CPA offers a wide variety of CPD opportunities: Pre-convention workshops, other convention programming, journals and online learning.
Anyone can register, whether a CPA member or not. Preferred rates are available for CPA members, students and in some cases, groups. Please click here for more details about CPA membership.
CPA’s online courses can be great group learning opportunities. Our courses through Vocalmeet can even be purchased at a discount in groups of 5. An institutional license is also available for larger groups.
All psychologists are expected to keep their knowledge relevant and up-to-date, regardless of whether such activities are monitored. Engaging in CPD also frequently enriches one’s career satisfaction.
Yes! CPA’s pre-convention workshops often include coverage of specialized research and data analysis techniques, as well as other career development issues. CPA is always interested in developing additional CPD resources for all members – please contact us at with any suggestions.
CPA’s online courses are hosted on servers outside of Quebec, thus the OPQ has indicated that approval through their system is not necessary. However, please see the course catalogue for more information on which courses are eligible to be claimed by Quebec psychologists.
CPA’s online courses with Vocalmeet are approved for both CPA & APA CE credits. The CPA is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The CPA maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
All of CPA’s online courses include audio/video along with PowerPoint slides. At the present time closed captioning is not available. Please contact CPA at with any inquiries regarding accessibility of online or in person events.
CPA’s journals offer many French language articles. Convention programming is available in French when submitted by French speaking presenters, and translation is available for certain events. Currently CPA’s online courses are not available in French. Please contact with any inquiries regarding French options.