Psychologists in Hospitals and Health Centers

Psychologists in Hospitals and Health Centers

Chair: Lesley Graff


The Psychologists in Hospitals and Health Centers Section will provide a forum for psychologists who are employed, practice, teach, or conduct research in hospitals and health care settings.

In pursuance of this purpose, the Section:

  1. provides information to members about current activities, events, research and practice developments in the area;
  2. organizes sessions at the annual CPA Convention that are of interest to members;
  3. represents the interests of the Section within CPA through initiating such activities as position papers, guidelines, benchmarks, policy statements, and special meetings;
  4. makes representations, on behalf of its members to external organizations or agencies with the approval of the Executive Committee of the CPA Board of Directors;
  5. supports psychology leadership in their advocacy for administrative support for psychology practice and research;
  6. promotes standards of clinical service and practice-based research; and
  7. shares information among Canadian hospitals and health care settings regarding best practice services and the development and deployment of psychologists.

PHHC Section Student Awards Eligibility – 2023

Executive Committee Meeting

Annual Business Meeting


The Newsletter of the CPA Section of Psychologists in Hospitals and Health Centres, Volume 7, Issue 1 – Fall 2018 is now available.

Documents for Review:

The Guideline Development Committee has prepared the following documents for Section Members to review and comment:

  1. Psychologists Practicing to Scope: The Role of Psychologists in Canada’s Public Institutions
  2. Recommendations for Work Space – Open vs Private Office Space for Psychologists
  3. Guideline for the Organization of Psychology in Hospitals and Health Centres – This document provides recommendations for the organization of psychology and would be of primary interest to Psychology leaders and health care organization administrators.
  4. Resource Guide for Managers of Psychologists – This document can be used as a template and modified according to local jurisdictions and health care organizations. It is designed to provide information and guidance to Program Managers who are not Psychologists but who have or plan to have Psychologists on their health care teams.