Press Release: The Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) urges all governments to answer the call for amendments to the Criminal Code of Canada and ban conversion therapy.

Ottawa, ON (December 2, 2021). At the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), we heartily welcomed Minister Lametti’s proposed amendments to the Criminal Code of Canada, announced this week, which would ban conversion therapy in Canada.

In 2015[1], the CPA called for a ban on any therapy with the goal of “repairing” or “converting” an individual’s sexual orientation, regardless of age. Not only does scientific research fail to support the efficacy of such therapies, but it also shows that these therapies can lead to anxiety, depression, negative self-image, feelings of personal failure, difficulty sustaining relationships, and sexual dysfunction.

In 2018[2], the CPA joined psychological associations around the world in a statement about human sexuality and gender diversity. Says CPA President, Dr. Ada Sinacore, “among the problems impacting the health and well being of LGBTQI2S+ people worldwide is the continued use of conversion and reparative therapies which are not only ineffective but cause significant psychological harm.” As noted in the 2018 statement, human experience includes a range of sexual identities and orientations which are not mental disorders and do not have to be changed or repaired through intervention.

Through its Guiding Principles and Strategic Plan, the CPA has committed to policy and activity that is guided by respect, integrity, diversity, and inclusion. Says CPA’s CEO, Dr. Karen Cohen, “prejudice and discrimination have no place in any of the world’s societies.  Societies prosper by supporting the health and wellbeing of all their peoples, no matter their identities.”

The amendment proposed this week by Minister Lametti to ban the use of conversion therapy has the full support of the CPA. We encourage all federal MPs, and every member of the senate, to vote in favour of this important step forward for a more inclusive Canada.


Contact the CPA:

Communications Specialist Eric Bollman
613-237-2144 ext 337
1-888-472-0657 ext 337

