Teaching of Psychology Section

Teaching of Psychology Section

Chair: Dr. Alyssa Counsell

2023-24 Executives:

Past Chair: Dr. Elena Antoniadis

Secretary/Treasurer: Dr. Marla Morden

Communications Director: Dr. Jan Gelech

Student Representative: Laura Bandi


Teaching of Psychology (ToP) became a full-fledged CPA Section in 1980, with Constitution and By-Laws formally approved by CPA’s Board of Directors in 1991. ToP was the natural child of the Interest Group in the Teaching of Psychology (IGTP), which had been formed at Convention ’75 in Quebec City. According to the IGTP News (Fall/Winter 1975-76), “IGTP [was] the successor to CIIG, the College Instructors Interest Group, which … met annually in conjunction with the Canadian Psychological Association … since the 1972 meetings in Montreal.”

The general aim of the Section on the Teaching of Psychology is to provide a forum for the exchange of information, ideas and data concerning all aspects of teaching, including methods and styles of teaching, innovative pedagogical techniques, and aspects of student behaviour and evaluation. To this end, each year at CPA the Section offers a teaching-related symposium, paper session or workshop, the ongoing general theme of which has been since 1989, “Improving the teaching of psychology.”

Executive officers are the Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary Treasurer.  Annual section dues are $12.00 for CPA Members and $5.00 for CPA Student Affiliates. Section funds will be used to create teaching and/or travel awards for members.