Psychology Profiles

Psychology is rooted in science that seeks to understand our thoughts, feelings and actions. It is also a broad field – some psychology professionals develop and test theories through basic research; while others work to help individuals, organizations, and communities better function; still others are both researchers and practitioners.


Psychology Month Profile: Judy Moench

Judy MoenchJudy Moench
Dr. Judy Moench has helped create protocols to help her Alberta community and others during the pandemic. Prepped 4 Learning helps teachers, parents, and kids cope with disruption. The Self-care Traumatic Episode Protocol (STEP) is helping mental health clinicians, hospital staff, and others decrease stress and increase coping.

Psychology Month Profile: Chloe Hamza

Chloe HamzaChloe Hamza
Dr. Chloe Hamza has an article in the upcoming Canadian Psychology journal COVID-19 special edition entitled ‘When Social Isolation Is Nothing New’. It’s part of an ongoing study of post-secondary students, some of whom had pre-existing mental health concerns before the pandemic, and some of whom didn’t.

Psychology Month Profile: Laurie Ford

Laurie FordLaurie FordLaurie Ford
Dr. Laurie Ford at UBC has school psychologists to train, students adjusting to online learning, and innovations to replace hands-on experiences. She also has a community garden and two great dogs!

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Christine Chambers

Dr. Christine ChambersDr. Christine Chambers
Dr. Christine Chambers is part of the #ScienceUpFirst initiative, the Scientific Director at the CIHR Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health, and many other things. The biggest change for her during the pandemic might be as the Scientific Director of SKIP (Solutions for Kids in Pain).

Black History Month: Dr. Olivia Hooker

Dr. Olivia Hooker with President ObamaDr. Olivia Hooker
As a psychologist, Dr. Olivia Hooker worked to change the unfair treatment inflicted upon inmates at a New York State women’s correctional facility. In 1963 she went to work at Fordham University as an APA Honours Psychology professor, and was an early director at the Kennedy Child Study Center in New York City.

Psychology Month Profile: Mélanie Joanisse

Mélanie Joanisse
When the pandemic began, Dr. Mélanie Joanisse created a simple, easy, and funny Guide to Wellness for her frontline co-workers at the Montfort hospital. It immediately took off and has been shared and translated around the world to help healthcare workers everywhere.

Psychology Month Profile: Khush Amaria

Khush Amaria
MindBeacon had a bit of a head start on other similar groups when the pandemic began, as they had already been providing online services for some time. Dr. Khush Amaria is the Senior Clinical Director at MindBeacon, and the last year for her has been packed with speaking engagements.

Black History Month: Inez Beverly Prosser

Inez Beverly Prosser
Inez Beverly Prosser was a Texas native who taught in segregated schools in the early 1900s. She travelled to the University of Cincinnati to obtain her doctorate in 1933, making her the first Black woman with a PhD in psychology.

Psychology Month Profile: Helen Ofosu

Helen Ofosu
Dr. Helen Ofosu runs IO Advisory in Ottawa where she helps organizations and businesses tackle structural racism and promote equity, diversity, and inclusion. During the pandemic, more and more groups are looking for this kind of assistance and her business is growing.

Black History Month: Kenneth & Mamie Phipps Clark

Kenneth & Mamie Phipps Clark
February is Black History Month and to celebrate and acknowledge the contributions that Black Psychologists have made to the discipline and the world, the CPA will be highlighting historically significant Black Psychologists throughout the month (#BlackHistoryMonth).

Kenneth & Mamie Phipps Clark were psychologists famous for their ‘doll experiment’. Their findings, that even black children showed preference for white dolls from as early as three years old, played a role in outlawing segregation.

Psychology Month Profile: Maya Yampolsky

Maya Yampolsky
The COVID-19 pandemic has made racism worse around the world for marginalized communities. Racism has made the pandemic worse for those communities as well. Dr. Maya Yampolsky specializes in social and cultural psychology, with a particular focus in her research on systemic racism and how racism enters into our personal lives.

Psychology Month Profile: Karen Blair

Karen Blair
Dr. Karen Blair and her colleagues created the ‘COVID-19 Interpersonal & Social Coping Study’ which surveyed hundreds of Canadians over several months. One of the most striking results they found was the impact of the pandemic on LGBTQ+ university students.

Psychology Month Profile: Courtney Gosselin

Courtney Gosselin
Courtney Gosselin was one of 25 students from Canada and the UK who worked on the COVID-19 Coping Study between March and August. Part of the study was letters people wrote to their past selves (pre-pandemic) and future selves (what they thought at the time would be post-pandemic).

Psychology Month Profile: Jonathan N. Stea

Jonathan N. Stea
The proliferation of disinformation and misinformation online over the past few years has become more dangerous with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Jonathan Stea, a clinical psychologist and an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Calgary, is one of two psychologists invited to join Science Up First, an initiative bringing together experts from every field to combat disinformation online.

Psychology Month Profile: Adrienne Leslie-Toogood

Adrienne Leslie-Toogood
Dr. Adrienne Leslie-Toogood works with elite athletes in Manitoba. When the pandemic hit, those athletes were spread out across the world, some unable to return home. In response, Dr. Leslie-Toogood launched the #TerrificTuesdays Zoom therapy sessions, a podcast, a book club, and much more to connect athletes across levels, disciplines, and the world.

Psychology Month Profile: Andrew Ryder

Andrew Ryder
Dr. Andrew Ryder helped prepare the Fact Sheet ‘Why Does Culture Matter to COVID-19’ for the CPA. An Associate Professor in the Psychology department at Concordia University, Dr. Ryder self-identifies as a ‘cultural-clinical’ psychologist, and the intersection of culture and the pandemic is in his wheelhouse.

Psychology Month Profile: Ian Nicholson

Ian Nicholson
Dr. Ian Nicholson is the Manager for Psychology and Audiology at the London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC), and a former President of the CPA. As with most hospitals, the LHSC has had to change many of their practices since early 2020, including the way they deliver instruction as a teaching hospital.

Psychology Month Profile: Chelsea Moran

Chelsea Moran
Chelsea Moran is a PhD student in Clinical Psychology at the University of Calgary. Along with her supervisor Dr. Tavis Campbell, the bulk of her research has been about behavioural medicine – adherence to health behaviours. That research took a fortuitous turn when the pandemic began in early 2020.

Psychology Month Profile: Gabrielle Pagé

Gabrielle Pagé
Dr. Gabrielle Pagé works with people experiencing chronic pain. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she and her team have had to pivot to a number of different forms of care. They have discovered some expected results among those suffering from chronic pain, but also some real surprises.

Psychology Month Profile: Jenn Gordon

Jenn Gordon
Dr. Jenn Gordon is an associate professor at the University of Regina, and a Canada Research Chair in the bio-psychosocial determinants of women’s mental health. A study she conducted at the beginning of the pandemic identified a major gap in how women in academia were faring during the pandemic compared to their male counterparts, especially among those with young children.

Psychology Month Profile: Steven Taylor

Steven Taylor
We kick off Psychology Month 2021, Psychology And COVID, with a profile of Dr. Steven Taylor. Dr. Taylor’s book ‘The Psychology of Pandemics: Preparing for the Next Global Outbreak of Infectious Disease’ was published in October of 2019

Spotlight: CPA Campus Representative Kaytlin Constantin

Kaytlin Constantin photophoto credit Bianca Sabatini Photography

Kaytlin Constantin is the CPA Campus Representative at the University of Guelph. She’s helping children get over their fear of needles, and looking forward to a return to kickboxing competition.

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Spotlight: CPA Student Mentor Emily Cruikshank and Mentee Lucy Muir

Emily Cruikshank photo
Lucy Muir photo

A graduate student at the University of Alberta, Emily Cruikshank mentors Ryerson University undergrad student Lucy Muir. The CPA’s Student Mentorship Program is one of many things Emily and Lucy have in common.

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Spotlight: Alejandra Botia, Chair-Elect of the Student Section of the CPA, and the Student Representative on the CPA Board of Directors

Alejandra Botia

Alejandra Botia is the Chair-Elect of the Student Section of the CPA, and the Student Representative on the CPA Board of Directors. She is also a competitive swimmer and a salsa dancer.

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Spotlight: Ece Aydin, CPA Undergrad Representative for the UBC-Okanagan campus

Ece Aydin

Ece Aydin is the CPA Undergrad Rep for the UBC-Okanagan campus. After a lifetime of travel, taking her from Turkey to Dubai to countries throughout Europe, this may be the first time she has spent three consecutive years in one city.

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Spotlight: Chris Schiafone, CPA Campus Rep at the University of Guelph-Humber.

Chris Schiafone examining corpus callosum from underside of a brain model.

You might recognize Chris Schiafone from convention presentations and online workshops he has done for the CPA on accessibility for the visually impaired. Chris is the CPA Student Campus Rep at the University of Guelph-Humber, and is currently joining us all in mourning the loss of Eddie Van Halen.

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Spotlight: Mentorship Program creator Zarina Giannone

Zarina in the House of Commons

Zarina Giannone has seized every opportunity presented to her – CPA Student Rep, Chair of the Student Section, Student Member on the CPA Board. She has also created her own opportunities, like when she created the Student Mentorship program that continues to this day.

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Konrad Czechowski

Konrad Czechowski
Konrad Czechowski was the recipient of the Jean Pettifor and Dick Pettifor award in 2019 for his work to include transgender and non-binary people in scientific studies.

Spotlight: CPA Undergraduate Student Rep Angelisa Hatfield

Angelisa Hatfield

Angelisa Hatfield is the CPA’s Undergraduate Student representative for the University of Guelph–Humber …

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Spotlight: CPA Graduate Student Affairs Officer Melissa Mueller

Melissa Mueller boxing

Melissa Mueller is the CPA’s Graduate Student Affairs Officer, collaborating with Graduate Student reps on campuses across Canada. She is also a boxer.

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Spotlight: CPA Undergraduate Student Affairs Officer Nicole Boles

Nicole Boles dancing

Nicole Boles is the CPA’s Undergraduate Student Affairs Officer, collaborating with Undergrad Student reps on campuses across Canada. She is also a Polish folk dancer.

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Psychology Month Profile: Meghan Norris – The Canadian Handbook for Careers in Psychological Science

Dr. Meghan NorrisMeghan Norris: The Canadian Handbook for Careers in Psychological Science

We’re closing out Psychology Month by connecting you with a resource that could help you with one of the career paths you may have read about in February. Dr. Meghan Norris’ open-source book The Canadian Handbook for Careers in Psychological Science.

Psychology Month Profile: Leanna Verrucci

Leanna Verrucci
The Director of Marketing and Membership at the Canadian Psychological Association, Leanna Verrucci’s background in psychology has led her to jobs in TV, newspapers, travel, entrepreneurship, and now the CPA.

Psychology Month Profile: Leigh Greiner

Leigh Greiner
As the Director of Research and Strategic Planning for BC Corrections, Dr. Leigh Greiner leads a multi-disciplinary staff on a huge variety of evaluations, assessments, and projects.

Psychology Month Profile: Marais Bester

Marais Bester
In the growing field of Aviation Psychology, PhD psychologists are increasingly being hired to help keep air travel safe. One of them is Dr. Marais Bester, a Manager of Assessments and Psychology at Qatar Airways.

Psychology Month Profile: Natalie Jones

Natalie Jones
A Senior Program Evaluation Officer with the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Dr. Natalie Jones says her colleagues and fellow researchers are the highlight of her job.

Psychology Month Profile: Jen Welter

Jen Welter
Dr. Jen Welter is many things – the first woman to coach in the NFL, and the first to play running back in professional football. An author, speaker, TV producer and fashion designer. And also a PhD psychologist.

Psychology Month Profile: Eva Best

Eva Best
Last year, Eva Best earned a CPA award for her thesis on the ‘positivity effect’. This year, she scored a terrific research job at Gameloft, one of the biggest mobile gaming companies in Canada.

Psychology Month Profile: Lauren Florko

Lauren Florko
Dr. Lauren Florko is the founder of Triple Threat Consulting, providing managerial consulting for corporate social responsibility, change management, and organizational development.

Psychology Month Profile: Heather Orpana

Heather Orpana
Heather has a long career in public service, working in three different federal departments. She recently moved into Substance-Related Harms, to help tackle the opioid crisis.

Psychology Month Profile: Gregory Craig

Gregory Craig
Dr. Gregory Craig is part of a team of “human factors researchers” at the National Research Council. His work might one day lead to a new frontier in aviation – pilotless airplanes.

Psychology Month Profile: Alexandra Thompson

Alexandra Thompson
Dr. Alexandra Thompson is a Program Leader with the NRC working on ‘High Performance Buildings’. Her team aims to reduce energy emissions by identifying industry, scientific, technological & societal issues that can stall the adoption of new technologies.

Psychology Month Profile: Robin Langerak

Robin Langerak
Working as a Design Researcher on a suite of business intelligence software tools at IBM’s Ottawa studio, Robin Langerak says “I get to do a little bit of everything I loved about running my own research studies as a psychology graduate student!”

Psychology Month Profile: Suzanne Simpson

Suzanne Simpson
Dr. Suzanne Simpson founded the talent management firm Human Resource Systems Group Ltd. more than 30 years ago. Now the CEO, HRSG is a global company, hiring people and taking on clients from all over the world

Psychology Month Profile: Chrissy Chubala

Chrissy Chubala
Dr. Chrissy Chubala helps naval personnel make better decisions during mission planning and execution. She is a Defence Scientist in Maritime Decision Support at Defence Research & Development Canada’s Atlantic Research Centre.

Psychology Month Profile: Amy Bucher

Amy Bucher
Amy Bucher graduated with a PhD from a psychology program that no longer exists, and that made her skill set unique in the post-grad world. She puts those skills to use at Mad*Pow, a design agency that improves peoples’ experiences with technology, services, organizations and each other.

Psychology Month Profile: Liane Davey

Liane Davey
A writer, blogger, public speaker, and volunteer board member at the Psychology Foundation of Canada, Liane Davey has made her mark on corporate culture with her consultancy group 3COze.

Psychology Month Profile: Angela Febbraro

Angela Febbraro
A defence scientist with Defence Research and Development Canada, Angela Febbraro works to create messaging that counters the recruitment propaganda put out by extremist groups like ISIS.

Psychology Month Profile: Amanda Parriag

Amanda Parriag
Amanda owns her own consulting business, the ParriagGroup, and spends much of her spare time working in her Ottawa community to end violence against women.

Psychology Month Profile: Anne-Marie Côté

Anne-Marie Côté
Anne-Marie coordinates virtual field trips, among many other things, for students in remote northern indigenous communities with a program called Connected North.