Psychology Profiles

Psychology is rooted in science that seeks to understand our thoughts, feelings and actions. It is also a broad field – some psychology professionals develop and test theories through basic research; while others work to help individuals, organizations, and communities better function; still others are both researchers and practitioners.


Psychology Month 2025: Anxiety, gender, and leadership with Dr. Winny Shen

Psychology Month 2025: Anxiety, gender, and leadership with Dr. Winny Shen

There has always been a stereotype that women are “more emotional” than men, and even that they are “too emotional” for leadership roles. Dr. Winny Shen joins Mind Full to discuss the results of her study which suggest that not only is that stereotype untrue, the exact opposite might actually be the case.

Jessica Strong

Jessica Strong
Jessica Strong

We all plan to get older. So why do so few of us gravitate toward working with older adults? Dr. Jessica Strong is a Geropsychologist in the department of psychology at the University of PEI. She tells us about cognitive reserve, fights against ageism, and discusses how a passion for music led her toward her current career path.


Psychology Month 2025: Bullying in school and society with Dr. Wendy Craig and Dr. Deinera Exner-Cortens

Psychology Month 2025: Bullying in school and society with Dr. Wendy Craig and Dr. Deinera Exner-Cortens

Kids in school face bullying – we all know this. Dr. Wendy Craig and Dr. Deinera Exner-Cortens say that much of the bullying in school is connected to power imbalances in society writ large. They join Mind Full to talk about societal structures, bullying, and what parents and educators can do.

Psychology Month Profile: Laura Thomas

Laura Thomas - photo by Erik McRitchie
Laura Thomas-photo by Erik McRitchie
B.I.G. at the North Pole photo by Edel Kieran
B.I.G. at the North Pole photo by Edel Kieran

Training astronauts for space flight requires a huge team, including psychologists who can help to prepare them for the close quarters and isolation for long periods of time. Laura Thomas is not only one of those psychologists, she has also experienced similar close quarters and isolation with all-female expeditions to places like the North Pole.

We kick off 2025’s Psychology Month: Women in Science with a look at Laura’s work, her travels, and the requirements for setting a Guinness World Record!


2024 CPA Indigenous Psychology Student Award – Maureen Plante

Maureen Plante, 2024 CPA Indigenous Psychology Student Award

Maureen Plante was the recipient of a 2024 CPA Indigenous Psychology Student Award for her work at the University of Calgary studying disrupted orders of eating from an Indigenous perspective.

2024 CPA Indigenous Psychology Student Award – Trinity Stephens

Trinity Stephens, 2024 CPA Indigenous Psychology Student Award

Trinity Stephens was the recipient of a 2024 CPA Indigenous Psychology Student Award for her unconventional work as an undergrad at UBC.

Reflections on Psychology Month, climate change, and the path forward

Psychology Month 2024: Climate Crisis and Coping

Psychology Month 2024 was on the subject of climate change and psychology’s role. Our communications specialist reflects on the campaign, the key messages, and the next steps we can all take in tackling the biggest threat of our lifetimes.

Psychology month: moving past climate change disinformation

Psychology Month: Moving past climate change disinformation

Throughout Psychology Month in February, the topic of disinformation when it comes to climate change has arisen time and again. To close out the month, we spoke with Kyra Simone and Rachel Salt at Science Up First about our responses to disinformation, ways to combat it, and difficult conversations with friends and family.

Psychology Month: Merril Dean and the Northwest Territories Wildfires

Psychology Month: Merril Dean and the Northwest Territories Wildfires

This summer wildfires ravaged the Northwest Territories, forcing the evacuation of about 70% of the population. Yellowknife psychologist Merril Dean was one of the evacuees, and saw the devastation from many perspectives. In this Psychology Month episode of the CPA podcast Mind Full, Merril shares her own experiences, as well as some thoughts on the government response and where the northern communities might go from here.

Climate change: Every science has a role, every person has an impact

Dr. Heathxxkwell

Starting a little more than a decade ago, climate science in Canada suffered a significant setback when the federal government cut funding for environmental research and restricted scientists from speaking with the media and sharing their findings. Climate scientists are still feeling the effects of those policies, and have still not completely regained their footing. In the interim, other scientific disciplines started taking a greater interest in climate change and making some strides. One of those disciplines was psychology.

Psychology Month: Sustainable Happiness with Dr. Jiaying Zhao

Psychology Month: Sustainable Happiness with Dr. Jiaying Zhao

So much of the talk when it comes to the climate crisis is doom and gloom. It’s hard for many not to become a little defeatist or to throw their hands up and ignore the problem. The solution to that kind of despair is action – little actions that move us all toward a more sustainable future. And those actions – and the conversation about them – can be a happy one! Our podcast guest is Dr. Jiaying Zhao, who connects climate action to our own personal happiness in a way that we hope spurs some of that action – and makes you happy along the way!



Building Momentum: York University’s 1 in 5 Project Gets the Ball Rolling

Dr. Heather Prime, Paul De Luca, Alex Markwell
Dr. Heather Prime, Paul De Luca, Alex Markwell

A lot of action on climate change is aspirational. Pledges, pacts, and agreements are often non-binding and have no enforcement mechanisms. But aspirational action is action, and it often works – especially when the action is undertaken by many. York University’s Psychology Department is the first in Canada to sign on to the 1 in 5 Project, an initiative that asks academics and students to make climate change the subject of one in five projects or assignments.

Psychology Month: The Muzzling of Canadian Scientists with Dr. Alana Westwood

Psychology Month: The Muzzling of Canadian Scientists with Dr. Alana Westwood

Dr. Alana Westwood and her lab at Dalhousie University recently completed a study of environmental researchers in Canada. Their results showed that researchers in this space still feel muzzled despite changes in federal policy designed to allow them more freedom to speak and share their results. On the CPA podcast Mind Full we discuss the reasons for this, the ramifications, and specifically what this means for environmental science – and the communication of that science – in Canada.



Psychology Month: Wildfires, evacuations, and unprecedented stress: The Northwest Territories in summer 2023

Merril Dean
Merril Dean

In the summer of 2023, wildfires forced the evacuation of 70% of the residents of the Northwest Territories. There was a lot of trauma that resulted from leaving their homes behind. But there was also the stress of figuring out how to get supports through cultural and language barriers, and the shock that came when they returned to devastated communities. Yellowknife psychologist Merril Dean provides an inside look at the experiences of the people in the Northwest Territories, and makes some suggestions as to how schools can best help their staff and students upon their return from devastating climate events like these.

This article by Merril Dean originally appeared in the Fall-Winter newsletter of the CPA’s Education and School Psychology Section.

Psychology Month podcast: Trust with Dr. Katherine Arbuthnott

Psychology Month: Trust with Dr. Katherine Arbuthnott

We kick off Psychology Month in February speaking with Dr. Katherine Arbuthnott about trust on the CPA podcast Mind Full. We tend to think of other people as self-interested, and we are therefore pessimistic about things like our ability to tackle major subjects like climate change. Dr. Arbuthnott is here to tell us this isn’t really the case – that most people are, in fact, willing to make sacrifices for the good of the communities and the people around them.



Psychology Month: Social Connection, Trust, and the Intersection of Climate and Health

Dr. Todd Kettner and Dr. Kyle Merritt
Dr. Todd Kettner and Dr. Kyle Merritt

Nelson, BC was right near some of the most extreme and devastating climate events of 2021. The heat dome and wildfires had a profound effect on the city and the surrounding area. Dr. Todd Kettner and Dr. Kyle Merritt stepped up to do something about it in their own practices and workplaces. Dr. Kettner is a practising psychologist and Dr. Merritt is an emergency room doctor. They are both part of an organization called Doctors and Nurses for Planetary Health, formed in the wake of the 2021 devastation.

Psychology Month Profile: Marjolaine Rivest-Beauregard and Justine Fortin

Sors de ma tête
Marjolaine Rivest-Beauregard and Justine Fortin

Montréal psychology students Marjolaine Rivest-Beauregard and Justine Fortin created the podcast Sors de ma tête to combat disinformation and to make science accessible for non-scientists toward the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. They joined the CPA podcast Mind Full to discuss their work, which has branched out a little bit as they get ready to launch their third season.

Black History Month: Herman George Canady

Herman George Canady photo

Dr. Herman George Canady
Herman George Canady has had a lasting influence on psychology, influencing theories like intergroup anxiety and stereotype threat. He was also one of the very early leaders in organizing a group of Black psychologists.

Black History Month: Robert Lee Williams II

Robert Lee Williams II photo

Dr. Robert Lee Williams II
Famous for three important books, and for coining the word ‘Ebonics’, Dr. Robert Lee Williams II spent his long and influential career combatting the racist stereotype that Black people were less intelligent than White people.

Psychology Month Profile: Nardeen Yalda

Nardeen Yalda
Nardeen Yalda

Our podcast Mind Full spoke with Nardeen Yalda and her professor at the University of Western Ontario, Dr. Leora Swartzman. Dr. Swartzman has created a program to pair students with community organizations to implement change on the ground. That program led Nardeen to working with organizations helping the homeless.

Black History Month: Ruth Winifred Howard

Ruth Winifred Howard photo

Dr. Ruth Winifred Howard
One of the first Black women to earn a Ph.D. in psychology, Ruth Winifred Howard trained Black nurses and worked with children and youth during her long and exemplary career.

Psychology Month Profile: Nancy Tangon

Nancy Tangon
Nancy Tangon

Nancy Tangon is a CPA student representative at the University of Alberta. Her South Sudanese family has played an enormous influence in her life, including her decision to pursue a career in psychology.

With her friend Priscilla Ojomu, Nancy created the online forum Canada Confesses, where they collect anonymous testimonials from people that shine a light on the racism that exists under the surface in Canadian society. They spoke with the CPA podcast Mind Full about their project.

Psychology Month Profile: Kevin Prada

Kevin Prada and Thilini Dissanayake (and Myrtle)
Kevin Prada

Kevin Prada is a student at the University of Manitoba, where his research focuses on the difficulties faced by the French-speaking 2SLGBTQ+ community in Manitoba.

Kevin and his colleagues, including Thilini Dissanayake, started an initiative in their area called A Listening Ear. They joined the CPA podcast Mind Full to explain the project.

Black History Month: Francis Cecil Sumner

Francis Cecil Sumner photo

Dr. Francis Cecil Sumner
The first Black person to earn a Ph.D. in psychology, Francis Cecil Sumner spent his career working to elevate African-American education through more funding and more teaching of Black history.

Spotlight: CPA Student Mentor Sam Ayers-Glassey and Mentee Naya Goguen

Sam Ayers-Glassey photo
Sam Ayers-Glassey
Naya Goguen photo
Naya Goguen

For many students in the CPA Student Section Mentorship Program, the most valuable advice a mentor can provide is around applying to grad school. For Naya Goguen, the most valuable advice she got from Sam Ayers-Glassey was quite the opposite.

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Spotlight: CPA Student Mentor Maya Atlas and Mentee Kiana Chubey

Maya Atlas photo
Maya Atlas
Kiana Chubey photo
Kiana Chubey

Mentor Maya Atlas nominated her mentee Kiana Chubey for Student Section Mentorship Program Mentee of the Year. Although their paths to studying psychology were vastly different, the two have a strong connection based on similar goals.

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Spotlight: Linnea Kalchos, Chair of the Student Section of the CPA

Linnea Kalchos  photo
Linnea Kalchos

Linnea Kalchos is the new Chair of the Student Section of the CPA. She is hoping to continue, and expand upon, the Student Section’s legacy of social justice work.

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Spotlight: CPA Student Mentor Kayla Hollett and Mentee Liran Leidershnaider

Kayla Hollett photo
Kayla Hollett
Liran Leidershnaider photo
Liran Leidershnaider

Kayla Hollett has been a mentor in the CPA Student Section Mentorship Program for a while, and this year nominated her mentee Liran Leidershnaider for the Mentee of the Year Award. Their connection is strengthened by the virtual platform with which they interact.

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Spotlight: CPA Student Mentor Stephanie Woolridge and Mentee Ava Homiar

Stephanie Woolridge photo
Stephanie Woolridge
Ava Homiar photo
Ava Homiar

Stephanie Woolridge was the runner-up for the CPA Student Section’s Mentor of the Year award. Her connection with mentee Ava Homiar is profound, and goes much deeper than just academics.

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What is Femmephobia? With Dr. Karen Blair, Dr. Rhea Ashley Hoskin, And Bre O’Handley

What is Femmephobia? With Dr. Karen Blair, Dr. Rhea Ashley Hoskin, And Bre O’Handley
We speak with members of the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity section about issues facing the LGBTQ+ community during the pandemic, the history of the fight for marriage equality and the more recent effort to ban conversion therapy. We also learn a new term: ‘Femmephobia’.

Psychology Students Addressing Homelessness With Dr. Steve Joordens And Zaynab Azeem

Psychology Students Addressing Homelessness With Dr. Steve Joordens And Zaynab Azeem
Dr. Steve Joordens gave his first-year psychology class a group project – bust some myths around homelessness by collaborating with a local organization. Zaynab Azeem was inspired to work with Blankets for TO, and has turned that inspiration into a podcast of her own!

Needle Fear And Needle Pain With Dr. Meghan McMurtry

Needle Fear And Needle Pain With Dr. Meghan McMurtry
Dr. Meghan McMurtry joins Mind Full to talk about needle fears, needle pain, and coping strategies for all of us who experience one or the other. This includes advice about vaccinating infants and very young children.

How To Choose A Therapist (and What To Do If You Can’t Find One) With Dr. Houyuan Luo

How To Choose A Therapist (and What To Do If You Can't Find One) With Dr. Houyuan Luo
Dr. Houyuan Luo joins Mind Full to talk about his own struggles during the pandemic, and how he tries to avoid burnout. We also discuss options for people who are able to access therapy, and for those who can not.

Truth, Reconciliation, Genocide And Psychology With Dr. Stryker Calvez And Dr. David Danto

Truth, Reconciliation, Genocide And Psychology With Dr. Stryker Calvez And Dr. David Danto
Dr. Stryker Calvez and Dr. David Danto talk Truth, Reconciliation, and the role of Psychology from the perspective of an Indigenous psychologist and an ally. We discuss Indigenous ways of knowing and how the apply to psychology, as well as the genocide perpetrated by Canadians against our Indigenous people.

Gender diversity issues, terminology, and human rights with Dr. Jesse Bosse and Aida

Gender diversity issues, terminology, and human rights with Dr. Jesse Bosse and Aida
Dr. Jesse Bosse is a gender-queer psychologist in Ottawa who works primarily with trans, non-binary, and gender-diverse people. Aida is a young trans person who is currently undergoing Hormone Replacement Therapy. We spoke to them both about the issues confronting gender diverse people, human rights issues, and the effects of the pandemic on this population.”

Gender diversity, education, and criminal justice with Dr. Ada Sinacore and Dr. Keira Stockdale

Gender diversity, education, and criminal justice with Dr. Ada Sinacore and Dr. Keira Stockdale
Dr. Ada Sinacore is an expert in human rights issues surrounding gender diversity. Dr. Keira Stockdale is an expert in the psychology of criminal justice. They are part of a group working to put out a statement on gender diversity amid an increase in violence and legislation targeted at the gender diverse community. We discuss LGBTQ2s+ rights in relation to education, the criminal justice system, and the discipline of psychology itself.

Art and Every Child Matters with Betty Albert

Art and Every Child Matters with Betty Albert
Canadian Indigenous Artist Betty Albert has created a design for a T-shirt that the CPA sold at the 83rd annual convention in Calgary. All proceeds went to an Indigenous charity working towards healing for Indigenous communities in Canada. We discuss art, residential schools, and the remarkable capabilities of Photoshop!

Member Profile: Drs. Karen Dyck and Melissa Tiessen

Karen Dyck and Melissa TiessenDrs. Karen Dyck and Melissa Tiessen started the Intentional Therapist initiative to help female practitioners with self-care. They will be hosting a pre-convention workshop at the 2022 CPA Convention in Calgary.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Charlene Senn and Dr. Lorraine Radtke, Section on Women And Psychology

Dr. Charlene Senn
Dr. Charlene Senn
Dr. Lorraine Radtke
Dr. Lorraine Radtke

Dr. Charlene Senn, and Dr. Lorraine Radtke, Section on Women And Psychology
The CPA’s Section for Women And Psychology (SWAP) creates a community of researchers, teachers, and practitioners interested in the psychology of women and feminist psychology. Today’s Psychology Month feature talks to Dr. Lorraine Radtke and Dr. Charlene Senn about the work they’re doing in this space.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Joshua Bourdage and Dr. Winny Shen, Industrial Organizational Psychology

Dr. Joshua Bourdage
Dr. Joshua Bourdage
Dr. Winny Shen
Dr. Winny Shen

Dr. Joshua Bourdage and Dr. Winny Shen, Industrial Organizational Psychology
Industrial/Organizational psychology is the study of psychology in the workplace. We spoke to Dr. Joshua Bourdage and Dr. Winny Shen about workplace culture, organizational structure, and the vast variety of work I/O psychologists do.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Cheryl Harasymchuk, Dr. Katherine Starzyk, and Dr. John Zelenski, Social and Personality Psychology

Dr. Cheryl Harasymchuk
Dr. Cheryl Harasymchuk
Dr. John Zelenski
Dr. John Zelenski
Dr. Katherine Starzyk
Dr. Katherine Starzyk

Dr. Cheryl Harasymchuk, Dr. Katherine Starzyk, and Dr. John Zelenski, Social and Personality Psychology
Social and Personality Psychology is really a description of two different disciplines that are inextricably linked. We spoke to Dr. Cheryl Harasymchuk, Dr. Katherine Starzyk, and Dr. John Zelenski about the contentious history and harmonious present, and the work they do to influence us all to be better.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Randal Tonks and Dr. Gira Bhatt, International and Cross-Cultural Psychology

Dr. Randal Tonks
Dr. Randal Tonks
Dr. Gira Bhatt
Dr. Gira Bhatt

Dr. Randal Tonks and Dr. Gira Bhatt, International and Cross-Cultural Psychology
International and Cross-Cultural Psychology are two separate but related fields. The study of cultural differences and similarities has long brought needed perspective to psychology, and that work has been accelerated as the world becomes more and more globally connected. We spoke to Dr. Randal Tonks and Dr. Gira Bhatt about the work they do in this space.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. David Nussbaum and Dr. Yusef Karimi, Extremism and Terrorism

Dr. David Nussbaum
Dr. David Nussbaum
Dr. Yusef Karimi
Dr. Yusef Karimi

Dr. David Nussbaum and Dr. Yusef Karimi, Extremism and Terrorism
Extremism and Terrorism are not limited to a geographic location or to a time period. We see the results all over the world, here in North America, in the Middle East, and most recently in Europe. Dr. David Nussbaum and Dr. Yusef Karimi discuss psychology’s role in understanding, and possibly preventing, violent extremism.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Wendy Darr, Dr. Allister MacIntyre, Dr. Susan Dowler and Dr. Damian O’Keefe, Psychology in the Military

Dr. Wendy Darr
Dr. Wendy Darr
Dr. Allister MacIntyre
Dr. Allister MacIntyre
Dr. Damian O’Keefe
Dr. Damian O’Keefe

Dr. Wendy Darr, Dr. Allister MacIntyre, Dr. Susan Dowler and Dr. Damian O’Keefe, Psychology in the Military

Psychologists in the military play many roles, from personnel selection to designing training to a number of therapy roles. We spoke with Dr. Wendy Darr, Dr. Allister MacIntyre, Dr. Susan Dowler and Dr. Damian O’Keefe to learn more.

Psychology Month Profile: Alejandra Botia and Emily Winters, Students in Psychology

Alejandra Botia
Alejandra Botia
Emily Winters
Emily Winters

Alejandra Botia and Emily Winters, Students in Psychology

Students in psychology, like students everywhere, have had a tough adjustment to make these last two years. Alejandra Botia and Emily Winters spoke to us about what they’re doing to help their fellow students navigate the new challenges presented by COVID.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Jim Cresswell and Dr. Thomas Teo, History and Philosophy of psychology

Dr. Jim Cresswell
Dr. Jim Cresswell
Dr. Thomas Teo
Dr. Thomas Teo

Dr. Jim Cresswell and Dr. Thomas Teo, History and Philosophy of Psychology

The History and Philosophy of psychology is long, broad, and a truly enormous field of study. A lot of it involves ‘big-picture’ thinking. We spoke to Dr. Jim Cresswell and Dr. Thomas Teo about how they see the ‘big picture’.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Veronica Hutchings, Charlene Bradford, and Dr. Reagan Gale,Rural and Northern Psychology

Dr. Veronica Hutchings
Dr. Veronica Hutchings
Dr. Reagan Gale
Dr. Reagan Gale
Charlene Bradford
Charlene Bradford

Dr. Veronica Hutchings, Charlene Bradford, and Dr. Reagan Gale, Rural and Northern Psychology
There are unique challenges that come with living in small communities – especially those far in the north. Being a psychologist in these areas brings unique challenges as well. We spoke to Dr. Veronica Hutchings, Charlene Bradford, and Dr. Reagan Gale about their work in Yukon and Newfoundland.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Stryker Calvez and Dr. David Danto, Indigenous Peoples’ Psychology

Dr. Stryker Calvez
Dr. Stryker Calvez
Dr. David Danto
Dr. David Danto

Dr. Stryker Calvez and Dr. David Danto, Indigenous Peoples’ Psychology
As psychology comes to grips with the need to change practices to welcome Indigenous people and attract Indigenous practitioners, the Indigenous Peoples’ Psychology Section says this will involve many important and difficult conversations. We had one with Dr. Stryker Calvez and Dr. David Danto.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Lindsay McCunn and Dr. John Zelenski, Environmental Psychology

Dr. Lindsay McCunn
Dr. Lindsay McCunn
Dr. John Zelenski
Dr. John Zelenski

Dr. Lindsay McCunn and Dr. John Zelenski, Environmental Psychology
Environmental psychology has two main branches. We spoke to Dr. Lindsay McCunn about the architectural branch (designing buildings and rooms for the well-being of occupants), and to Dr. John Zelenski about the conservation branch (examining sustainable behaviours through peoples’ connectedness to nature).

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Maria Rogers and Dr. Maria Kokai, Educational and School Psychology

Dr. Maria Rogers
Dr. Maria Rogers
Dr. Maria Kokai
Dr. Maria Kokai

Dr. Maria Rogers and Dr. Maria Kokai, Educational and School Psychology
While the terms Educational and School Psychology are sometimes used interchangeably, they can also refer to the two parts of psychology in the education system – the researchers who come up with evidence-based best practices, and the practicing school psychologists who implement that research. Dr. Maria Rogers and Dr. Maria Kokai joined us to explain further.