April 11, 2025
Contact Phone Number: (604) 322-9581
Contact E-Mail: bespokementalhealthcanada@gmail.com
Event Link: https://www.bespokementalhealth.ca/live-events/advert/foundations-in-psychedelic-therapy-research
Join Bespoke Mental Health Canada for a workshop delivered by Dr. Nadav Liam Modlin
Can’t attend on that date? Just watch it ‘on demand’ any time
This training will provide mental healthcare professionals with an introduction to the experimental use of psychedelics for the treatment of psychiatric conditions, including depression and PTSD. Clinicians will learn about the types of compounds being researched, their proposed indications, potential benefits, and their associated risks and side effects. Through a trauma-informed lens, providers will also learn about the key clinical principles and practices utilized across psychedelic clinical trials. This training provides the foundational knowledge and understanding necessary to navigate the evolving landscape of psychedelic research and its potential implications for clinical practice.
Bespoke Mental Health Canada is approved by the Canadian Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists. Bespoke Mental Health Canada maintains responsibility for the program. Participants who complete this workshop (either live or on-demand) are eligible to receive 3 CE credits.
Professionals: $100.00 CAD + tax Students: $80.00 CAD + tax