The Peter Graf Student Research Award is given by the Brain & Cognitive Science Section to two students with the strongest presentations for the BCS section at the CPA convention. Each winner is recognized with a certificate and a cheque for $250
To be considered for an award, the student MUST:
(1) Be a member of the CPA section on Brain and Cognitive Science
(2) Be the primary/first author of the submission
(3) Provide a written summary of his/her work (about 1000 words) in PDF format; the summary must include a brief introduction, followed by a summary of the Method, Results, and Discussion
(4) Provide a letter from the student’s supervisor indicating that the research summary represents the student’s independent contribution
Awards will be determined based on a written summary of the research, poster layout/style, and in person presentation at the conference. Students from all levels of education are encouraged to apply (e.g., graduate, undergraduate, dissertation).
Past Award Winners
T-Jay Anderson (Mount Saint Vincent University)
Anna Maslany (University of British Columbia)
Philip Aucoin (Mount Saint Vincent University)
Rory Waisman (University of Manitoba)
Bryanna Graves (Rotman Research Institute)
Linette Lawlor-Savage (University of Calgary)