Portraits de psychologues

Psychology is rooted in science that seeks to understand our thoughts, feelings and actions. It is also a broad field – some psychology professionals develop and test theories through basic research; while others work to help individuals, organizations, and communities better function; still others are both researchers and practitioners.


Profils du Mois de la psychologie : Dr Amir Sepehry et Dre Diana Velikonja, Psychopharmacologie

Dr Amir Sepehry
Dr Amir Sepehry
Dre Diana Velikonja
Dre Diana Velikonja

Dr Amir Sepehry and Dre Diana Velikonja, Psychopharmacologie
Au carrefour de la psychologie et de la médecine se situent la psychopharmacologie. Les psychopharmacologues sont des psychologues qui peuvent prescrire des médicaments comme le font les psychiatres, mais qui possèdent une formation de psychologue sur les interventions basées sur le comportement et la thérapie. Le Dr Amir Sepehry et la Dre Diana Velikonja nous en parlent davantage.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr Kerry Mothersill, Dre Kelsey Collimore, et Dre Stephanie Greenham, Psychologues en milieux hospitaliers et en centres de santé

Dr Kerry Mothersill
Dr Kerry Mothersill
Dre Kelsey Collimore
Dre Kelsey Collimore
Dre Stephanie Greenham
Dre Stephanie

Dr Kerry Mothersill, Dre Kelsey Collimore, et Dre Stephanie Greenham, Psychologues en milieux hospitaliers et en centres de santé
Plusieurs psychologues travaillent dans le système public de soins de santé, certains dans les hôpitaux et d’autres, dans les centres de santé comme membres d’équipes interdisciplinaires traitant une grande diversité de patients. Les Drs Kelsey Collimore, Stephanie Greenham et Kerry Mothersill nous proposent certaines réflexions sur leur travail.

Profils du Mois de la psychologie : Dr Jude Mary Cénat, Dre Helen Ofosu, Anita Shaw, Kafui Sawyer, Dre Erin Beettam, et Dre Monnica Williams, Section de Personnes Noires en Psychologie

Dr Jude Mary Cénat
Dr Jude Mary Cénat
Dre Helen Ofosu
Dre Helen Ofosu
Anita Shaw
Anita Shaw

Dr Jude Mary Cénat, Dre Helen Ofosu, Anita Shaw, Kafui Sawyer, Dre Erin Beettam, et Dre Monnica Williams, Section de Personnes Noires en Psychologie

Kafui Sawyer
Kafui Sawyer
Dre Erin Beettam
Dre Erin Beettam
Dre Monnica Williams
Dre Monnica Williams

L’une des deux nouvelles sections de la SCP est la Section de la psychologie des Noirs; elle vise à accroître la présence des professionnels de la psychologie noirs et à accroître l’accès aux services de santé mentale pour la communauté noire.

Mois de l’histoire des noirs : Dre Monnica Williams

Dre Monnica Williams photoDre Monnica Williams
Février, c’est le Mois de l’histoire des Noirs, et la SCP met en vedette des psychologues noirs contemporains tout au long du mois. La Dre Monnica Williams est chercheuse à l’Université d’Ottawa et se consacre à rendre la recherche plus ouverte aux personnes de couleur. En particulier, aujourd’hui, la recherche sur la médecine psychédélique.

Profils du Mois de la psychologie : Dr Vinay Bharadia et Dre Kristina Gicas, Clinical Neuropsychology Section

Dr Vinay Bharadia
Dr Vinay Bharadia
Dre Kristina Gicas
Dre Kristina Gicas

Dr Vinay Bharadia et Dre Kristina Gicas, Neuropsychologie clinique
Notre cerveau et notre corps entretiennent une relation, parfois harmonieuse, parfois conflictuelle. C’est le domaine de la neuropsychologie clinique. Nous avons parlé au Dr Vinay Bharadia et à la Dre Kristina Gicas pour en savoir plus.

Profils du Mois de la psychologie : Dre Karen Blair, Dre Rhea Ashley Hoskin, et Bre O’Handley Orientation sexuelle et identité sexuelle

Dre Karen Blair
Dre Karen Blair
Dre Rhea Ashley Hoskin
Dr. Rhea Ashley
Bre O’Handley
Bre O’Handley

Dre Karen Blair, Dre Rhea Ashley Hoskin, et Bre O’Handley Orientation sexuelle et identité sexuelle
Le champ de l’orientation sexuelle et de l’identité de genre a grandement évolué au cours des dernières années, de l’obtention du mariage entre personnes de même sexe, en passant par l’abolition des thérapies de conversion. Nous avons discuté de ces progrès avec la Dre Karen Blair, la Dre Rhea Ashley Hoskin et Bre O’Handley. Nous avons aussi abordé une expression que vous n’avez peut-être jamais entendue auparavant, la « féminophobie ».

Profils du Mois de la psychologie : Dre Shahnaz Winer, Carrières et professions en psychologie

Dre Shahnaz Winer
Dre Shahnaz Winer

Dre Shahnaz Winer, Carrières et professions en psychologie
L’une des deux nouvelles sections de la SCP, la Section des carrières et des professions en psychologie, est un endroit où réseauter et collaborer, destiné aux personnes qui ont un diplôme en psychologie, mais qui travaillent dans d’autres sphères que le milieu universitaire ou la pratique clinique.

Profils du Mois de la psychologie : Dr Marvin McDonald, Dre Tanya Mudry, Dre Janet Miller, Dr Houyuan (Hy) Luo, et Dre Jessica Van Vliet, Psychologie du counseling

Dr Marvin McDonald
Dr Marvin McDonald
Dre Tanya Mudry
Dre Tanya Mudry
Dre Jessica Van Vliet
Dre Jessica Van Vliet
Dr Houyuan (Hy) Luo
Dr Houyuan (Hy) Luo
Dre Janet Miller
Dre Janet Miller

Dr Marvin McDonald, Dre Tanya Mudry, Dre Janet Miller, Dr Houyuan (Hy) Luo, et Dre Jessica Van Vliet, Psychologie du counseling
La psychologie du counseling a de nombreuses facettes et est exercée par de nombreux praticiens différents. Nous avons parlé avec cinq d’entre eux de leur travail et de la manière dont il influence la vie quotidienne des gens.

Profils du Mois de la psychologie : Dre Jenna Boyd and Dre Rachel Langevin, Section du stress traumatique

Dre Jenna Boyd
Dre Jenna Boyd
Dre Rachel Langevin
Dr. Rachel Langevin

Dre Jenna Boyd et Dre Rachel Langevin, Section du stress traumatique
Traumatic Stress shows itself in more than just PTSD, and can be caused by more than just major single events. Dr. Jenna Boyd and Dr. Rachel Langevin are working to help those affected by trauma, and working to learn more about traumatic stress as they do.

Mois de l’histoire des noirs : Dr Jude Mary Cénat

Dr Jude Mary Cénat photoDr Jude Mary Cénat
Février, c’est le Mois de l’histoire des Noirs, et la SCP met en vedette des psychologues noirs contemporains tout au long du mois. Jude Mary Cénat, Ph. D., est le directeur du Laboratoire de Recherche Vulnérabilité, Trauma, Résilience et Culture (V-TRaC) de l’Université d’Ottawa et le directeur du Centre Interdisciplinaire pour la santé des Noir.e.s.

Profils du Mois de la psychologie : Dr Andrew Hyounsoo Kim et Dr Nassim Tabri Psychologie de la dépendance

Dr. Andrew Hyounsoo Kim
Dr Andrew Hyounsoo Kim
Dr. Nassim Tabri
Dr Nassim Tabri

Dr Andrew Hyounsoo Kim et Dr Nassim Tabri, Psychologie de la dépendance
La psychologie de la toxicomanie couvre de nombreux domaines, de la consommation de substances psychoactives jusqu’aux jeux vidéo. Le Mois de la psychologie met en vedette aujourd’hui le Dr Andrew Hyounsoo Kim et le Dr Nassim Tabri, qui parlent du travail qu’ils font dans le domaine des dépendances et de la lutte contre la stigmatisation qui entoure le sujet.

Profils du Mois de la psychologie : Juanita Mureika et Dawn Hanson, Psychologues et la retraite

Dr. Juanita Mureika
Juanita Mureika
Dr. Dawn Hanson
Dawn Hanson

Juanita Mureika et Dawn Hanson, Psychologues et la retraite
Même après la retraite, de nombreux psychologues poursuivent leurs activités professionnelles. Le Mois de la psychologie met en vedette aujourd’hui Juanita Mureika et Dawn Hanson, qui nous parlent de leur travail dans ce domaine.

Mois de l’histoire des noirs : Dre Eleanor Gittens

Eleanor Gittens photoDre Eleanor Gittens
La Dre Gittens est professeure au Georgian College et enseigne au programme universitaire de formation policière. Elle aide les étudiants à confronter leurs préjugés avant d’obtenir leur diplôme et devenir policiers, en les emmenant à la Barbade!

Profils du Mois de la psychologie : Dr Jonathan Wilbiks, Cerveau et sciences cognitive

Dr. Jonathan Wilbiks
Dr Jonathan Wilbiks

Dr Jonathan Wilbiks , Cerveau et sciences cognitive
Les chercheurs du domaine des sciences du cerveau et des sciences cognitives s’intéressent à la façon dont le cerveau fonctionne et à la façon dont il perçoit et trie les stimuli externes. La rubrique du Mois de la psychologie d’aujourd’hui se penche sur ce sujet, avec le Dr Jonathan Wilbiks, qui nous parle de son travail – et de Snoop Dogg et Angela Hewitt.

Profils du Mois de la psychologie : Dre Gilla Shapiro, Psychologie de la santé et médecine du comportement

Dre Gilla Shapiro
Dre Gilla Shapiro

Dre Gilla Shapiro, Psychologie de la santé et médecine du comportement
La psychologie de la santé et la médecine comportementale couvrent beaucoup de domaines, qu’il s’agisse d’encourager les personnes atteintes de diabète à prendre leur insuline ou d’inciter les gens à adopter des habitudes alimentaires plus saines. Le Mois de la psychologie met en vedette aujourd’hui la Dre Gilla Shapiro, qui parle du travail qu’elle fait dans le domaine du cancer et de la vaccination.

Profils du Mois de la psychologie : Ann Marie Beals, Dre Natalie Kivell, et Ramy Barhouhe, Psychologie communautaire

Ann Marie Beals
Ann Marie Beals
Dr. Natalie Kivell
Dre Natalie Kivell
Ramy Barhouhe
Ramy Barhouhe

Ann Marie Beals, Dre Natalie Kivell, et Ramy Barhouhe, Psychologie communautaire

La psychologie communautaire concerne davantage l’aspect « communautaire » que l’aspect « psychologique » et est très impliquée dans les questions de justice sociale. Le Mois de la psychologie met en vedette aujourd’hui Ann Marie Beals, la Dre Natalie Kivell et Ramy Barhouhe, qui nous parlent de leur travail dans ce domaine.

Profils du Mois de la psychologie : Dre Milica Miočević et Dr Rob Cribbie, Méthodes quantitatives

Dr. Milica Miočević
Dre Milica Miočević
Dr. Rob Cribbie
Dr Rob Cribbie

Dre Milica Miočević et Dr Rob Cribbie, Méthodes quantitatives
Méthodes quantitatives est une science qui fonctionne avec presque toutes les branches de la psychologie. Tous les chercheurs utilisent des méthodes différentes pour analyser les données, mais tous les chercheurs analysent les données. Dans le cadre du Mois de la psychologie d’aujourd’hui, le Dr Milica Miočević et le Dr Rob Cribbie discutent du travail qu’ils font pour rendre la collecte et l’analyse des données plus faciles, plus cohérentes et plus précises.

Profils du Mois de la psychologie : Dre Elena Antoniadis, Dre Elizabeth Bowering, et Dr Steve Joordens , Enseignement de la psychologie

Dr. Elena Antoniadis
Dre Elena Antoniadis
Dr. Steve Joordens
Dr Steve Joordens

Dre Elena Antoniadis, Dre Elizabeth Bowering, et Dr Steve Joordens, Enseignement de la psychologie
L’enseignement de la psychologie est une science où tout ne se passe jamais exactement de la même manière. Les groupes et les contextes d’enseignement influencent tous l’apprentissage, et ce, de multiples façons. Le Mois de la psychologie met en vedette aujourd’hui la Dre Elena Antoniadis, la Dre Elizabeth Bowering et le Dr Steve Joorden, qui nous parlent de leur travail.

Mois de l’histoire des noirs : Dre Helen Ofosu

Helen Ofosu photoDre Helen Ofosu
Février, c’est le Mois de l’histoire des Noirs, et la SCP met en vedette des psychologues noirs contemporains tout au long du mois – comme la Dre Helen Ofosu, qui aide les organisations à combattre le racisme structurel grâce à son entreprise I/O Advisory Services Inc., à Ottawa.

Profils du Mois de la psychologie : Dre Nasreen Khatri et Dre Colleen Millikin, Développement adulte et vieillissement

Nasreen Khatri
Dre Nasreen Khatri
Colleen Millikin
Dre Colleen Millikin

Dre Nasreen Khatri et Dre Colleen Millikin, Développement adulte et vieillissement
La psychologie du développement adulte et vieillissement est l’étude, l’évaluation et la gestion du fonctionnement physique, psychologique, cognitif, émotionnel et social des personnes âgées de 18 ans et plus et comprend le vieillissement sous toutes ses formes, les étapes, les joies et les défis. Dans le cadre du Mois de la psychologie d’aujourd’hui, le Dr Nasreen Khatri et la Dre Colleen Millikin discutent du travail qu’ils font dans ce domaine.

Spotlight: Joanna Collaton, CPA Student Representative, Past President of the Student Section, and MindPad editor

Joanna Collaton photo
Joanna Collaton

Joanna Collaton is the CPA’s Student Representative at the University of Guelph, the Past President of the Student Section, the editor of the student publication MindPad, and over the past three years has been involved with the CPA in just about every way a student can be.

Read more…


The Naomi Osaka Effect: Talking elite athletes and mental health

The Naomi Osaka Effect: Talking elite athletes and mental health

Dr. Adrienne Leslie-Toogood and University of Manitoba psychology student (and Olympic swimming medallist) Chantal Van Landeghem discuss the mental health of elite athletes in the wake of Naomi Osaka’s withdrawal from Wimbledon.

Spotlight: CPA Student Mentor Caryn Tong and Mentee Rohit Gupta

Caryn Tong photo
Caryn Tong
Rohit Gupta photo
Rohit Gupta

Last year Caryn Tong mentored Rohit Gupta through the CPA Student Mentorship Program. While both were looking for experiences that differed from their own, they found many similarities in one another.

Read more…


Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Justin Presseau

Justin PresseauDr. Justin Presseau
Psychology Month has been extended two days, so we can bring you the work of Dr. Justin Presseau, who is co-Chairing a working group of behavioural scientists advising Ontario healthcare executives and government representatives on best practices during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Psychology Month 2021: Silver Linings in the Pandemic

Featured Psychology Month PsychologistsSilver Linings in the Pandemic
Psychology Month has focused on dozens of aspects of the pandemic, a global catastrophe that is deeply tragic. To close out Psychology Month, we focus on a few positives that have come about as a result of COVID-19.

Silver Linings From the Pandemic: Ending Psychology Month 2021 on a positive note

Silver Linings From the Pandemic: Ending Psychology Month on a positive note
Psychology Month has focused on dozens of aspects of the pandemic, a global catastrophe that is deeply tragic. To close out Psychology Month 2021, we focus on a few positives that have come about as a result of COVID-19.

Psychology Month Profile: Karen Cohen

Dr. Karen CohenDr. Karen Cohen
The CPA has been adjusting, like everyone else, to working from home and embracing the new normal. Our work has been guided by our CEO, Dr. Karen Cohen.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Jenn, Dr. Laila, Dr. Mary and the Coping Toolbox podcast

Dr. Jenn Vriend, Dr. Laila Din Osmun, and Dr. Mary Simmering McDonald Dr. Jenn, Dr. Laila, and Dr. Mary
Friends since they did an internship together at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, child psychologists Dr. Laila Din Osmun, Dr. Mary Simmering McDonald, and Dr. Jenn Vriend are trying to reach as many kids and parents as they can during the pandemic with the Coping Toolbox podcast.

Psychology Month – Dr. Jenn, Dr. Laila, Dr. Mary and the Coping Toolbox podcast

Dr. Jenn, Dr. Laila, Dr. Mary and the Coping Toolbox podcast
Introducing The Coping Toolbox: A Child Psych Podcast. Dr. Jenn Vriend, Dr. Laila Din Osmun, and Dr. Mary Simmering McDonald are three child psychologists from Ottawa.


Black History Month: Charles Henry Turner

Charles Henry Turner photo from biography.comCharles Henry Turner
Charles Henry Turner was a zoologist, one of the first 3 Black men to earn a PhD from Chicago University. Despite being denied access to laboratories, research libraries, and more, his extensive research was part of a movement that became the field of comparative psychology.

Dr. Turner was a civil rights advocate in St. Louis, publishing papers on the subject beginning in 1897. He suggested education as the best means of combatting racism, and believed in what would now be called a ‘comparative psychology’ approach.

Psychology Month Profile: Penny Corkum

Penny CorkumPenny Corkum
Dr. Penny Corkum studies sleep and children, and created Better Nights Better Days, a cross-Canada trial that improved sleep for both kids and parents before the pandemic. In the last year, Dr. Corkum and her team went back to those families to see how they were doing during COVID. Their launch of a revamped Better Nights Better Days for the pandemic era is imminent.

Psychology Month Profile: Natalie Rosen

Natalie RosenNatalie Rosen
At Dalhousie University, Dr. Natalie Rosen studies sexual health in the context of couples. Many people thought there would be a baby boom during the pandemic – Dr. Rosen explains why this hasn’t happened.

Black History Month: Keturah Whitehurst

Keturah Whitehurst. Photo from Kirsten's Psychology BlogKeturah Whitehurst
A mentor to countless black psychologists, Keturah Whitehurst’s contributions to psychology extend beyond her own work to the work of her protégés that continues today.

Psychology Month Profile: Joanna Pozzulo

Joanna PozzuloJoanna Pozzulo
Dr. Joanna Pozzulo and the Carleton University Psychology Department launched a virtual space for researchers, students, and other stakeholders called MeWeRTH (The Mental Health and Well-being Research and Training Hub). It’s a means of connecting the university with community organizations and anyone else who might be a consumer of mental health and well-being research.

Psychology Month 2021 – some of the psychologists doing interesting things during the pandemic

Psychology Month - some of the psychologists doing interesting things during the pandemicSome of the psychologists doing interesting things during the pandemic
Meet some of the psychologists who have been profiled in this Psychology Month. We speak with Dr. Adrienne Leslie-Toogood, Dr. Christine Chambers, Courtney Gosselin and Dr. Mélanie Joanisse about their work during the pandemic.

Psychology Month Profile: Vina Goghari

Vina GoghariVina Goghari
Dr. Vina Goghari is the Editor of the Canadian Psychology journal. The amount of pandemic-related research and article submissions has been overwhelming in the past few months. The upcoming COVID special edition of the journal will present papers that cover a very broad range of topics related to the pandemic.

Psychology Month Profile: Judy Moench

Judy MoenchJudy Moench
Dr. Judy Moench has helped create protocols to help her Alberta community and others during the pandemic. Prepped 4 Learning helps teachers, parents, and kids cope with disruption. The Self-care Traumatic Episode Protocol (STEP) is helping mental health clinicians, hospital staff, and others decrease stress and increase coping.

Psychology Month Profile: Chloe Hamza

Chloe HamzaChloe Hamza
Dr. Chloe Hamza has an article in the upcoming Canadian Psychology journal COVID-19 special edition entitled ‘When Social Isolation Is Nothing New’. It’s part of an ongoing study of post-secondary students, some of whom had pre-existing mental health concerns before the pandemic, and some of whom didn’t.

Psychology Month Profile: Laurie Ford

Laurie FordLaurie FordLaurie Ford
Dr. Laurie Ford at UBC has school psychologists to train, students adjusting to online learning, and innovations to replace hands-on experiences. She also has a community garden and two great dogs!

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Christine Chambers

Dr. Christine ChambersDr. Christine Chambers
Dr. Christine Chambers is part of the #ScienceUpFirst initiative, the Scientific Director at the CIHR Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health, and many other things. The biggest change for her during the pandemic might be as the Scientific Director of SKIP (Solutions for Kids in Pain).

Black History Month: Dr. Olivia Hooker

Dr. Olivia Hooker with President ObamaDr. Olivia Hooker
As a psychologist, Dr. Olivia Hooker worked to change the unfair treatment inflicted upon inmates at a New York State women’s correctional facility. In 1963 she went to work at Fordham University as an APA Honours Psychology professor, and was an early director at the Kennedy Child Study Center in New York City.

Psychology Month Profile: Mélanie Joanisse

Mélanie Joanisse
When the pandemic began, Dr. Mélanie Joanisse created a simple, easy, and funny Guide to Wellness for her frontline co-workers at the Montfort hospital. It immediately took off and has been shared and translated around the world to help healthcare workers everywhere.

Psychology Month Profile: Khush Amaria

Khush Amaria
MindBeacon had a bit of a head start on other similar groups when the pandemic began, as they had already been providing online services for some time. Dr. Khush Amaria is the Senior Clinical Director at MindBeacon, and the last year for her has been packed with speaking engagements.

Black History Month: Inez Beverly Prosser

Inez Beverly Prosser
Inez Beverly Prosser was a Texas native who taught in segregated schools in the early 1900s. She travelled to the University of Cincinnati to obtain her doctorate in 1933, making her the first Black woman with a PhD in psychology.

Psychology Month Profile: Helen Ofosu

Helen Ofosu
Dr. Helen Ofosu runs IO Advisory in Ottawa where she helps organizations and businesses tackle structural racism and promote equity, diversity, and inclusion. During the pandemic, more and more groups are looking for this kind of assistance and her business is growing.

Black History Month: Kenneth & Mamie Phipps Clark

Kenneth & Mamie Phipps Clark
February is Black History Month and to celebrate and acknowledge the contributions that Black Psychologists have made to the discipline and the world, the CPA will be highlighting historically significant Black Psychologists throughout the month (#BlackHistoryMonth).

Kenneth & Mamie Phipps Clark were psychologists famous for their ‘doll experiment’. Their findings, that even black children showed preference for white dolls from as early as three years old, played a role in outlawing segregation.

Psychology Month Profile: Maya Yampolsky

Maya Yampolsky
The COVID-19 pandemic has made racism worse around the world for marginalized communities. Racism has made the pandemic worse for those communities as well. Dr. Maya Yampolsky specializes in social and cultural psychology, with a particular focus in her research on systemic racism and how racism enters into our personal lives.

Psychology Month Profile: Karen Blair

Karen Blair
Dr. Karen Blair and her colleagues created the ‘COVID-19 Interpersonal & Social Coping Study’ which surveyed hundreds of Canadians over several months. One of the most striking results they found was the impact of the pandemic on LGBTQ+ university students.

Psychology Month Profile: Courtney Gosselin

Courtney Gosselin
Courtney Gosselin was one of 25 students from Canada and the UK who worked on the COVID-19 Coping Study between March and August. Part of the study was letters people wrote to their past selves (pre-pandemic) and future selves (what they thought at the time would be post-pandemic).

Psychology Month Profile: Jonathan N. Stea

Jonathan N. Stea
The proliferation of disinformation and misinformation online over the past few years has become more dangerous with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Jonathan Stea, a clinical psychologist and an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Calgary, is one of two psychologists invited to join Science Up First, an initiative bringing together experts from every field to combat disinformation online.