Call for Nominations for the 2021 CPA Board of Directors

Nominations are required for the positions of: 

  • Director-at-Large

Note: All Board terms are for three years (beginning in June).

As specified in By-Law 5.04, Directors shall be elected by the members by ordinary resolution at an annual meeting of members at which an election of Directors is required.

Instructions for Nominations

As per By-Law 5.06, any CPA Member can submit a nomination for election to the Board of Directors for the open positions, not less than 30 nor more than 65 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting of Members (AGM). A call for an electronic advance vote will be issued before the AGM. Advance voting will occur by electronic vote.

Members and Fellows of the Canadian Psychological Association are invited to make nominations for the position listed above.  Each nomination must include a curriculum vitae for the candidate, including educational background, present and former positions, and research and/or professional activities. It must be accompanied by a letter from the nominator and four letters of support that state the position for which the candidate is being nominated, express support for the candidate, and contains a statement to the effect that the nominator has ascertained the candidate’s willingness to stand for nomination. The nomination letter and letters of support must come from CPA Members or Fellows. In addition, each nomination must include a statement from the nominee, not to exceed 250 words, that indicates the nominee’s highest degree and current positions(s) as well as any credentials, major awards, and licenses held. Most importantly, the letter should detail the qualities, interests and goals the candidate brings to their nomination, as well as a picture to be used on the electronic ballot. 

The names and supporting materials of nominees must be received at CPA Head Office by May 10th, 2021 and should be sent by email to:

For the Present Board Representation please click here

Please take this opportunity to speak with colleagues and friends about running for a seat on the CPA Board of Directors.  Your association needs you – membership engagement makes for a strong and successful organization!

**Please note that CPA affiliates and associates are not eligible to run for a seat on the CPA Board of Directors.