Saba Safdar (Chair),
John Berry (CPA Canadian delegate to the IUPsyS General Assembly)
Lindsay McCunn (Member-at-Large)
Stryker Calvez (Member-at-Large)
Thomas Teo (Member-at-Large)
Chris Hinbest (Student Member)
Karen Cohen (The CPA Chief Executive Officer/Observer)
Jennifer Veitch (Chair of the CPA International Relations Committee)
Jean Saint-Aubin (Chair of the CPA Scientific Affairs Committee)
* Terms of Reference : Canadian National Panel for the International Union of Psychological Science: A Body under the CPA International Relations Committee
Add: The new Terms of Reference for CNP/IUPsyS were approved by the CPA Board (in 2020) in support of Canada’s affiliation with the IUPsyS.
* website :