
Research, practice, and education directs the CPA’s mandate. In support of education, the CPA promotes excellence and innovation in the education and training of psychology in Canada by liaising with the Chairs of Departments of Psychology in Canada, supporting and promoting education and training in psychology through all stages of university study, identifying issues impacting teachers and students of psychology, post-degree and post-licensure continuing education needs, development of accreditation standards and guidelines for training in psychology, recognizing contributions of teachers, trainers and students, and educating the public and other stakeholders on psychological topics.

For information about the CPA’s education activities, please contact David Mercer, Education and Professional Development Advisor, CPA, via email ( or by phone (613-237-2144, ext. 328 or toll-free: 1-888-472-0657 ext. 328), or see the Education and Training Committee page.