Traumatic Stress Section

Traumatic Stress Section

Chair 2024-2025: Dr. Alina Protopopescu


Welcome to the CPA Traumatic Stress Section website. Our website has been designed to provide useful information to psychologists, researchers, other professionals, and the broader public pertaining to the science and clinical practice of psychotraumatology.

We welcome your participation in our mission and specific goals as described below. Please also let us know about related news, upcoming events, job listings and recent publications.

The Canadian Psychological Association Traumatic Stress Section has partnered with the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) for a Global Collaboration project.

We acknowledge and appreciate that there are visitors here who are coping with the aftermath of traumatic life events including, but not limited to, incidents of war and peacekeeping efforts, tragic workplace or automobile accidents, natural and human disasters, and interpersonal-domestic violence including childhood maltreatment. We encourage you to make use of the information provided on our website, and to seek the support of both those around you as well as professional help as needed.

Please do not hesitate to contact any of the executive committee members of CPA-TSS as we remain committed to serving your needs and interests. Thank you for visiting our website.



The purpose of the Traumatic stress section is to promote evidence-based mental health assessment and treatment, educate the public about the importance of appropriate traumatic stress treatment and research, and actively encourage the involvement of appropriate public and private sector agencies in the development of effective policies and procedures to address the psychological effects of traumatic stress within the Canadian population.

Specific goals of the section are to:

  • Promote evidence-based mental health care for trauma survivors;
  • Promote best-practice assessment protocols for use with trauma survivors;
  • Advocate for research funding for the psychosocial consequences of disaster, interpersonal violence, industrial and transportation accidents, medical trauma, emergency work, military, and other types of trauma to which the Canadian public is exposed;
  • Advocate for populations particularly vulnerable to traumatic stress given their status and/or history, e.g., First Nations, refugees, new immigrants;
  • Advocate with both government and private third-party insurers for more inclusive coverage of effective interventions for the psychological consequences of traumatic stress;
  • Inform the Canadian public about the prevalence, economic effects and psychological science pertinent to traumatic stress;
  • Establish information exchanges with other national and international associations involved with traumatic stress issues.

Benefits of Joining the Traumatic Stress Section:

By joining the Traumatic Stress Section, you will have access to:

  • Quarterly newsletters
  • Networking opportunities for students, researchers, and career professionals
  • Reduced dues for the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) membership
  • Reduced fees for ISTSS conferences
  • And more!

How to Join?

To join our section, please:
Contact the CPA office ( or 1-888-472-0657)