Educational and School Psychology Section

Educational and School Psychology Section

Chair: Steven Shaw



The Educational and School Psychology Section is the national forum for the advancement of research and practice of psychology in educational settings. The purpose of this Section is to promote the study of issues, opportunities, and challenges relevant to educational and school psychology training and practice, and as special interest areas in psychology.

Section Activities:

The Educational and School Psychology Section:

  • Provides information to members about current activities, events, research and practice developments in educational and school psychology
  • Organizes sessions at the annual CPA Convention that are of interest to members
  • Represents the interests of educational and school psychologists within CPA through a variety activities including position papers, policy statements, and task forces
  • Makes representations, on behalf of its members to external organizations or agencies with the approval of the Executive Committee of the Section and the CPA Board of Directors.
  • Prepares and distributes newsletters
  • Engages in other activities designed to promote educational and school psychology as approved by the Section’s Executive Committee.

For more Information about the Mission and Activities of the Section, download our Terms of Reference.


What do Educational and School Psychologists do?

Most members of the Educational and School Psychology Section identify as educational psychologists or school psychologists. Educational psychologists typically are researchers who investigate human learning processes in typically developing individuals and individuals with special educational needs, the impact of classroom, family and cultural factors on learning and development, and the efficaciousness of educational interventions on students’ learning and development. They often work in faculties of education where they teach courses in educational psychology or special education, or in school district research departments.

Like educational psychologists, many school psychologists do research on learning and typical and atypical development and some work in university professional training programs, but they also are practitioners (typically licensed or registered psychologists) who work in school districts, postsecondary disability/accessibility centres, mental health settings, and private practice. Among other things, they conduct psychoeducational assessments, consultations with teachers and school administrators to support them in the implementation of interventions for individual students with learning, social, emotional, and behavioural difficulties, and consultation regarding implementation of school-based and whole school system prevention programs and interventions.

The document School Psychology in Canada – Roles, Training, and Prospects describes what school psychologists do and the credentials and training they require. It lists and provides links to university programs that provide that training as well as provincial associations that license (register) psychologists and advocate for them.