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Psynopsis accepts submissions of 400-900 words relevant to the theme or appropriate for one of our regular columns (i.e. Psychology in the Spotlight, Campus Profile, etc.). Please see our editorial guidelines for further information.

In an effort to publish a breadth of articles and avoid duplication of topic area, before making your submission, please contact Managing Editor, Sherene Chen-See at to discuss the content of your intended submission.

Issue & Submission Deadline Scope
Issue 4, Vol.46

Deadline: September 5, 2024

Title: Education and Training

“*Due to tremendous response, kindly note we are no longer accepting submissions for this issue of Psynopsis*

So much of what we do is steeped in history. It’s where we come from, it’s what makes us proud, and it makes us comfortable. If we were given a chance to aspire for something different, what would we hold onto and what would we shift and change to meet what will be coming to us over the next decade in science, practice, and education? What types of education and training does the next generation of psychologist need?

We seek insightful articles that address innovative teaching methods, curriculum development, training models, and the challenges and opportunities in educating future psychologists. Whether you are an educator, researcher, or practitioner, share your experiences and research findings to contribute to the evolving field of education and training in psychology.

Issue 3, Vol.46

Deadline: May 5, 2024

Title: Women in Leadership

We invite insightful articles aimed at deepening our understanding of the psychological dimensions that shape and influence women in leadership roles across diverse settings. Articles including research findings, initiatives, and personal narratives that illuminate the complexities, challenges, and triumphs of women in leadership roles both within the field of psychology (i.e., within scientific, academic, and clinical settings) and beyond are welcome. We also welcome the submission of articles that specifically address the unique leadership experiences of marginalized women.














Fall 2013 (PDF & References) – Vol. 35, No. 4
Summer 2013 (PDF & References) – Vol. 35, No. 3
Spring 2013 (PDF & References) – Vol. 35, No. 2
Winter 2013 (PDF & References) – Vol. 35, No. 1


Fall 2012 (PDF & References) – Vol. 34, No. 4
Summer 2012 (PDF) – Vol. 34, No. 3
Spring 2012 (PDF) – Vol. 34, No. 2
Winter 2012 (PDF) – Vol. 34, No. 1


Fall 2011 (PDF) – Vol. 33, No. 4
Summer 2011 (PDF) – Vol. 33, No. 3
Spring 2011 (PDF) – Vol. 33, No. 2
Winter 2011 (PDF) – Vol. 33, No. 1


Fall 2010 (PDF) – Vol. 32, No. 4
Summer 2010 (PDF) – Vol. 32, No. 3
Spring 2010 (PDF) – Vol. 32, No. 2
Winter 2010 (PDF) – Vol. 32, No. 1


Fall 2009 (PDF) – Vol. 31, No. 4
Summer 2009 (PDF) – Vol. 31, No. 3
Spring 2009 (PDF) – Vol. 31, No. 2
Winter 2009 (PDF) – Vol. 31, No. 1


Fall 2008 (PDF) – Vol. 30, No. 4
Summer 2008 (PDF) – Vol. 30, No. 3
Spring 2008 (PDF) – Vol. 30, No. 2
Winter 2008 (PDF) – Vol. 30, No. 1