FAQ about the R2P2

What is the Recruit Research Participants Portal (R2P2)?

This CPA-member-only portal has been developed to allow CPA members to post requests for other CPA members to serve as participants in their research studies.

Who can post requests for participants to the R2P2?

R2P2 is a CPA-members-only tool; therefore you must be a member of CPA (or someone from the research team must be a member of CPA) to submit abstracts to the R2P2.

At least one member of the research team must be a psychologist. The psychologist must be a member of CPA.

How do I make a submission to the R2P2?

Please read the Submission Guidelines before submitting to the R2P2 database.

Once you have read the Submission Guidelines you can submit your abstract using the online form.

How long should the description of my research study be?

Descriptions of the research study are limited to 1400 characters. This roughly translates to between 200-250 words.

Are there any conditions to posting a research project?

Before descriptions are posted, you must provide CPA with evidence of REB approval, show that at least one member of the research team is a student or full member of CPA, and have a psychologist on the research team that is a member of CPA.

Are CPA members the right target audience for my research study?

CPA members include a broad range of psychology professionals and students in psychology. Using the R2P2 to recruit participants for your research study may be useful if you are seeking the following types of participants:

  • Psychology practitioners
  • Psychology researchers
  • Students
  • General adult population

Please Note:  If you are seeking children and/or youth participants for your research study, the R2P2 database is not an appropriate recruitment method. If you have indicated on your research abstract that you are seeking child and/or youth participants, your submission will be declined.

What happens after I submit my research abstract?

Once submitted, your project description will be reviewed by a CPA staff member. Following review, you will be notified, via email, of the reviewer's decision.  The reviewer's decision will be one of the following:

  1. Reviewed, waiting for documentation (e.g., proof of ethics approval)
  2. Reviewed, pending revisions (Note: staff will contact you to discuss any revisions that are required)
  3. Declined (Note: at times, projects are declined - for example, because researchers are seeking participants, such as children, who are not CPA members or because they do not meet the conditions of submission)
  4. Accepted

Please Note:  CPA does not guarantee participant recruitment via the portal nor does it bear any responsibility for participants' experience participating in your study.

Where can I view my research abstract once it has been submitted to R2P2?

To view your submission as it is seen by other members of CPA go to the R2P2 – Public Listings of Research Projects page.

How can I modify my research summary after it has been submitted to the R2P2?

Once you have submitted a research abstract to the R2P2, you will not be able to edit your submission. If you need to make changes to your research abstract, please contact Dr. Lisa Votta-Bleeker. In your email, please include the following information in addition to the changes you need to make to your research abstract:

  • the name of the project leader
  • the title of your project

We will ensure that your project is updated in a timely manner.

I’m having trouble submitting my research abstract. Who should I contact for help?

If you have additional questions or any difficulties submitting your research abstract to the R2P2, please contact Dr. Lisa Votta-Bleeker:

  • Email
  • Telephone: 613-237-2144 ext. 322 or 1-888-472-0657 ext. 322
Where does the call for participants appear on the website?

Submission are posted on the Recruit Research Participants Portal (R2P2) page.

What can I expect CPA to do to advertise my study?

Once accepted, your research abstract will be posted in the Public Listings portion of the R2P2 on CPA's website.

New postings will be announced via CPA’s electronic newsletter, CPA News, and posted on the “News and Events” of the Researchers page on the CPA website.

CPA staff will delete projects from the Portal when the study period ends.