Message from CPA’s President,
2024-2025: Dr. Anita Gupta
Dr. Anita Gupta Presidential Message Introduction:
One of the most exciting times of the year for the Canadian Psychological Association is the Annual Convention. This is a time for those involved in psychology in Canada to come together, learn from each other, envision future projects, and to forge new and deepen existing relationships with others who are part of Canadian psychology. As one convention ends, it is also a time of change at CPA in terms of presidential officers. I would like to share with you a video of the remarks I made after the gavel was passed to me at the Annual General Meeting of CPA’s 85th Annual National Convention held on June 22, 2024. As President of CPA for 2024/2025, I look forward to the year ahead, a year centered on connection, engagement, and dialogue, even when, especially when, things seem difficult. Through dialogue and engagement, grounded in psychological principles and learning, we will continue to strive to meet CPA’s vision of a society where understanding of diverse human needs, behaviours and aspirations drive legislation, policies and programs for individuals, organizations and communities. Doing so will also serve us in CPA’s mission of advancing research, knowledge and the application of psychology in the service of society through advocacy, support and collaboration, and as we create our next Strategic Plan.