Student News & Newsletters | Nouvelles et bulletins d’information

Bursary for Equity Deserving Graduate Psychology Students – Call for Applications NOW OPEN

The CPA is pleased to offer four grants valued at $2500.00 each for equity deserving psychology student affiliates, and two grants valued at $2500.00 each for black psychology student affiliates. To qualify for this bursary, students must be enrolled in, or have been accepted into, a psychology graduate program at a provincially or territorially chartered Canadian University as a full-time student and be student affiliates of the CPA in good standing, at the time of application and if successful, for the duration of the bursary. The purpose of this bursary is to off-set personal living expenses and/or tuition fees.

Deadline for applications is March 31, 2025.

For more information, click here.

Registration is Now Open for CPA2025: 86th Annual National Convention

CPA2025 Convention LogoCPA2025 will take place from June 12-14, 2025, at the St. John’s Conference Centre in St. John’s, NL. Pre-convention Professional Development Workshops to take place on June 11th. This is an event not to be missed!

CPA Student Affiliates who identify as Indigenous can obtain a registration fee waiver if registering by June 3rd.


Psynopsis Vol.46, Issue 4 now available online

Psynopsis Volume 46, Issue 4 on Education and Training is now available.

Find all of our issues of Psynopsis here.

Fall 2024 Newsletter of the CPA Section for Students

Dear Students,

We are very happy to distribute the Fall Newsletter of the CPA Section for Students.  CPA Student Newsletter, Fall 2024

Kind regards,
The CPA Student Section Executive Team

CPA’s Indigenous Student Award: Scholarship in Undergraduate & Graduate Psychology

The purpose of this program is to encourage and support Indigenous (Inuit, First Nations, or Métis) students entering psychology undergraduate and graduate programs in Canadian universities. This is an academic merit-based award that also takes into consideration life factors such as motivation to excel in the field of psychology and level of need in overcoming barriers to attending university. Application requirements include: official transcript, CV or resume, personal statement, and one letter of support. Recipients of the bursary will be required to be CPA student affiliates in good standing for the duration of the bursary.

Deadline for applications is November 28th.

Click here to apply:

Click here for full instructions:

BMS Student Leadership Scholarship

BMS LogoCongratulations to the Recipients of the 2023 Leadership Grant sponsored by BMS towards training, practice or leadership-focussed development (e.g., registration in course/workshop, conference, rationalized activities) in all areas of psychology;

– Amy MacQuarrie, University of New Brunswick Saint John
– Kaitlyn Mahon, Memorial University

New Issue of Mind Pad now available!

Mind Pad Winter 2023 – Volume 11, Issue 1. Full Issue:

Mind Pad - Winter 2023 or (PDF)

CPA Student Newsletter Archive | Archive du bulletin de la section des étudiants de la SCP