Mind Pad Editorial Board, 2021-2022
University of Guelph
Email: pastchair.cpastudentsection@gmail.com
Joanna is a second-year PhD student in the Clinical Psychology program at the University of Guelph. She completed a Master of Public Health from the University of Toronto in 2018 as well as a Master of Arts from the University of Guelph in 2020. She has received clinical training at the UofG Centre for Psychological Services, with a Toronto school board, as well as several community psychological practices. Her SSHRC-funded doctoral research aims to better understand how women conceptualize and enact justice after an experience of sexual assault. As part of the student section, she serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Mindpad. In her spare time, she enjoys volunteering in her community, listening to live music, and hanging out with her cats.
Associate Editors
Jessica D’Arcey (University of Toronto-Scarborough)
Jess is a first-year MA student in the Clinical Psychology program at the University of Toronto, Scarborough in the Therapeutic Interventions for Psychosis Lab. She has completed a BSc in Mental Health Studies as well as an MSc in Medical Science at the University of Toronto. Her research interests are in exploring mechanisms of symptom maintenance and recovery in serious mental illnesses, like psychosis. In her research, she plans to work closely with individuals with lived experience to enhance interventions aimed at person-centred recovery and improved quality of life. She also has a special interest in digital mental health strategies for people experiencing psychosis and other mental health conditions. Jess has been a student member of CPA since 2014 and is starting as an editor with MindPad this year. Outside of psychology, Jess enjoys spending her time outside in nature, making art or crafts of any kind, and spending time with her pets, friends, and friends’ pets!
Juliana Khoury (University of Regina)
Juliana is a first-year Masters in Clinical Psychology student at the University of Regina. Her primary research interests are mental health among public safety personnel and sexual violence. Her master’s thesis will examine gender differences in mental disorders among public safety personnel and the role of sexual assault and harassment in those differences. Outside of research, Juliana likes going for long walks, board games, politics, and brunch foods.
Angela MacIsaac (Lakehead University)
Angela is a second-year PhD student in the Clinical Psychology program at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario, where she also completed her master’s degree. Her dissertation research is on the topic of perceiving oneself as a victim across interpersonal relationships and how this relates to adversity, perceptions of stress, and posttraumatic beliefs. Other research interests include evaluating the use of smartphone apps for mental health interventions. In her spare time, she enjoys the beauty of northern Ontario via hiking, running, and camping.
Danika Quesnel (Western University)
Danika is a Master’s Student in the clinical psychology program at Western University. Her program of research and approach to clinical practise is grounded in an interdisciplinary perspective as she aims to bring the mind and body together by merging her background in health sciences with psychology. An avenue by which this is achieved is through her research investigating dysfunctional exercise in clinical samples like eating disorders as well as in the general population. Through knowledge translation efforts, she aspires to create tangible changes to practises in clinical psychology and in society as a whole.
Mazen Elkhayat (McMaster University)
Adrian Berk Safati (University of Waterloo)
Yadurshana Sivashankar (University of Waterloo)
Fariha Asif (University of Alberta)
Joshua Tippe (University of Alberta)
Brianna George (Yorkville University)
Catherine Kim (Harvard Extension School)
Véra-Line Montreuil (Université du Québec en Outaouais)
Samantha Ayers-Glassey (University of Waterloo)
Ratanak Ly (Adler University)
Maya Atlas (Ryerson University)
Maire O’Hagan (Ryerson University)
Anastasia Amelia Mekhael (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
Rida Ahmed (University of Waterloo)
Rebecca Lewinson (York University)
Nikhil Kieran Hemant Chauhan (University of Waterloo)
Surbhi Gupta (University of Toronto)
Alexandra van der Valk (University of Waterloo)
Andrea Lee (Ryerson University)
Megan Manels-Murphy (Saint Mary’s University)
Garima Gupta (University of Waterloo)
Shanley Weston (Saint Mary’s University)
Kat Timms (Carleton University)
Lindsay Samson (York University)
Chantal Trudel (University of Waterloo)
Ava Homiar (McMaster University)
Alexandra Deck (Laurentian University)
Sartu Osman (University of Manitoba)
Katrina Waytowich (Laurentian University)
Véra-Line Montreuil (University of Ottawa)
Victoria Kavanagh (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
Tania Alves (Laurentian University)
Maddy Blazer (University of Windsor)
Meg Booth (Ontario Tech University)
Jacob Riches (University of Guelph)
Karen Kumar (University of Waterloo)
Kayla Hollett (Concordia University)
Christopher Hinbest (Ontario Tech University)
Brady Roberts (University of Waterloo)
Historical Contributors
Rana Pishva (Founder)
I believe that students should be proactive in their education, and ultimately, MindPad is about creating learning opportunities. In proposing the project, I wanted to create a platform where psychology students could sharpen their writing skills, experience the editing and publication process, and learn to critically review articles. I wanted MindPad to be a safe and enriching environment where students could grow professionally. The CPA head office was exceptionally supportive of the project, and MindPad was born with the help of my colleagues, Karen Cohen, Brenden Sommerhalder, and Tyler Stacey-Holmes (just to name a few). I was excited to witness students’ enthusiasm to write or edit for MindPad. As the Editor-in-Chief, I met interesting people, learned about the editing process, and gained confidence in my professional skills.
I encourage students to seek and create opportunities to grow as professionals,
Rana Pishva