Certificate of Academic Excellence

The Board of Directors of the Canadian Psychological Association approved in May 1999 the implementation of a Programme of Certificates of Academic Excellence to recognize outstanding achievements made by students at all levels of study (Hounours, Master’s, Ph.D.) in each Canadian department of psychology.

This programme has been endorsed by the Council of Canadian Departments of Psychology. The award is in the form of a certificate that each psychology department in Canada would distribute each year to the best undergraduate, masters and doctoral thesis.

This programme was initiated and is strongly supported by the CPA Section for Students. As such, it is strongly recommended that each review committee include a student, preferably the departmental CPA Student Representative.

The Canadian Psychological Association strongly believes that students are the future of psychology and that they should be encouraged by having their achievements recognized.

University psychology department chairs are sent the call to submit in early May.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the CPA Head Office at education@cpa.ca or 1-888-472-0657 ext. 1323.

2024 Certificate of Academic Excellence Laureates (PDF)

Past Laureates

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