Federal Election 2021

Federal Election 2021: CPA’s Director of Policy and Public Affairs, Glenn Brimacombe, reviewed the platforms of the 4 political parties that run candidates in all regions of the country and have standing in the House of Commons. He created a table of excerpts from the parties’ platforms which speak to their respective commitments on the following topics:

  • Health Care
  • Mental Health
  • Substance Use Health
  • Research
  • Indigenous Peoples
  • Human Rights/Equality/Equity
  • Climate Change
  • Persons Living with Disabilities
  • Conversion Therapy
  • Medical Assistance in Dying
  • Home Care/Long-Term Care
  • Public Health
  • Basic Income

The information in the table, which can help inform members conversations with their candidates, can be found at 2021 Federal Election Platform Comparisons.pdf For more information on the platforms, please go to:

For a list of all Canada’s registered political parties and to access their websites and platforms, go to https://www.elections.ca/content.aspx?section=pol&dir=par&document=index&lang=e

To familiarize yourself with the advocacy activities of the CPA, please go to cpa.ca/advocacy. If you have questions, please send them to PublicAffairs@cpa.ca.