immigrants’ identities shape their sexual attitudes

Description: The goal of this study is to better understand the sexual attitudes of second-generation immigrants with non-Western origins, as well as how culture and various personal identities shape second-generation immigrants' sexual attitudes.

Specifics: Study Population:
To be eligible to participate in the online survey, a participant must:
be 18 + years old;
be born and reside in Canada;
have at least one parent born in a non-Western country;
and read English well or very well.

Participant Obligation:
Participants will be asked to complete a brief online questionnaire that will take no more than 20-29 minutes.

Location: online - Ottawa

Project lead: Pari-Gole Noorishad, Supervisor: Krystelle Shaughnessy

Study Dates: October 7, 2024 to January 6, 2025

Study Website: https://uottawapsy.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2303ta67VOrTXZY