Psychology Profiles

Psychology is rooted in science that seeks to understand our thoughts, feelings and actions. It is also a broad field – some psychology professionals develop and test theories through basic research; while others work to help individuals, organizations, and communities better function; still others are both researchers and practitioners.


Black History Month: Dr. Donna Ferguson

Dr. Donna Ferguson photoDr. Donna Ferguson
February is Black History Month, and the CPA is spotlighting contemporary Black psychologists throughout the month. Dr. Donna Ferguson is a clinical psychologist in CAMH’s Work Stress and Health Program and also runs a private practice where, among other things, she does refugee and humanitarian assessments.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Brigitte Sabourin and Dr. Nicholas Carleton, Clinical Psychology

Dr. Brigitte Sabourin
Dr. Brigitte Sabourin
Dr. Nicholas Carleton
Dr. Nicholas Carleton

Dr. Brigitte Sabourin and Dr. Nicholas Carleton, Clinical Psychology
Clinical psychology is the branch of psychology most of the public thinks about when they hear the word ‘psychologist’. But we have moved far beyond the patient-lying-on-the-couch cliché, and clinical practice has entered the virtual world online. We spoke to Dr. Brigitte Sabourin and Dr. Nicholas Carleton about where clinical psychology is today.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Keira Stockdale and Dr. Sandy Jung,Criminal Justice Psychology

Dr. Keira Stockdale
Dr. Keira Stockdale
Dr. Sandy Jung
Dr. Sandy Jung

Dr. Keira Stockdale and Dr. Sandy Jung, Criminal Justice Psychology
The field of criminal justice is vast, and psychologists are involved with nearly every facet of it, from prevention to probation. We spoke with Dr. Keira Stockdale and Dr. Sandy Jung about their work in this space, and where the profession is headed from here.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Zarina Giannone, Sport and Exercise Psychology

Dr. Zarina Giannone
Dr. Zarina Giannone

Dr. Zarina Giannone, Sport and Exercise Psychology
As the accomplishments of Olympic athletes capture our attention, we place today’s Psychology Month focus on the psychologists who help them attain that high performance. Sport Psychology, however, extends far beyond just high-performance athletes. We spoke to Dr. Zarina Giannone all about this exciting field.

Black History Month: Dr. Kofi-Len Belfon

Dr. Kofi-Len Belfon photoDr. Kofi-Len Belfon
February is Black History Month, and the CPA is spotlighting contemporary Black psychologists throughout the month. Dr. Kofi-Len Belfon is a clinical psychologist who works with children, adolescents and families. He wears many hats, one of them being as the Associate Clinical Director at Kinark Child and Family Services.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Amir Sepehry and Dr. Diana Velikonja, Psychopharmacology Section

Dr. Amir Sepehry
Dr. Amir Sepehry
Dr. Diana Velikonja
Dr. Diana Velikonja

Dr. Amir Sepehry and Dr. Diana Velikonja, Psychopharmacology Section
At the intersection of psychology and medicine is psychopharmacology. Psychologists who can prescribe medication like a psychiatrist, but with a psychologist’s training in behaviour and therapy-based interventions. Dr. Amir Sepehry and Dr. Diana Velikonja tell us more.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Kerry Mothersill, Dr. Kelsey Collimore, and Dr. Stephanie Greenham, Psychologists in Hospitals and Health Centres

Dr. Kerry Mothersill
Dr. Kerry Mothersill
Dr. Kelsey Collimore
Dr. Kelsey Collimore
Dr. Stephanie Greenham
Dr. Stephanie

Dr. Kerry Mothersill, Dr. Kelsey Collimore, and Dr. Stephanie Greenham, Psychologists in Hospitals and Health Centres
Many psychologists work in the public health system. Some in hospitals and others in different health centres as part of interdisciplinary teams seeing patients of all kinds. Drs. Kelsey Collimore, Stephanie Greenham, and Kerry Mothersill give us some insight into the work they do.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Jude Mary Cénat, Dr. Helen Ofosu, Anita Shaw, Kafui Sawyer, Dr. Erin Beettam, and Dr. Monnica Williams, Black Psychology Section

Dr. Jude Mary Cénat
Dr. Jude Mary Cénat
Dr. Helen Ofosu
Dr. Helen Ofosu
Anita Shaw
Anita Shaw

Dr. Jude Mary Cénat, Dr. Helen Ofosu, Anita Shaw, Kafui Sawyer, Dr. Erin Beettam, and Dr. Monnica Williams, Black Psychology Section

Kafui Sawyer
Kafui Sawyer
Dr. Erin Beettam
Dr. Erin Beettam
Dr. Monnica Williams
Dr. Monnica Williams

One of the two new sections at the CPA is the Black Psychology Section, which looks to increase the presence of Black professionals in psychology and to increase access to mental health services for the Black community.

Black History Month: Dr. Monnica Williams

Dr. Monnica Williams photoDr. Monnica Williams
February is Black History Month, and the CPA is spotlighting contemporary Black psychologists throughout the month. Dr. Monnica Williams is a researcher at the University of Ottawa, dedicated to making research more inclusive for people of colour. In particular, at the moment, research into psychedelic medicine.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Vinay Bharadia and Dr. Kristina Gicas, Clinical Neuropsychology Section

Dr. Vinay Bharadia
Dr. Vinay Bharadia
Dr. Kristina Gicas
Dr. Kristina Gicas

Dr. Vinay Bharadia and Dr. Kristina Gicas, Clinical Neuropsychology Section
Your brain and your body have a relationship – sometimes it’s a harmonious one, other times it’s contentious. This is the domain of clinical neuropsychology. We spoke to Dr. Vinay Bharadia and Dr. Kristina Gicas to learn more.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Karen Blair, Dr. Rhea Ashley Hoskin, and Bre O’Handley Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Section

Dr. Karen Blair
Dr. Karen Blair
Dr. Rhea Ashley Hoskin
Dr. Rhea Ashley
Bre O’Handley
Bre O’Handley

Dr. Karen Blair, Dr. Rhea Ashley Hoskin, and Bre O’Handley Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Section
The field of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in psychology has come a long way in the last few years, from securing same-sex marriage rights to banning conversion therapy. We spoke to Dr. Karen Blair, Dr. Rhea Ashley Hoskin, and Bre O’Handley about that progress, and about a term you may not have heard before – “femmephobia”.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Shahnaz Winer, Psychology Careers and Professionals Section

Dr. Shahnaz Winer
Dr. Shahnaz Winer

Dr. Shahnaz Winer, Psychology Careers and Professionals Section
One of two brand-new sections at the CPA, the Psychology Careers and Professionals Section is a place to network and collaborate for those who have a psychology degree but work in an area other than clinical practice or academia.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Marvin McDonald, Dr. Tanya Mudry, Dr. Janet Miller, Dr. Houyuan (Hy) Luo, and Dr. Jessica Van Vliet, Counselling Psychology Section

Dr. Marvin McDonald
Dr. Marvin McDonald
Dr. Tanya Mudry
Dr. Tanya Mudry
Dr. Jessica Van Vliet
Dr. Jessica Van Vliet
Dr. Houyuan (Hy) Luo
Dr. Houyuan (Hy) Luo
Dr. Janet Miller
Dr. Janet Miller

Dr. Marvin McDonald, Dr. Tanya Mudry, Dr. Janet Miller, Dr. Houyuan (Hy) Luo, and Dr. Jessica Van Vliet, Counselling Psychology Section
Counselling psychology has many facets and many different practitioners. We spoke with five of them about what it is they do, and how it affects the lives of everyday people.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Jenna Boyd and Dr. Rachel Langevin, Traumatic Stress Section

Dr. Jenna Boyd
Dr. Jenna Boyd
Dr. Rachel Langevin
Dr. Rachel Langevin

Dr. Jenna Boyd and Dr. Rachel Langevin, Traumatic Stress Section
Traumatic Stress shows itself in more than just PTSD, and can be caused by more than just major single events. Dr. Jenna Boyd and Dr. Rachel Langevin are working to help those affected by trauma, and working to learn more about traumatic stress as they do.

Black History Month: Dr. Jude Mary Cénat

Dr. Jude Mary Cénat photoDr. Jude Mary Cénat
February is Black History Month, and the CPA is spotlighting contemporary Black psychologists throughout the month. Dr. Jude Mary Cénat is the director of the Vulnerability, Trauma, Resilience and Culture Research Laboratory (V-TRaC Lab), and the director of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Black Health.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Andrew Hyounsoo Kim and Dr. Nassim Tabri, Addiction Psychology Section

Dr. Andrew Hyounsoo Kim
Dr. Andrew Hyounsoo Kim
Dr. Nassim Tabri
Dr. Nassim Tabri

Dr. Andrew Hyounsoo Kim and Dr. Nassim Tabri , Addiction Psychology Section
Addiction Psychology covers a lot of ground, from substance use to video games. Today’s Psychology Month feature talks to Dr. Andrew Hyounsoo Kim and Dr. Nassim Tabri about the work they’re doing in the field of addictions, and about combatting the stigma that remains around the subject.

Psychology Month Profile: Juanita Mureika and Dawn Hanson, Psychologists and Retirement Section

Dr. Juanita Mureika
Juanita Mureika
Dr. Dawn Hanson
Dawn Hanson

Juanita Mureika and Dawn Hanson , Psychologists and Retirement Section
Even after retiring, many psychologists have ongoing professional responsibilities. Today’s Psychology Month feature talks to Juanita Mureika and Dawn Hanson about the work they’re doing in this space.

Black History Month: Dr. Eleanor Gittens

Eleanor Gittens photoDr. Eleanor Gittens
Dr. Eleanor Gittens is a professor at Georgian College in the Police Studies degree program. She helps students confront their biases before they graduate and go on to become police officers – by taking them to Barbados!

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Jonathan Wilbiks, Brain and Cognitive Science Section

Dr. Jonathan Wilbiks
Dr. Jonathan Wilbiks

Dr. Jonathan Wilbiks , Brain and Cognitive Science Section
Researchers in the realm of the Brain and Cognitive Science are interested in how our brains work, and how they perceive and sort external stimuli. Today’s Psychology Month feature delves into this subject with Dr. Jonathan Wilbiks about his work – and that of Snoop Dogg and Angela Hewitt.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Gilla Shapiro, Health Psychology and Behavioural Medicine Section

Dr. Gilla Shapiro
Dr. Gilla Shapiro

Dr. Gilla Shapiro, Health Psychology and Behavioural Medicine Section
Health Psychology and Behavioural Medicine covers a lot of ground, from encouraging people with diabetes to take their insulin to nudging people toward healthier eating habits. Today’s Psychology Month feature talks to Dr. Gilla Shapiro about the work she’s doing in the areas of cancer and vaccines.

Psychology Month Profile: Ann Marie Beals, Dr. Natalie Kivell, and Ramy Barhouhe, Community Psychology Section

Ann Marie Beals
Ann Marie Beals
Dr. Natalie Kivell
Dr. Natalie Kivell
Ramy Barhouhe
Ramy Barhouhe

Ann Marie Beals, Dr. Natalie Kivell, and Ramy Barhouhe, Community Psychology Section
Community Psychology is a little more “community” than “psychology” and is heavily involved with social justice issues. Today’s Psychology Month feature talks to Ann Marie Beals, Dr. Natalie Kivell, and Ramy Barhouhe about the work they’re doing in this space.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Milica Miočević and Dr. Rob Cribbie, Quantitative Methods Section

Dr. Milica Miočević
Dr. Milica Miočević
Dr. Rob Cribbie
Dr. Rob Cribbie

Dr. Milica Miočević and Dr. Rob Cribbie, Quantitative Methods Section
Quantitative Methods is a science that works with nearly every branch of psychology. All researchers use different methods to analyze data – but all of them analyze data. Today’s Psychology Month feature talks to Dr. Milica Miočević and Dr. Rob Cribbie about the work they’re doing to make that data collection and analysis easier, more consistent, and more accurate.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Elena Antoniadis, Dr. Elizabeth Bowering, and Dr. Steve Joordens , Teaching of Psychology Section

Dr. Elena Antoniadis
Dr. Elena Antoniadis
Dr. Steve Joordens
Dr. Steve Joordens

Dr. Elena Antoniadis, Dr. Elizabeth Bowering, and Dr. Steve Joordens , Teaching of Psychology Section
The Teaching of Psychology is a science that never happens in exactly the same way. Different groups in varied settings approach learning in a multitude of ways. Today’s Psychology Month feature talks to Dr. Elena Antoniadis, Dr. Elizabeth Bowering, and Dr. Steve Joordens about the work they do in this field.

Black History Month: Dr. Helen Ofosu

Helen Ofosu photoDr. Helen Ofosu
Dr. Helen Ofosu helps businesses move toward equity, diversity and inclusion as an Industrial/Organizational Psychologist. She says that employees of colour who are staying at home during the pandemic are realizing that their workplace may not have been a very welcoming one when they were there in person.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Nasreen Khatri and Dr. Colleen Millikin, Adult Development and Aging Section

Nasreen Khatri
Dr. Nasreen Khatri
Colleen Millikin
Dr. Colleen Millikin

Dr. Nasreen Khatri and Dr. Colleen Millikin, Adult Development and Aging Section
The psychology of adult development and aging is the study, assessment and management of the physical, psychological, cognitive, emotional and social functioning of people 18 years and up and includes aging in all its forms, milestones, joys and challenges. Today’s Psychology Month feature talks to Dr. Nasreen Khatri and Dr. Colleen Millikin about the work they do in this field.

Spotlight: Abbey Horner, CPA Campus Representative

Abbey Horner photo
Abbey Horner

Abbey Horner is the CPA Campus Representative at the University of Western Ontario. She is also an entrepreneur, a tutor, an avid reader, a mentee, and the owner of very cold hands.

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Spotlight: Joanna Collaton, CPA Student Representative, Past President of the Student Section, and MindPad editor

Joanna Collaton photo
Joanna Collaton

Joanna Collaton is the CPA’s Student Representative at the University of Guelph, the Past President of the Student Section, the editor of the student publication MindPad, and over the past three years has been involved with the CPA in just about every way a student can be.

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Gina Ko And The Against The Tides Of Racism Podcast

Gina Ko And The Against The Tides Of Racism Podcast
Gina Ko is a psychologist in Alberta who has been working in anti-racism for a while. She realized many of her colleagues in that space had great stories to share, so she started the podcast Against The Tides Of Racism. You can find her podcast on Spotify, or at the website here:

Melissa Tiessen And Karen Dyck of The Intentional Therapist

Dr. Melissa Tiessen and Dr. Karen Dyck

Dr. Melissa Tiessen and Dr. Karen Dyck created the Intentional Therapist network to help female mental health professionals (themselves included!) stay healthy and happy through intentional and playful self-care.

This is your brain on screens – i-Minds author Dr. Mari Swingle talks Instagram

This is your brain on screens - i-Minds author Dr. Mari Swingle talks Instagram
Dr. Mari Swingle wrote the book ‘i-Minds: How and Why Constant Connectivity is Rewiring Our Brains and What to Do About it’. We discuss the revelations from Facebook research that shows Instagram’s negative effect on young girls, in particular – something Dr. Swingle has been writing about for years.

The Naomi Osaka Effect: Talking elite athletes and mental health

The Naomi Osaka Effect: Talking elite athletes and mental health

Dr. Adrienne Leslie-Toogood and University of Manitoba psychology student (and Olympic swimming medallist) Chantal Van Landeghem discuss the mental health of elite athletes in the wake of Naomi Osaka’s withdrawal from Wimbledon.

Spotlight: CPA Student Mentor Caryn Tong and Mentee Rohit Gupta

Caryn Tong photo
Caryn Tong
Rohit Gupta photo
Rohit Gupta

Last year Caryn Tong mentored Rohit Gupta through the CPA Student Mentorship Program. While both were looking for experiences that differed from their own, they found many similarities in one another.

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Spotlight: CPA Student Mentor Lauren Trafford and Mattia Gregory

Lauren Trafford photo
Mattia Gregory photo

Lauren Trafford and Mattia Gregory have never met in person. This Zoom meeting, with some guy from the CPA, while they happen to be in the same province might be the closest they ever come to actually meeting one another. Their shared experiences, and their shared interests, and their passion for their chosen field makes it certain that they will run in the same circles for a long time to come.

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Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Justin Presseau

Justin PresseauDr. Justin Presseau
Psychology Month has been extended two days, so we can bring you the work of Dr. Justin Presseau, who is co-Chairing a working group of behavioural scientists advising Ontario healthcare executives and government representatives on best practices during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Psychology Month 2021: Silver Linings in the Pandemic

Featured Psychology Month PsychologistsSilver Linings in the Pandemic
Psychology Month has focused on dozens of aspects of the pandemic, a global catastrophe that is deeply tragic. To close out Psychology Month, we focus on a few positives that have come about as a result of COVID-19.

Silver Linings From the Pandemic: Ending Psychology Month 2021 on a positive note

Silver Linings From the Pandemic: Ending Psychology Month on a positive note
Psychology Month has focused on dozens of aspects of the pandemic, a global catastrophe that is deeply tragic. To close out Psychology Month 2021, we focus on a few positives that have come about as a result of COVID-19.

Psychology Month Profile: Karen Cohen

Dr. Karen CohenDr. Karen Cohen
The CPA has been adjusting, like everyone else, to working from home and embracing the new normal. Our work has been guided by our CEO, Dr. Karen Cohen.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Jenn, Dr. Laila, Dr. Mary and the Coping Toolbox podcast

Dr. Jenn Vriend, Dr. Laila Din Osmun, and Dr. Mary Simmering McDonald Dr. Jenn, Dr. Laila, and Dr. Mary
Friends since they did an internship together at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, child psychologists Dr. Laila Din Osmun, Dr. Mary Simmering McDonald, and Dr. Jenn Vriend are trying to reach as many kids and parents as they can during the pandemic with the Coping Toolbox podcast.

Psychology Month – Dr. Jenn, Dr. Laila, Dr. Mary and the Coping Toolbox podcast

Dr. Jenn, Dr. Laila, Dr. Mary and the Coping Toolbox podcast
Introducing The Coping Toolbox: A Child Psych Podcast. Dr. Jenn Vriend, Dr. Laila Din Osmun, and Dr. Mary Simmering McDonald are three child psychologists from Ottawa.

Black History Month: Charles Henry Turner

Charles Henry Turner photo from biography.comCharles Henry Turner
Charles Henry Turner was a zoologist, one of the first 3 Black men to earn a PhD from Chicago University. Despite being denied access to laboratories, research libraries, and more, his extensive research was part of a movement that became the field of comparative psychology.

Dr. Turner was a civil rights advocate in St. Louis, publishing papers on the subject beginning in 1897. He suggested education as the best means of combatting racism, and believed in what would now be called a ‘comparative psychology’ approach.

Psychology Month Profile: Penny Corkum

Penny CorkumPenny Corkum
Dr. Penny Corkum studies sleep and children, and created Better Nights Better Days, a cross-Canada trial that improved sleep for both kids and parents before the pandemic. In the last year, Dr. Corkum and her team went back to those families to see how they were doing during COVID. Their launch of a revamped Better Nights Better Days for the pandemic era is imminent.

Psychology Month Profile: Natalie Rosen

Natalie RosenNatalie Rosen
At Dalhousie University, Dr. Natalie Rosen studies sexual health in the context of couples. Many people thought there would be a baby boom during the pandemic – Dr. Rosen explains why this hasn’t happened.

Black History Month: Keturah Whitehurst

Keturah Whitehurst. Photo from Kirsten's Psychology BlogKeturah Whitehurst
A mentor to countless black psychologists, Keturah Whitehurst’s contributions to psychology extend beyond her own work to the work of her protégés that continues today.

Psychology Month Profile: Joanna Pozzulo

Joanna PozzuloJoanna Pozzulo
Dr. Joanna Pozzulo and the Carleton University Psychology Department launched a virtual space for researchers, students, and other stakeholders called MeWeRTH (The Mental Health and Well-being Research and Training Hub). It’s a means of connecting the university with community organizations and anyone else who might be a consumer of mental health and well-being research.

Psychology Month 2021 – some of the psychologists doing interesting things during the pandemic

Psychology Month - some of the psychologists doing interesting things during the pandemicSome of the psychologists doing interesting things during the pandemic
Meet some of the psychologists who have been profiled in this Psychology Month. We speak with Dr. Adrienne Leslie-Toogood, Dr. Christine Chambers, Courtney Gosselin and Dr. Mélanie Joanisse about their work during the pandemic.

Psychology Month Profile: Vina Goghari

Vina GoghariVina Goghari
Dr. Vina Goghari is the Editor of the Canadian Psychology journal. The amount of pandemic-related research and article submissions has been overwhelming in the past few months. The upcoming COVID special edition of the journal will present papers that cover a very broad range of topics related to the pandemic.

Psychology Month Profile: Judy Moench

Judy MoenchJudy Moench
Dr. Judy Moench has helped create protocols to help her Alberta community and others during the pandemic. Prepped 4 Learning helps teachers, parents, and kids cope with disruption. The Self-care Traumatic Episode Protocol (STEP) is helping mental health clinicians, hospital staff, and others decrease stress and increase coping.

Psychology Month Profile: Chloe Hamza

Chloe HamzaChloe Hamza
Dr. Chloe Hamza has an article in the upcoming Canadian Psychology journal COVID-19 special edition entitled ‘When Social Isolation Is Nothing New’. It’s part of an ongoing study of post-secondary students, some of whom had pre-existing mental health concerns before the pandemic, and some of whom didn’t.

Psychology Month Profile: Laurie Ford

Laurie FordLaurie FordLaurie Ford
Dr. Laurie Ford at UBC has school psychologists to train, students adjusting to online learning, and innovations to replace hands-on experiences. She also has a community garden and two great dogs!

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Christine Chambers

Dr. Christine ChambersDr. Christine Chambers
Dr. Christine Chambers is part of the #ScienceUpFirst initiative, the Scientific Director at the CIHR Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health, and many other things. The biggest change for her during the pandemic might be as the Scientific Director of SKIP (Solutions for Kids in Pain).