Student Section Executive 2024-2025

Chair (2024-2025)

Anisa Nasseri.jpg

Anisa Nasseri

University of British Columbia

Anisa Nasseri is a second-year master’s student in the School and Applied Child Psychology Program at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC. Her research interests broadly revolve around facilitating the growth and development of children and youth to help them reach their fullest potential. She has a specific focus on understanding the experiences of newcomer students and families in Canadian schools. Additionally, Anisa is intrigued by the application of positive psychology in educational settings. For her master’s thesis, Anisa is investigating the experiences of immigrant parents during their child’s psychoeducational assessment. In terms of practical experience, she has worked as a tutor providing one-on-one instruction for children with learning differences. She has also worked as a behavioural interventionist and a preschool English teacher in China. Anisa has engaged in various community service roles, such as mentoring through Big Brothers Big Sisters, facilitating youth groups, leading English classes for refugees and newcomers, and conducting peer-support sessions. Apart from her academic and community service involvement, Anisa enjoys trying new restaurants, thrifting, reading, and spending time with family and friends.

Past-Chair (2024-2025)

Melissa Lazo

Melissa Lazo

University of British Columbia

Melissa Lazo is a second-year PhD student in the School and Applied Child Psychology program at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC. Her doctoral research looks at the factors associated with school success and well-being among students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Her Master’s thesis investigated the relationship quality between elementary school teachers and female students with ASD, as well as the associated factors. Melissa is currently working as a student clinician conducting psychoeducational and neuropsychological assessments for children, adolescents, and adults with head trauma, learning disorders, intellectual disabilities and other social- emotional difficulties. She is also a practicum student at ABLE Clinic where she provides counselling services and conducts psychoeducational and autism assessments to children and adolescents. In her free time, Melissa enjoys travelling, hiking, dancing, and spending time with her friends and family.

Chair-Elect (2024-2025)

Alzena Ilie

Alzena Ilie

Dalhousie University

Alzena Ilie is a second-year PhD student in the Clinical Psychology program at Dalhousie University. She is supervised by Dr. Penny Corkum, and her research interests are focused on pediatric insomnia and creating novel online interventions to help treat insomnia and promote sleep health in children and adolescents, as well as creating eHealth professional development programs to train healthcare providers on how to properly assess and treat pediatric sleep disorders. Her dissertation is focused on creating an mHealth sleep health program for university students. Outside of academics, Alzena is currently engaged in various extra-curricular activities. She is currently serving as the student representative on the Clinical Program Committee at Dalhousie, and she is the Co-President of the Dalhousie Association of Graduate Students in Psychology/Neuroscience. During her undergraduate studies, she served as Co-President of the Dalhousie Association of Psychology Students for two years, where she was involved in raising money for different charities, creating a psychology/neuroscience mentorship program, planning different academic workshops and events, and organizing and hosting a successful charity gala. Additionally, Alzena has engaged in various community roles, such as being a peer mentor in the CPA mentorship program, volunteering for the Canadian Association of Girls in Science (CAGiS) Halifax chapter, and serving as a panelist on a variety of graduate student Q&A panels. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, reading, cooking, and spending time with friends and family.

Graduate Student Affairs Executive (2024-2025)

Noemie Viens

Noemie Viens

Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

Noémie has achieved an honours bachelor’s degree in applied psychology at Bishop’s University. Since September 2021, she is a Ph. D. student in research and intervention in psychology at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières under the supervision of Mr. Frédéric Langlois and Ms. Marie-Pier Vaillancourt-Morel. Her main research interests include couples’ relationships, sexuality, and psychopathology. Her thesis work revolves around the association between perfectionism and sexual and conjugal well-being in a couple. At the end of her Ph. D., Noémie wishes to start a Postdoctoral research and eventually make a career in academia. To achieve her goals, she participates in diverse national congress (ACFAS, CPA, CSRF) and international congress (SSTAR, IASR, IARR) to spread the results of her research. Noémie is involved on different boards promoting the research in psychology. Among other things, she is involved as student representative on the organization committee of the 2024 Société Québécoise pour la Recherche en Psychologie (SQRP) congress as well as on the clinical research committee of her university. With the CPA, Noémie participates in the 2024 mentorship program as a mentor and participated as a reviewer of the posters for the 2024 convention. Since having a heart made for sharing knowledge, Noémie is involved in different scientific outreach initiatives, such as Science 101 and the student committee of the Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les Problèmes Conjugaux et les Agressions Sexuelles (CRIPCAS) to create and share informative scientific videos on their social media. Fun facts on Noémie: she loves line dancing and Grey’s Anatomy !

Undergraduate Student Affairs Executive (2024-2025)

Karla Heisela Cubilla

Karla Heisela Cubilla

McGill University

My name is Karla Heisele Cubilla, and I’m currently in my fourth year of pursuing a bachelor’s degree in psychology with a minor in anthropology at McGill University. Alongside my studies, I’ve developed my leadership skills and had the privilege of representing students in various capacities. As the former Vice President Student Life of the Students’ Society of McGill University, I served as an elected representative for over 24,000 undergraduate students, spearheading initiatives to enhance student engagement and well-being. I also managed the society’s mental health initiatives, coordinating programs to destigmatize mental health. In my current role as Governance Coordinator at the Students’ Society of McGill University, I continually refine my expertise in implementing governance structures and championing student advocacy. This pivotal position, combined with my tenure as Vice President of Projects and Events at the Spanish and Latin American Association, underscores my commitment to addressing student needs and fostering growth opportunities. My involvement extends beyond administrative duties. As Vice President, I dedicated myself to representing and empowering the Hispanic community, facilitating their seamless integration into Canadian society. I spearheaded initiatives to provide essential resources, establish connections, and celebrate our rich cultural heritage. These efforts not only enhanced inclusivity but also promoted cultural exchange and understanding within our diverse student body. The academic journey I’m on centers on continuous learning and research, leading me to pursue a master’s in counselling psychology after my undergraduate studies. I’m passionate about using counselling interventions to improve relationships and overall well-being. Through leadership roles, I’ve gained insights into student concerns, driving me to advocate effectively for positive change. My mission is to bridge communities and create an environment where every student thrives. Beyond academics, I enjoy reading classic novels and exploring new spots in the city, it’s these little adventures that keep me curious and open to all the amazing things that the city has to offer.

Administration and Finance Executive (2024-2025)

Marie-Pier Mazerolle

Marie-Pier Mazerolle

Université de Moncton

My main academic activities range from student councils to research assistantships, teaching assistantships, and peer help services. In terms of student engagement, I am a part of the Board of Directors of the Mood Disorders Society of Canada (MDSC) and Co-chair of their National Youth Advisory Council, where I participate in advocacy on Parliament Hill, team management, project creation, and proper preparation of meeting minutes. At the Université de Moncton, I have held roles such as: External Vice-president of the Undergraduate Psychology Society, Secretary & Treasurer of the student council of the Health Science Faculty, and member of the Strategic planning committee of the institution. I am also the undergraduate CPA representative at Université de Moncton, which I have been for the past year. In academics, I am both a tutor and assistant in 3 undergraduate courses as well as a research assistant in the Social Cognition Laboratory at my university. In effect, I’ve been very involved in research since my first year of undergrad, where I have gone off to present in national and international conferences and published in journals in my field. I have also been a crisis interventionist both at my university’s peer-help centre and at Kids Help Phone, where I still volunteer on an active basis. I am also a student mentor for first-year students at my institution. Considering my implications and interests, I aspire to complete further graduate studies to become a clinical psychologist. This aligns with my ongoing passion in advocacy to helping individuals with mental health challenges, and to foster resilience and growth in diverse populations. I hope to one day work in my home province, where I could be able to provide French services to my community who is very much in need.

Communications Executive (2024-2025)

Alexandra Brilz

Alexandra Brilz

University of Saskatchewan

Alexandra Brilz is a fourth-year Honours student at the University of Saskatchewan, majoring in Psychology and minoring in Mathematics. She will be joining the University of Saskatchewan’s Clinical Psychology MA/PhD program in the Fall of 2024. Alexandra’s journey is deeply rooted in personal experiences involving severe illness and a musculoskeletal disorder during her adolescence. Her struggles with physical and psychological pain during this time left a lasting impact and fuelled Alexandra’s passion for pediatric pain psychology. These experiences drove her to actively engage in pain research and work to make a positive diPerence in the lives of youth facing similar challenges. Alexandra joined Dr. Michelle Gagnon’s team in the Family Health Lab. Under Dr. Gagnon’s mentorship, she coordinated several CIHR-funded studies, including a longitudinal study examining the development of menstrual pain and other pain conditions in early adolescents, as well as the development and testing of a mindfulness app for menstrual pain in teens. Her doctoral research will focus on the impact of the physician-patient relationship on pediatric pain outcomes. Coming from a multidisciplinary background, Alexandra enjoys collaborating with individuals from other disciplines, institutions, and communities. She firmly believes that integrating diverse perspectives and making connections across communities and institutions provides the best opportunity to help individuals and communities. Previously living in Münster, Germany, Alexandra had the opportunity to volunteer for a year with the German Red Cross in a local hospital, supporting patients during their hospital stays. After returning to Canada, she became involved with the Saskatchewan Brain Injury Association and now works as a Program Facilitator for their weekly social support group. Working with communities to enrich the lives of others is her greatest joy and something she hopes to continue for years to come.

Francophone Affairs Executive (2024-2025)

Chloe McLaughlin

Chloe McLaughlin

Université de Moncton au Nouveau-Brunswick

Je m’appelle Chloé McLaughlin et je suis une passionnée de psychologie et de diversité linguistique. Je termine mon baccalauréat en spécialisation à l’Université de Moncton au Nouveau-Brunswick en avril 2024 en espérant continuer aux cycles supérieurs en septembre. Mon objectif académique est de contribuer à la recherche et à la pratique clinique en particulier au sein des communautés francophones. En ce moment, je travaille dans 2 laboratoires de recherche distincts, un dans le domaine de la psychologie de la santé en médecine communautaire et un sur les pratiques parentales saines. En dehors de mes activités académiques, je suis extrêmement investie dans la vie universitaire ainsi que dans ma communauté. En ce qui a trait à mon implication à l’université, je suis, entre autres, étudiante-mentore, paire aidante dans le centre d’aide par les pairs étudiants de l’université (soit un service en santé mentale sur le campus pour les personnes étudiantes), je suis représentante du campus de Moncton de l’Université de Moncton de la Société canadienne de psychologie et je fais partie de deux associations étudiantes, soit l’association étudiante de l’école de psychologie et l’association étudiante de la faculté des sciences de la santé et des services communautaires. En ce qui a trait à mon implication dans la communauté, je suis psychométricienne dans un centre de psychologie et je suis aussi animatrice pour les colloques de la Fédération des jeunes francophones du Nouveau-Brunswick (FJFNB). Je suis convaincu que mes compétences académiques ainsi que mon engagement personnel seraient très bénéfiques pour représenter et soutenir les intérêts des personnes étudiantes francophones en psychologie. En dehors de mes études et de mes engagements, je suis une personne qui adore voyager, rencontrer de nouvelles personnes et passer du temps avec sa famille et ses amis.

Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Executive (2023-2025)

Etinosa Oliogu

Tosa Oliogu

University of Toronto

Etinosa “Tosa” Oliogu is a second-year Master’s student in Clinical Psychology at the University of Toronto. Her research focuses on cognitive control and dimensional psychopathology risk factors for highly lethal self-injurious behaviour. She is also dedicated to applying her research knowledge and skills to work being done in the Black community. Outside of her studies, Etinosa enjoys music, learning new languages, and exploring new cultures, especially the food!

Previous Chairs of the Section for Students

  • 2023 – 2024: Melissa Lazo, University of British Columbia
  • 2022 – 2023: Linnea Kalchos, University of British Columbia
  • 2021 – 2022: Alejandra Botia, University of British Columbia
  • 2020 – 2021: Joanna Collaton, University of Guelph
  • 2019 – 2020: Alexandra Richard, McGill University
  • 2018 – 2019: Chelsea Moran, University of Calgary
  • 2017 – 2018: Jean-Philippe Gagné, Concordia University
  • 2016 – 2017: Kyrsten Grimes, University of Toronto Scarborough
  • 2015 – 2016: Zarina Giannone, University of British Columbia
  • 2014 – 2015: Michelle Gagnon, University of Regina
  • 2013 – 2014: Missy Teatero, Lakehead University
  • 2011 – 2013: Justin Feeney, University of Western Ontario
  • 2011 – 2011: Brenden Sommerhalder, Saint Mary’s University
  • 2010 – 2011: Rana Pishva, Queen’s University
  • 2009 – 2010: Phillip Jai Johnson, McGill University
  • 2008 – 2009: Kelly Smith, Queen’s University
  • 2007 – 2008: Lindsay Uman, Dalhousie University
  • 2006 – 2007: Kelly Smith, Queen’s University
  • 2005 – 2006: Elizabeth Stanford, University of British Columbia
  • 2004 – 2005: Joe Camilleri, Queen’s University
  • 2003 – 2004: Mike Coons, University of Waterloo
  • 2002 – 2003: Réjeanne Dupuis, York University
  • 2001 – 2002: Christine Chambers, University of British Columbia
  • 1999 – 2001: Andrea Perrino, University of Ottawa
  • 1997 – 1999: Donovan Lawrence, University of Calgary
  • 1995 – 1997: David Dozois, University of Calgary