Student Awards

Student Awards

For further details and specific deadlines for any of the awards listed, please visit the appropriate section website or contact the individual listed for the award you are interested in.

If an award is missing from this list, please contact the Section Chair. Updates added: October 2023.

Programme of Certificate of Academic Excellence

Amount: Certificate.

Information: For best undergraduate, masters and doctoral thesis in each Canadian Psychology Department for each academic year.  The list of recipients is published in the Fall issue of Psynopsis and on the CPA website.

Application Procedure: Students are nominated within each department, and a committee (which should include at least one student) makes the final selection.  Students can contact their Department Chair for further information.

Previous Certificate Recipients: Click here to view the list of previous certificate recipients by year.

Student Awards

Section Award
Section on Addiction Psychology

1. Diversifying Addiction Psychology Travel Award

Amount: $500

Information: This award recognizes that psychology has historically excluded certain groups (Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour; LGTBQ2S+; people of disabilities) and that diversifying the field of Addiction Psychology will have a tremendous impact in our field. To increase representation in the field of Addiction Psychology, we are pleased to offer one (1) travel award to a student (undergraduate or graduate) who self-identify as being a member of one (or more) of the historically excluded groups in psychology. This award will provide an opportunity for the winner to present their research at CPA’s Annual Convention and will be adjudicated by the Addiction Psychology Executive Team to the most meritorious abstract submission.

Application Procedure: All students who self-identify as being a member of a historically excluded group in psychology will be eligible for the award. The student must be a member in good standing of CPA’s Addiction Psychology Section.

2. Addiction Psychology Best Poster Award

Amount: $250 and Certificate

Information: This award recognizes the outstanding research contribution to Addiction Psychology by a student (undergraduate and graduate). This award will be adjudicated by the Addiction Psychology Executive Team at the annual CPA Convention.

Application Procedure: All students who have their abstract accepted for the poster presentation will be automatically considered for the award. The student must be a member in good standing of CPA’s Addiction Psychology Section.

Brain and Cognitive Sciences

Peter Graf Student Research Awards

Amount: $250.00

Information: The Peter Graf Student Research Award is given by the Brain & Cognitive Science Section to two students with the strongest presentations for the Brain and Cognitive Sciences section at the CPA convention.

Eligibility: To be considered for an award, the student MUST:

(1) Be a member of the CPA section on Brain and Cognitive Science
(2) Be the primary/first author of the submission
(3) Provide a written summary of his/her work (about 1000 words) in PDF format; the summary must include a brief introduction, followed by a summary of the Method, Results, and Discussion
(4) Provide a letter from the student’s supervisor indicating that the research summary represents the student’s independent contribution

Application Procedure: Awards will be determined based on a written summary of the research, poster layout/style, and in person presentation at the conference. Students from all levels of education are encouraged to apply (e.g., graduate, undergraduate, dissertation).

BCS Student Travel Grant

Amount: $500.00

Information: The Brain and Cognitive Sciences (BCS) section of the CPA seeks to promote the activities of its membership in a variety of ways. In keeping with that aim, the BCS section will award a travel grant to two of its student members. These grants are intended to reduce the costs associated with participation at the CPA Annual Meeting.

Eligibility: Any student member of the BCS section of the CPA who meets the following criteria is eligible to be considered for a travel grant: lead author on a spoken presentation or a poster accepted to the BCS section at the Annual Meeting of the CPA; registers and participates at the Annual Meeting of the CPA; has not received a BCS Student Travel Grant in the previous two years; agrees to have name, portrait, and affiliation posted on the BCS section web site; and does not reside in the city/metropolitan community hosting the Annual Meeting of the CPA.

Application Procedure: No application is required. Student presenters who will be part of the BCS section’s conference program will be automatically considered. Lottery results will be conveyed to the BCS Section membership within 1 month of the date that the CPA publishes accepted conference presentations.

The number of awards given annually is dependent on the number and quality of entries for a given year. Award recipients can be seen on the Brain and Cognitive Sciences Section website.


Ken Bowers Student Research Award

Amount: 500.00 and certificate.

Information: Given to the student with the most meritorious submission to the Clinical Section of the CPA Annual Convention; the student whose submission wins is invited to describe her/his work in the fall edition of the Clinical Section newsletter, The Canadian Clinical Psychologist. Please see the Clinical Section website for more information.

Application Procedure: The deadline for applications is May 1. All students whose presentations have been accepted within the Clinical Section program are invited to apply. Application forms are available on the Clinical Section website.
Clinical Section Travel Award

Amount: 4 awards of $300.00 each. The winning submissions will also have their conference abstract published in the fall edition of The Canadian Clinical Psychologist.

Information: These awards were designed to help Clinical Section students from across Canada to travel to the CPA Annual Conference.  Please see the Clinical Section website for more information

Application Procedure: The deadline for applications is April 1. All students who have posters or presentations accepted by the Clinical Section are invited to apply. Application forms are available on the Clinical Section website.
Clinical Section Educational Acitivity Student Grant

Amount: Up to $1,000, awarded to a student to help organize an extracurricular educational activity.

Information: Designed to help Clinical Section students extend their educational experience through organizing extracurricular educational activities (e.g., workshops, lectures, round tables). Please see the Clinical Section website for more information:

Application Procedure: Annual deadline is in January 15th. Application forms are available on the Clinical Section website.
Best Student Conference Presentation Award

Amount: There are three awards First prize, worth $200, given to the highest-ranking submission overall. There are two runners-up, awarded to the next two highest-ranking submissions, each worth $100.

Information: The Best Student Conference Presentation Awards are designed to recognize and support high quality student research. These awards are also designed to encourage communication between Clinical Section students and to promote the development of reviewing skills. These awards are adjudicated through a peer-review process.

Application Procedure: The deadline for applications is May 15th. Application information is vailable on the Clinical Section website.


Black, Indigenous, Racialized Student Award:

Award: $100.00, certificate, and submission to be posted on the Community Psychology section website

Information: In recognition of the work of Black, Indigenous, and Racialized students in and with their communities, this award will be given to a Black, Indigenous, and Racialized student whose project or research relates strongly to community psychology. The submission does not need to be associated with a presentation at the CPA convention but can be related to any research project, advocacy work, and/or community/volunteer project for which the student is involved during the period of September to August for the award year.

Eligibility: Black, Indigenous, and Racialized Students currently enrolled in a post-secondary program (college or university undergraduate, graduate, or post-doctoral level program) at a Canadian institution. Student nominees must be directly involved in the project or research. Students can submit an application or be nominated for this award. Preference will be given to nominees who are student members of the Community Psychology Section.

Application Procedure: Other students, faculty, or community members can submit a brief (no more than 500 words) report of the student they are nominating describing the project or research the student is currently involved in and how it contributes to social justice. Students can also self-nominate. Please submit an application directly to the Community Section Chair at Annual Deadline is May 15.

The successful applicant will receive email confirmation of receipt of the award. The presentation of the award will take place at the Community Psychology Section Business Meeting.

Patrick O’Neil Student Award:

Amount: $100.00 and certificate Information: Given to the student with the strongest submission in the Community Psychology Section at the annual convention of the CPA. The presentation can be in any format (i.e., poster, oral presentation).

Eligibility: Applicants must be first author of a presentation accepted in the Community Section at the CPA Annual Convention. Applications are invited from student members of the Community Section who are in good standing. Students may be enrolled in a post-secondary program (college or university undergraduate, graduate, or post-doctoral level program) at a Canadian institution. You may join the Community Section via the CPA website.

Application Procedure: All students whose presentations have been accepted within the Community Psychology Section program are invited to apply; to be eligible you must submit a brief (no more than 500 words) report of the project you are presenting including how your presentation contributes to the field of community psychology (using APA format) and a CV. Please submit your application directly to the Community Section Chair at Annual deadline is May 15.

The successful applicant will receive email confirmation of receipt of the award. The presentation of the award will take place at the Community Section Business Meeting.


Best Doctoral Dissertation
Best Masters Thesis

Amount: $100.00 each.

Information: The research must have been successfully defended within 2 years prior to the annual award submission date. The person who nominates the student’s work must be a member of the Counselling Psychology Section; the student does not need to be a member.

Application Procedure: prizes are awarded based on a 2-page summary of the dissertation or thesis, to be written by the student. Formatting requirements: double-spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins. Tables and figures must be integrated into the document, not attached as appendices. The title page and references do not count against the page limit. A student’s work can only be nominated once for each award. Further instructions can be found at

Best Masters Conference Poster
Best Doctoral Conference Poster

Amount: $100.00 each.

Information: Posters are evaluated for quality and relevant of content, and the student’s engagement with the audience. All student-authored posters presented in the Counselling Psychology Section poster session at the CPA annual convention are evaluated for this award. Students do not need to be a member of the Counselling Psychology Section to be eligible.

Application procedure: No application required. The winners will be e-mailed after the conference and will be given the opportunity to have an abstract of their work included in the next issue of the counselling psychology newsletter, Kaleidoscope.

Criminal Justice

Undergraduate Student Award for Best Conference Poster

Amount: TBA

Application Procedure: The award is given to the presentation by an undergraduate student judged best presented in the Criminal Justice Psychology poster session.

Graduate Student Award for Best Conference Poster

Amount: TBA

Application Procedure: The award is given to the presentation by a graduate student judged best presented in the Criminal Justice Psychology poster session.

J. Stephen Wormith Graduate Research Award

Amount: $1,000

Information: The Criminal Justice Psychology Section of the Canadian Psychological Association is honouring Dr. Wormith’s legacy by presenting the Graduate Research Award to one successful applicant in recognition of their graduate level research in the field of psychology that examines criminal behaviour, the law, and/or other psychological phenomenon in a criminal justice context. This award was developed with the intent of recognizing research excellence of graduate-level criminal justice psychology students and is expected to be awarded annually. Submissions that will be considered for the J. Stephen Wormith Graduate Research Award will be reviewed and adjudicated by the section Executive. Evaluation of submissions will focus on the extent to which the research builds upon theory and extant empirical literature, appropriate and innovative use of research design and analytical methods, and potential impact on the field.

Application Procedure: Submissions should include (a) a cover letter containing a physical address, e-mail address, and telephone number where you can be reached through the end of April, (b) a 100-word statement (included in your cover letter) of how the research contributes to criminal justice psychology, (c) a letter of support from your faculty supervisor, (d) an updated curriculum vitae, and (e) a manuscript of your graduate research as described below. The submission must be received by February 1st, and forwarded to the current Chair of the Criminal Justice Psychology Section. The award will be announced in Crime Scene and Psynopsis, and at the annual CPA convention. Further details can be found at


Robert Sommer Memorial Award for Best Student Paper

Amount: $100 & a commemorative certificate

Information: Graduate and undergraduate students conducting research in environmental psychology should consider applying for the Robert Sommer Memorial Award from the environmental psychology section of the Canadian Psychological Association. Students enrolled at a Canadian university (or recent graduates applying within one year of graduating) are eligible for the award. Applicants must have been a student when the research under consideration was completed.

Application procedure: Award submissions should consist of 1000-word extended abstracts of original research for which the student is first author. The submissions need not be papers submitted for presentation at a CPA convention but may be thesis work, journal articles, or research presented at other conferences.

Students who would like their work to be considered for the award must create a submission that includes the following: 1) A cover letter addressed to the section Chair indicating interest in being considered for the award; 2) A letter from the student’s supervisor confirming that the applicant’s work on the project merits first authorship; 3) A 1000-word extended abstract for committee review (please include an exact word count in the application) using the following headings: Title, Area (briefly state the relevant research area in environmental psychology), Context (put the submission in context by providing adequate background information on relevant scholarly literature, including references), Methods (state the research design, the size and characteristics of the sample, procedure, materials, and statistical tests employed), Results (key findings), Conclusions and implications; 4) Two copies of the abstract should be submitted (one with the authors’ name(s) and institution included and one without this information). Due Date: Usually the first of May of a calendar year. Please email the section Chair for details (and to apply for the award).


2023 Family Psychology Master’s Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation Award

Information: This award recognizes outstanding scholastic promise in research on the family. Students having completed their Master’s thesis or Doctoral dissertations in the previous two-three years are eligible to apply (2020, 2021, 2022). Applicants are invited from all relevant disciplines. Faculty and self-nominations are equally encouraged.


  • Confirmation of current Family Psychology section membership
  • Applicant’s name, address, email address, and phone number
  • Advisor’s name, address, email address, and phone number
  • A letter of recommendation from the advisor indicating the nature of the applicant’s contribution to the development of the research and the perceived contribution of the study to the field of investigation
  • A 2-5 page abstract of the thesis or dissertation
  • A link to the full thesis or dissertation

Application Procedure: Applications are due to the Awards Committee by April 15, 2023. Please send nominations to Dr. Jen Theule []. The award recipient will be notified by June 1, 2023. A public announcement of the recipient of the award will be made at the Family Psychology Section Annual Meeting at the 2023 annual CPA convention.

2020 Family Psychology Dissertation Award

Information: This award recognizes outstanding scholastic promise in research on the family. Students having defended their dissertations in the previous two years (2018 and 2019) are eligible to be nominated. Nominees are invited from all relevant disciplines. Faculty and self-nominations are equally encouraged.


  • Confirmation of nominee’s current Family Psychology Section membership
  • Nominee’s name, address, email address, and phone number
  • Advisor’s name, address, email address, and phone number
  • A letter of recommendation from the advisor indicating the nature of the nominee’s contribution to the development of the research and the perceived contribution of the study to the field of investigation
  • A 2-5 page abstract of the dissertation
  • A link to the full dissertation

Application Procedure: Nominations are due to the Awards Committee by March 1, 2020. They can be sent to Dr. Cathy Costigan at or Dr. Jen Theule at The award recipient will be notified by May 1, 2020. A public announcement of the recipient of the award will be made at the Section Annual Meeting at the annual CPA convention.

Family Psychology Student Poster Award

Information: Best student poster presentation presented at the CPA Convention.

Health Psychology and Behavioural Medicine

Ronald Melzack Health Psychology Award

Amount: $100.00.

Information: Best student paper presented at the Annual Convention in Health Psychology.

Application Procedure: Students submit their abstract to the Health Section by the regular (CPA) deadline. The top ranked submissions are nominated for the award. Members of the Executive of the Health Section attend each nominated student presentation, and reach a consensus on the award recipient. The winner is announced at the Health Section Business Meeting.

History and Philosophy of Psychology

Mary J. Wright Award

Amount: $250.00.

Information: Best student paper presented at the Annual Convention (Section Programme).

Application Procedure: Students submit their abstract to the History & Philosophy of Psychology Section of CPA by the regular (CPA) deadline, and if accepted, present their paper at the Annual Convention.  Members of the Executive of the History & Philosophy of Psychology Section attend each student paper presentation, and reach a consensus on the award recipient.  The winner is announced at the Section Business Meeting.


RHR Kendall Award

Amount: $1,000.00.

Information: Best student paper.

Application Procedure: Students should submit their papers and provide a letter (email acceptable) from a faculty member certifying that the paper was written by a student. See specific guidelines at the section website:

Annual deadline is around April/May. Send submission to

The winner is announced at the Section Business Meeting.

Student Poster Award

Amount: $250.00, $150.00, $100.00.

Information: Best student posters.

Application Procedure: No application necessary. All posters of CSIOP student members in the I-O Poster session at the CPA Convention will be considered. See specific guidelines at the section:

Winners are announced at the IO/Military Social.

International and Cross-Cultural

John Berry Prize for Best Oral Presentation

Amount: $100.00.

Application Procedure: Those students who are accepted to and present at the Annual Convention are eligible.

Francis Aboud Prize for Best Poster

Amount: $100.00.

Application Procedure: Those students who are accepted to and present at the Annual Convention are eligible.

Psychologists in Hospitals and Health Centres (PHHC) PHHC Section Student Awards Eligibility – 2023 (PDF)

The PHHC Section Student Merit Award (Up to two $250 awards) | La Bourse de Mérite Étudiant de la Section PHHC (Jusqu’à deux 250$ bourses)

Amount | Montant : Two awards of $250 CAD each | Deux prix de 250 $ CA chacun.

Information: Up to two PHHC Section Merit Awards valued at $250 will go to PHHC section student member(s) presenting a poster or giving an oral presentation (as part of the Graduate Student Symposium or an oral/poster presentation). The winner(s) will be determined by the Executive Committee at the annual CPA convention.
Jusqu’à deux bourses de merite de la Section PHHC, évaluée à 250$, sera présenté à deux membres étudiants de la section PHHC qui présente une affiche ou donne une présentation orale (comme partie du Symposium des Étudiants Diplômés ou une présentation orale/poster). Le gagnant sera déterminé par le Comité Exécutif au congrès annuel de la SCP.

To be eligible, students must | Pour être admissible, les étudiants doivent :

  • Have their poster or presentation accepted to the CPA Annual Convention
    • Avoir une affiche ou présentation acceptée pour le congrès annuel de la SCP.
  • Be a student member of the PHHC Section at the time of submission, and must, therefore, also be a student member of the CPA
    • Être étudiant membre de la section PHHC au moment de la soumission, et doit, par conséquent, être aussi un membre étudiant de la SCP.
  • Be a Canadian citizen or attending a Canadian university
    • Être citoyen canadien ou étudiant à une université canadienne.

All PHHC student members who have an accepted poster or oral presentation at the annual CPA convention are automatically considered for this award.
Tous les membres étudiants de la section PHHC qui ont une affiche ou présentation acceptée au congrès annuel de la SCP seront automatiquement considérés pour cette bourse.

The scoring Rubric considers data collection (with new data, rather than for example, a review or secondary data analysis, ranked higher), students’ level of involvement in the work, originality/novelty of the research, relevance to PHHC section, presentation/poster quality, and quality of delivery of oral/poster presentation. If you have any questions about either award, please contact the Student Representative of the PHHC Section.
La grille d’évaluation considère la collecte de données (avec nouvelles données, plutôt que, par exemple, une revue ou analyse de données secondaires, mieux évaluées), niveau de participation de l’étudiant dans le projet, originalité/nouveauté de la recherche, pertinence à la section PHHC, qualité de la présentation ou affiche, et qualité de la prestation de la présentation orale ou de l’affiche. Si vous avez des questions à propos de ces bourses, veuillez contacter l’Étudiant Représentatif de la Section PHHC.

Submissions for the PHHC Graduate Student Symposium are submitted to the PHHC Student Representative a few weeks before the standard deadline. For contact information, visit:
Les soumissions pour le symposium des étudiants diplômés du PHHC sont soumises au représentant étudiant du PHHC quelques semaines avant la date limite standard. Pour les coordonnées, visitez :

The PHHC Section Student Travel Award ($250) | La Bourse de Voyage Étudiante de la Section PHHC (250$)

Amount | Montant : Two awards of $250 CAD each | Deux prix de 250 $ CA chacun.

Information: The PHHC Section Travel Award was designed to help PHHC section students from across Canada travel to the annual convention of the Canadian Psychological Association. This year, we are awarding one Section Travel Award, valued at $250. All students who have posters or presentations accepted by the PHHC Section are invited to apply. This award is separate from the travel bursaries granted by CPA to students traveling long distances.

La Bourse de Voyages de la Section PHHC a été conçue pour aider les élèves canadiens de la section clinique à se rendre aux conférencesannuelles de la Société Canadienne de Psychologie (SCP). Cette année, il y aura une Bourse de Voyage de la Section PHHC, évaluée à 250$. Tous les étudiants qui ont des affiches ou des présentations acceptés par la Section PHHC sont invités à postuler. Ces bourses sont séparées des bourses de voyage accordées par la SCP pour les étudiants qui voyagent de longues distances.

To be eligible, students must be | Pour être admissibles, les étudiants doivent être :

  • Author on a poster or oral presentation accepted by the PHHC Section for the CPA annual convention
    • Auteur sur une affiche ou une présentation acceptée par la Section PHHC pour le congrès annuel de la SCP
  • A student member of the PHHC Section at the time of submission, and must, therefore, also be a student member of the CPA
    Étudiant membre de la section PHHC au moment de la soumission, et doit, par conséquent, être aussi un membre étudiant de la SCP
  • A Canadian citizen or attending a Canadian university
    • Citoyen canadien ou étudiant à une université canadienne

Priority will be given to students who attend Universities 500 km or more from the city in which the conference is being held.
La priorité sera accordée aux étudiants qui sont inscrits dans une université qui est située à au moins 500 km de la ville dans laquelle la conférence aura lieu.
Application Procedure:
To apply, please submit | Pour postuler, s’il vous plaît soumettre :

  1. A 1-page summary of the project (double-spaced, 1-inch margins, size 12 font)
    • Un résumé d’une page du projet (double interligne, marges de 1 pouce, taille de police 12)
  2. A copy of the notification of submission acceptance
    • Une copie de l’avis d’acceptation de la soumission

The winner will be determined by lottery | Le gagnant sera déterminé par tirage au sort.
Please submit via e-mail to Benjamin Diplock (Student Representative of the PHHC Section) at by Monday, May 15th. Notification of the results will occur via email by Monday, May 22nd. Participants will be reimbursed after the convention once they provide travel receipts.
S’il vous plaît envoyez votre soumission par courriel à la représentante des étudiants de la Section PHHC avant le 15 mai (Benjamin Diplock @ L’avis des résultats se fera par courriel avant le 22nd mai. Les participants seront remboursés après la conférence une fois que les reçus de voyage seront présentés.

Psychology in the Military

Psychology in the Military Student Award

Amount: $250.00 and plaque

Information: Awarded to the graduating honours student with the highest average in third and fourth year psychology courses taken at the Royal Military College of Canada (RMCC)

Application Procedure: Recipient is selected by faculty of the Military Leadership and Psychology Department at RMCC.

Quantitative Methods

Student Presentation Award

Amount: N/A. Recipient receives an invitation to publish their work in the peer-reviewed outlet The Quantitative Methods for Psychology (TQMP).

Information: Awarded to best student poster or oral presentation.

Eligibility: Undergraduate or graduate student

Application Procedure: No application required.

Student Travel Award

Amount: $250.00

Information: Up to four awards of $250.00 each are available to recognize exceptional submissions (2 awards) and to help defray the costs for students traveling long distances to attend the convention (2 awards).

Eligibility: Undergraduate or graduate student

Application Procedure: No application is required.

Rural and Northern

The North Star Award for best poster at the CPA convention

Amount: $200
Information: Eligible recipients are individuals who are first authors on the poster, a student at the time the research was completed, and a member of the Rural and Northern Section of CPA.
Application Procedure: Applications are made by notifying the section chair that the poster has been accepted at the convention and forwarding the submitted abstract.

The North Star Award for best oral presentation at the CPA convention

Amount: $200
Information: Eligible recipients are individuals who are first author on the oral presentation, a student at the time the research was completed, and a member of the Rural and Northern Section of CPA.
Application Procedure: Applications are made by notifying of the section chair that the presentation has been accepted at the convention and forwarding submitted abstract.

Information from our section’s page on the CPA website can be found here:

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Issues

Henry Minton Award for Excellence in Research

Amount: $250

Information: Best student symposium presentation.

Application Procedure: Presentations are evaluated at the time of the Annual Convention.

Student Award for Excellence in Research

Amount: $250

Information: Best student poster presentation.

Application Procedure: Posters evaluated at the time of the Annual Convention.

Morrison Award for LGBTQ Inclusive Research

Information: Awarded to a student poster presentation OUTSIDE of the SOGII section that demonstrates excellence in LGBTQ-inclusive research methods (e.g., reporting sexual and gender identity demographics, including LGBTQ participants in a sample, not arbitrarily removing LGBTQ-identified participants from a sample, including LGBTQ-inclusive response options for survey participants).

Application Procedure: See for application instructions

Social and Personality

B.G. Rule Award

Information: Best graduate student abstract submitted to the Annual Convention.

Application Procedure: Grad students who submit first-authored abstracts to the Convention will be asked to submit a letter indicating they would like to be considered for the award, along with a longer abstract (400 words). Winners will present their research during a special oral paper section during the Annual Convention.

Ken Dion Award

Information: Best undergraduate research submission to the Annual Convention.

Application Procedure: Undergraduate students who submit first-authored abstracts to the Convention will be asked to submit a letter indicating they would like to be considered for the award, along with a longer abstract (400 words). Winners will present their research during a special oral paper section during the Annual Convention.

Sport and Exercise

Top Student Abstract Award

Amount: $100.00 and certificate.

Information: Given to the student with the strongest submission at the annual convention of the CPA.

Eligibility: Applicants must be a student member of the section at the time of submission, must be the primary author of the research and must attend the convention and present paper / poster to receive award.

Section for Students

Best Student Poster Award

Amount: $150.00 (two awards available)

Information: The purpose of this award is to encourage high quality submissions to the Section for Students division for the annual conference of the CPA. This award will recognize the most outstanding poster submission as determined by the executive committee of the Section for Students.

Eligibility: All students who meet the following four eligibility requirements will be automatically considered for the Best Student Paper Award:

  • The student must be first author of the submission
  • The student must be an affiliate at the time of submission and at the time of award
  • The post must be submitted to the Section for Students and not to another division
  • The student is not an executive of the Section for Students

Note: Students may opt-out of being considered for the award.

More Details | Plus de détails

Click here to see Previous recipients

Campus Representative Awards of Excellence

Amount: $100.00 and certificate (separate awards are available for undergraduate and graduate students).

Information: This award will recognize the most outstanding campus representative as determined by the executive committee of the Section for Students.

Eligibility: All students who meet the following two eligibility requirements will be automatically considered for this award:

  • The student must be a CPA student affiliate and a current undergraduate/graduate campus representative at the time of submission and at the time of award
  • The student is not an executive of the Section for Students

Note: Students may opt-out of being considered for the award.

More Details | Plus de details           (Undergraduate)

More Details | Plus de details           (Graduate)

MindPad Award of Excellence

Amount: $150.00 and certificate.

Information: The purpose of this award is to encourage students to take the opportunity to publish their work in MindPad and to submit high quality submissions. The award will recognize the most outstanding MindPad submission as determined by the executive committee of the Section for Students.

Eligibility: All students who meet the following three eligibility requirements will be automatically considered:

  • The student must be first author of the submission
  • The student must be an affiliate at the time of submission and at the time of award
  • The student is not an executive of the Section for Students

Note: Students may choose to decline this award if they are selected.

More Details | Plus de details

Student Travel Award | Bourse de voyage pour étudiants

Amount: Variable. (25 awards valued at $250 for 2023 | 25 prix d’une valeur de 250 $ pour 2023)

Information: Travel awards will be made available to students at the conference. Students must be at the conference to receive their award. Students will receive their award in the form of a cheque, which may be picked up at the Section’s annual business meeting. The number of awards available and the amount of each award will vary from year to year, based on available funding.
Des bourses de voyage seront mises à la disposition des étudiants lors de la conférence. Les étudiants doivent être présents à la conférence pour recevoir leur prix. Les étudiants recevront leur prix sous forme de chèque, qui pourra être récupéré lors de la réunion d’affaires annuelle de la Section. Le nombre de bourses disponibles et le montant de chaque bourse varieront d’une année à l’autre, en fonction du financement disponible.

Eligibility | Admissibilité : Students must apply for this award. Applications must be sent to the Section for Students Chair-Elect, Melissa Lazo ( by April 30th, 2023.
Les étudiants doivent présenter une demande pour ce prix. Les demandes doivent être envoyées à la Présidente élue de la Section pour les étudiants, Melissa Lazo ( avant le 30 avril 2023.

A complete application will include one PDF file with the following information | Une demande complète comprendra un fichier PDF contenant les informations suivantes :

  • A paragraph outlining financial need and relevance of conference attendance to training goals
    •Un paragraphe dérivant les besoins financiers et la pertinence de la participation à la conférence par rapport aux objectifs de formation
  • A copy of the abstract submitted to the annual CPA convention
    •Une copie du résumé soumis au congrès annuel de la SCP
  • Proof of the student’s acceptance to the annual CPA convention
    •Preuve d’acceptation de l’étudiant au congrès annuel de la SCP
  • A short statement outlining the distance between the applicant’s university and the annual CPA convention (in kilometers). In the case of applicants completing online degrees or not currently registered in a program, distance may be calculated between place of residence and the annual CPA convention.
    • Une courte déclaration décrivant la distance entre l’université du candidat et le congrès annuel de la SCP (en kilomètres). Dans le cas des candidats qui terminent des diplômes en ligne ou qui ne sont pas actuellement inscrits à un programme, la distance peut être calculée entre le lieu de résidence et le congrès annuel de la SCP.

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Student Research Grant

Amount: Six grants of $500 each

Information: This award is intended to support students in undergraduate or graduate programs in any domain or discipline within psychology who are actively engaged in research.

Eligibility: To be eligible for this grant, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Note that only one of the following grants can be held at any given time:  CPA Student Research Grant, CPA Student Section Research Grant, BMS-sponsored Research or Leadership Grant.  Eligible students can apply for one or more of these grants but can only hold one grant.
  • The applicant must be a current member of the Section for Students of the Canadian Psychological Association at time of application and if successful, over the term of the grant
  • The applicant must be the primary investigator and/or first author of the research project
  • The research project for which support is being sought must be relevant to at least one domain or discipline within psychology
  • The research project for which support is being sought must not yet be completed (i.e., does not apply retroactively to completed research projects), and the research and/or data collection must begin within 12 months of the adjudication of this award.

Application Procedure: Visit for information on this funding envelope, application requirements, general rules, a list of eligible/ineligible expenses, and links to apply. Deadline to apply is December 3, 2021.

Campus Initiative Grants

Amount: Two grants of $750 each

Information: The purpose of the Campus Initiative Grant is to support events or programs that serve to enhance the educational experience in psychology of students on campus. Common examples include holding training seminars, talks or colloquia with an invited speaker, networking events, and psychology-related workshops, lectures, or panel discussions. In addition to single-events, longer-term projects or programs that serve to enhance students’ experience may also be eligible as initiatives. For example, groups may apply for funds to support the start of a department-wide mentorship program for students.

Eligibility: To be eligible to apply for this grant:

  • Applicants must be a current member of the Section for Students of the Canadian Psychological Association; for student-group applications, the individual applying for the award on behalf of the group must be a member of the Section for Students.
  • Initiatives must be related to the purposes and requirements as detailed in Sections (1) and (2); that is, related to the educational objectives of the Section and relevant for its members.
  • Proposed activities or initiatives must be held at the institution’s campus.
  • Initiatives must have received departmental approval prior to being submitted. A letter from the Chair of the relevant department in support of this initiative or event must be submitted.

Application Procedure: Contact the Section for Student Administrative and Finance Officer or Communications Officer for application instructions. Applications deadline: November 22, 2019

Traumatic Stress

CPA Traumatic Stress Section Student Poster Award

Information: This award recognizes the best presentation (poster/oral) given by a student at the annual meeting of the CPA as sponsored by the Traumatic Stress Section.

CPA Traumatic Stress Section Award for Excellence in Psychology

Information: The CPA-TSS Award for Excellence in Psychology recognizes “achievement within the science and practice of the psychology of traumatic stress”. This award can recognize either clinical or research excellence within the field of traumatic stress.

Eligibility: The applicant works within the field of traumatic stress, be it as a clinician, researcher, etc. Self-nominees must be a current member of the CPA-Traumatic Stress Section

Application procedure: Self-nomination or nomination of others; A full application package should be sent to the Section Chair, Dr. Eva Monson ( and must include: Up to date curriculum vitae and letter outlining outstanding clinical or research contribution. Submission deadline: December 2, 2019

CPA Traumatic Stress Section Student Awards

Information: The CPA-TSS Student Awards recognize (up to) two (2) undergraduate or graduate theses completed in Canada on the psychology of traumatic stress. The awards are aimed at students who have demonstrated excellence in clinical or research work in the field of traumatic stress.

Eligibility: Graduate or undergraduate degree must have been completed at a Canadian University; Final thesis/dissertation submitted or defended within the past 18 months; Current member of the CPA-TSS if self-nominated

Application procedure: Self-nomination or nomination by others; Submission to 12-minute talk format of CPA 2020 conference (on the topic of the student’s thesis); A full application package should be sent to the Section Chair, Dr. Eva Monson ( including: Thesis title and abstract, short statement of why a candidate should receive this award (Max 1 page), up to date curriculum vitae, and supporting letter from an academic supervisor. Submission deadline: December 2, 2019

Section on Women and Psychology (SWAP)

Student Paper Award

Amount: $500.00.

Application Procedure: Student submits a 3-page summary of their paper or poster that has been accepted for the CPA Conference or Section pre-conference (April or May).

Travel Award (5 available/year)

Amount: $200.00 each.