SWAP Membership Coordinator: Dr. Lana Stermac (l.stermac@utoronto.ca)
SWAP Membership
Full Members and Student Members join SWAP when they join CPA or renew their membership each year. Please see the CPA membership pages for more information.
Associate Members of SWAP receive our newsletter three times a year, and enjoy full rights and privileges of membership (except for the right to nominate or hold office). The membership year extends from September to August.
According to section by-laws, Associate Membership is open to those persons who are not members of the Canadian Psychological Association, but who are involved in work or study relevant to the purposes of the Section on Women and Psychology.
The annual dues are as follows:
Associate Member: | $21.40 |
Sustaining Associate Member: | $32.10 |
Student Associate Member: | $5.35 |
If you are interested in becoming an associate member of SWAP, print out a SWAP Associate Membership Form, complete it, and return it and a cheque (made payable to CPA/SWAP for the appropriate amount) to:
Department of Applied Psychology & Human Development
University of Toronto/OISE
252 Bloor Street West, 9-199
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1V6
E-mail: l.stermac@utoronto.ca
Reciprocal Fee Arrangement Between SWAP and Division 35 of the American Psychological Association
The Society for the Psychology of Women (SPW; APA Division 35) and the Section on Women and Psychology (SWAP; CPA) have entered into a reciprocal fees arrangement such that any member of SWAP may join SPW (Division 35) for $15.00 USD. This fee applies to all categories of membership. Such members would receive four issues of the Psychology of Women Quarterly published annually as well as the four annual issues of the SPW Newsletter, and enjoy full rights and privileges of membership. SWAP members who are not full members of APA are also eligible for SPW membership but may not vote in division elections for APA representatives. Note that the membership renewal schedule for SPW follows the calendar year as does APA membership. If you are interested in this offer, please follow this link to the application form.
Canadian Feminist Psychology Listserv – CanFemPsyc
SWAP members are invited automatically to join the Canadian Feminist Psychology (CanFemPsyc) Listserv each year and can choose to accept or decline the invitation. This group provides a forum for announcements and discussion related to feminist psychology in Canada.