“Psychology Works” Fact Sheet: Vascular Cognitive Impairment

What is Vascular Cognitive Impairment? Vascular cognitive impairment (VCI) is a condition that involves problems with thinking abilities caused by the effects of blood vessel disease (also called vascular disease) on brain function. Thinking abilities, or cognition, include abilities such as attention, memory, communication, planning, problem-solving, and reasoning. Changes in thinking and behaviour caused by […]

“Psychology Works” Fact Sheet: Mental Health and the Workplace

Mental health is an increasing public health concern in Canada. One in five Canadians will experience mental illness in any given year. Mental health is a prevalent issue among employed Canadians. At least 500,000 Canadians miss work due to mental illness every week, with an estimated economic cost of $51 billion annually. Organizational psychologists have […]

“Psychology Works” Fact Sheet: Benefits of Nature Exposure

How Does Nature Benefit our Mental Health? Exposure to nature enhances mental health, which is defined as a state of well-being in which individuals can cope with the normal stressors of life while maintaining a positive outlook. Nature-based experiences can improve cognitive, psychological, and physical health (Jimenez et al., 2021). Some examples from environmental psychology […]

“Psychology Works” Fact Sheet: Giftedness in Children and Youth

What is Giftedness? People who have exceptionally high intellectual abilities are referred to as “gifted.” Many researchers have tried to explain what gifted means, but there is still no agreement on a single definition to date. In the past, giftedness and talents were used interchangeably, but nowadays, researchers agree they have distinct meanings (Gagné, 2009). […]

“Psychology Works” Fact Sheet: Poverty

Concepts, Definitions and Measures The common understanding of poverty is that it involves a critical lack of income that interferes with a person’s ability to meet their basic needs. The experience of poverty, however, is much more complex. The Oxford Multi-Dimensional Poverty Index (MPI) includes the following factors, in addition to income, as constitutive of […]

“Psychology Works” Fact Sheet: Homelessness

Concepts, Definitions and Measures The condition of homelessness is a continuum that ranges from being unsheltered to emergency sheltered, to provisionally accommodated, to those at risk of homelessness. Unsheltered: People who reside in places not meant for human habitation, such as cars, parks, abandoned buildings, alleys, and streets. Emergency Sheltered: People residing in shelters, including […]

New “Psychology Works” Fact Sheet Videos

The CPA’s “Psychology Works” Fact Sheets are designed to collect trustworthy information on specific subjects. They are used by researchers, practitioners, the media, and the general public. We have started creating videos that highlight some of these fact sheets, to provide an additional way to access this important information.

A dozen new videos have been added: https://cpa.ca/factsheetvideos/

“Psychology Works” Fact Sheet: Attachment in Children

What is attachment? Attachment is a special emotional relationship between two people, with an expectation of protection. Usually when we talk about attachment, we’re talking about the relationship between a child and his or her parents or caregivers. Sometimes we talk about attachment in romantic relationships as well. The attachment between parents and children is […]

“Psychology Works” Fact Sheet Videos

The CPA’s “Psychology Works” Fact Sheets are designed to collect trustworthy information on specific subjects. They are used by researchers, practitioners, the media, and the general public. We have started creating videos that highlight some of these fact sheets, to provide an additional way to access this important information. The first fourteen are available today here: https://cpa.ca/factsheetvideos/

“Psychology Works” Fact Sheet: Coping with Emergencies, Disasters and Violent Events – Ukrainian version

Інформаційний бюлетень «Психологія Працює»: подолання надзвичайних ситуацій, катастроф і насильницьких подій Як  будь-яка стресова подія у житті, надзвичайні ситуації у сфері охорони здоров’я (наприклад, пандемії), катастрофи (наприклад, цунамі, землетруси, торнадо) та насильницькі події (наприклад, масова стрілянина, терористичні акти, війни) потребують від нас можливість впоратися. Незалежно від того, дізнаємося ми про ці події по телебаченню чи […]

“Psychology Works” Fact Sheet: Relationship Distress

When does relationship conflict become relationship distress? Conflict is a normal part of being a couple. However, all of us need to feel loved, understood, and respected by the people we are close to, and conflict in these relationships can undermine our emotional security. What makes the difference is how the conflict is handled. Couples […]

“Psychology Works” Fact Sheet: Strategies for Supporting Social Function in Children with Epilepsy

Introduction Students living with epilepsy can display poor social processing (e.g., reading facial cues, understanding language nuances, taking perspective), lower level of functional independence, and lower educational status which can make it difficult for them in the social realm. They may also remove themselves from social situations to avoid having an unpredictable or embarrassing seizure […]

“Psychology Works” Fact Sheet: Strategies for Supporting Optimal Psychological Function in Children with Epilepsy

Introduction In an Ontario study of 144 parents, 111 expressed concerns about their child with epilepsy’s behaviour (ESWO, 2018). Inattention, irritability, agitation, negativity and angry outbursts are frequent among children living with epilepsy. These issues may be primary or they may represent or mask anxiety and depression. Anxiety and depression do not necessarily present as […]

“Psychology Works” Fact Sheet: Strategies for Cognitive Challenges in Children with Epilepsy

Cognitive issues present in the majority of children with epilepsy Cognition refers to a variety of skills such as attention, processing speed, learning and remembering, intellectual reasoning abilities, expressing and understanding language as well as planning and problem solving. Cognitive issues are often present early on in the course of epilepsy or may even predate […]

“Psychology Works” Fact Sheet: Helping Children with Epilepsy Succeed in School

Introduction Epilepsy is defined as a “disease of the brain characterized by a predisposition to generate epileptic seizures, and by the cognitive, psychological, and social consequences of this condition” (Fisher et al., 2005). Understanding epilepsy and the cognitive, psychological, and social consequences of the condition is the first step in supporting students living with epilepsy. […]

“Psychology Works” Fact Sheet: Physical Activity, Mental Health, and Motivation

The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) recommends that adults aged 18 or older, who do not have a suspected or diagnosed medical condition, do at least 150 minutes/week of moderate-to-vigorous intensity exercise, with each session lasting at least 10 minutes. All adults should also do muscle and bone-strengthening exercises at least twice/week. Older adults […]

“Psychology Works” Fact Sheet: Bullying Among Children and Youth

What is bullying? Bullying among children and youth is defined as repeated, unwanted aggressive behaviour(s) by a youth or group of youths. It involves an observed or perceived power imbalance. It can result in physical, social, or educational harm or distress for the targeted youth.[1] The power imbalance may be based on differences in size, […]

“Psychology Works” Fact Sheet: Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

What is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? ADHD is characterized by developmentally inappropriate levels of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, that impair a person’s functioning. Some individuals have problems with all three types of symptoms, whereas others have problems primarily with inattention, or primarily with hyperactivity/impulsivity. Related to problems with inattention, people with ADHD often have difficulty following […]

“Psychology Works” Fact Sheet: Pain in Children with Intellectual Disabilities who are Nonverbal

What is an intellectual disability? According to the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, an intellectual disability: begins before age 18 presents itself within different settings (e.g., at school, at home) through observable limitations in both adaptive behaviour (e.g., personal hygiene, social skills), and level of intellectual functioning (i.e., a child’s thinking ability). These […]

“Psychology Works” Fact Sheet: Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Neurocognitive Disorders in Seniors

What are Neurocognitive Disorders (NCD)? Neurocognitive Disorders are characterised by a cognitive decline which affect one or more cognitive domains such as memory and learning, executive functions, perceptivomotor activities, attention, language and social cognition. The decline must be significant in comparison with the person’s prior functioning, can be reported by the person or a family […]

CPA’s “Psychology Works” Fact Sheets responding to COVID-19

The CPA has produced a series of Fact Sheets in response to the coronavirus pandemic:

  • Why Does Culture Matter to COVID-19? – PDF | HTML 06/04/2020
  • Grief, Bereavement and COVID-19 – PDF | HTML 05/12/2020
  • Research Funding Information as relates to COVID-19 – PDF | HTML 05/08/2020
  • Guidance for Psychology Students as Relates to COVID-19 – PDF | HTML 05/08/2020
  • Guidance for Psychology Faculty and Researchers as Relates to COVID-19 – PDF | HTML 05/08/2020
  • Emotional and Psychological Challenges Faced by Frontline Health Care Providers During the COVID-19 Pandemic – PDF | HTML 04/07/2020
  • Psychological Practice and the Coronavirus (COVID-19) – PDF | HTML 03/18/2020
  • Student Wellness and COVID-19 – PDF | HTML 04/02/2020
  • Helping Teens Cope with the Impacts of and Restrictions Related to COVID-19 – PDF | HTML 03/31/2020
  • Psychological Impacts of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) – PDF | HTML 03/20/2020
  • Working from Home During COVID-19, With and Without Children – PDF | HTML 03/17/2020
  • Coping With and Preventing COVID-19 – PDF | HTML 04/04/2020

You can find all of our “Psychology Works” Fact Sheets here