Joint statement from APA, CPA, APPIC, and ASPPB regarding the impact of COVID-19 on psychology training in North America.

Education & Training in Health Service Psychology – COVID-19 – Joint Statement Updated 3-19-2020

The Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC), the American Psychological Association (APA), the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) and the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB) have received questions and concerns from programs and students concerned about how COVID-19 will impact their training experiences and if it will impact their completion of degree requirements. The range of ever-changing information, sometimes conflicting, from different organizations in which psychology graduate students train throughout the U.S. and Canada has contributed to increasing anxiety. …

Click here for the full statement

“Psychology Works” Fact Sheet: Psychological Impacts of the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Infectious diseases, like any life stressor, challenge the way we cope. Whether we learn about them on television or experience them personally, we can feel upset, fearful and anxious as a result, both for our own personal safety and that of our family, friends, colleagues, and community. Stressful events can also bring up feelings and […]

“Psychology Works” Fact Sheet: Psychological Practice and the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

COVID-19 has demonstrated profound impact on the health of individuals and communities and on the delivery of health services, at precisely the time when health services are what individuals need, both for their physical and mental health.  Health care leaders and governments are advising and requiring changes to all manner of services so that face-to-face […]

The U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) news release: Mental Health and Coping During COVID-19

The U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) issued the following news release: Mental Health and Coping During COVID-19. The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may be stressful for people and communities. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations. More …

“Psychology Works” Fact Sheet: Coping with and Preventing COVID-19

What is COVID-19? COVID-19 is a new coronavirus that is rapidly spreading throughout the world. According to the WHO, it is classified as a pandemic. Most people (80%) experience mild symptoms, although the virus is most harmful to seniors (over 65 years of age) and people with compromised immune systems (e.g., with cancer, chronic inflammatory […]

Corona Virus – COVID-19 Public Resources & Member Messages

As the impact of COVID-19 is being felt worldwide, we recognize the pressure this evolving crisis is placing on students, educators, teachers, supervisors and practitioners of psychology throughout Canada. On behalf of the CPA, we extend our gratitude for the leadership roles so many of you are playing in your communities and your efforts to […]

“Psychology Works” Fact Sheet: Mental Health and the Workplace

Mental health is an increasing public health concern in Canada. One in five Canadians will experience mental illness in any given year. Mental health is a prevalent issue among employed Canadians. At least 500,000 Canadians miss work due to mental illness every week, with an estimated economic cost of $51 billion annually. Organizational psychologists have […]

2023 Family Psychology Section Master’s Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation Award

Congratulations to Hannah O’Reilly (University of Ottawa) for winning the 2023 Family Psychology Section Master’s Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation Award. Hannah’s Master’s thesis was entitled ADHD Symptoms, Internalizing Symptoms, and Mindful Parenting During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Cohort Study.

Congratulations to Kaeley Simpson (University of Manitoba) and Anisia Wong (Queen’s University) for winning the Family Psychology Section Poster Awards at the 2023 CPA Convention. Copies of the winning posters can be found on our Section’s Twitter page CPA_FamilyPsychology

Psychology Month Profile: Marjolaine Rivest-Beauregard and Justine Fortin

Sors de ma tête
Marjolaine Rivest-Beauregard and Justine Fortin

Montréal psychology students Marjolaine Rivest-Beauregard and Justine Fortin created the podcast Sors de ma tête to combat disinformation and to make science accessible for non-scientists toward the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. They joined the CPA podcast Mind Full to discuss their work, which has branched out a little bit as they get ready to launch their third season.

Mental Health Care for Canadian Children and Youth: The Role of School Psychologists.

Mental health and wellbeing which include the range of social, emotional, intellectual and behavioural functions upon which we all rely day to day, are critical to the success of people and the places in which they live, work, learn, and play. This is especially true for children, for whom mental health services and supports bring the biggest return on investment. School psychologists play an essential role in the mental and cognitive health and wellbeing of students in school and non-school settings, particularly, as we continue to live with the impacts of far-reaching societal events, like the COVID-19 global pandemic.

Click Here to read the Position Paper.

CPA and MHCC Report on Employee and Employer Perspectives on Access to Psychological Services (June, 2022)

The CPA and Mental Health Commission of Canada collaborated on a research report Extended Mental Health Benefits in Canadian Workplaces: Employee and Employer Perspectives that sought to better understand employee and employer perspectives on access to psychological care. The findings include: 80% of employees felt coverage for psychological care was inadequate; 72% of employees said their mental health improved after receiving psychological care; 60% of employers were confident that mental health coverage provided a good return-on-investment; and 29% of employers increased their mental health coverage during the COVID-19 pandemic. The full report can be found here:

CPA Submits Brief to House of Commons Standing Committee (April 2022)

The CPA submitted a Brief to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities. The Brief responds to a study the committee is undertaking on labour shortages and working conditions within the care economy – which includes healthcare workers, personal support workers and childcare workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Brief focuses on the role and contributions of psychology within an integrated primary care system, the importance training additional capacity and licensure, and the need for more robust health system performance measures.

CPA Comments on 2022 Federal Budget (April 2022)

Following the release of the 2022 federal budget, the CPA issued a news release noting that while the federal government has taken some important steps forward, more strides need to be taken to improve timely access to publicly funded mental health care services. The Budget also stopped short of the need to invest in psychological research to help us understand and better respond to health and community emergencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

CPA Presents to House of Commons Standing Committee on Health (HESA) (March 2022)

Dr. Karen Cohen spoke to HESA on the emergency situation facing Canadians in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. In her opening remarks she focused on: (1) the important role that psychological science plays in developing current and post-pandemic policies; (2) the need to address the funding barriers that limits access to psychological care; and (3) the importance of training and regulating Canada’s health human resources.

Science Brief: Behavioural Science Principles for Enhancing Adherence to Public Health Measures

This Science Brief was prepared on behalf of the Ontario Behavioural Science Working Group and the Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table.

The brief describes how we can use behavioural science principles to maintain and enhance adherence to public health messaging, including promising strategies to increase effective masking and physical distancing.

Read the Science Brief

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Justin Presseau

Justin PresseauDr. Justin Presseau
Psychology Month has been extended two days, so we can bring you the work of Dr. Justin Presseau, who is co-Chairing a working group of behavioural scientists advising Ontario healthcare executives and government representatives on best practices during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Psychology Month 2021: Silver Linings in the Pandemic

Featured Psychology Month PsychologistsSilver Linings in the Pandemic
Psychology Month has focused on dozens of aspects of the pandemic, a global catastrophe that is deeply tragic. To close out Psychology Month, we focus on a few positives that have come about as a result of COVID-19.

Standing Committee Releases 2021 Pre-Budget Recommendations (February 2021)

As part of the federal government’s pre-budget consultation process of which CPA contributed to, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance released its report. Importantly, two of its top five recommendations focused on investing in a long-term mental health COVID-19 recovery plan for all Canadians, and targeted investments that will improve access to primary care, mental health supports and virtual care. It also included a recommendation to provide a one-time 25% increase in funding to the Tri-Councils for research restart and recovery. Hopefully all three will be reflected in the 2021 federal budget.

Psychology Month Profile: Chloe Hamza

Chloe HamzaChloe Hamza
Dr. Chloe Hamza has an article in the upcoming Canadian Psychology journal COVID-19 special edition entitled ‘When Social Isolation Is Nothing New’. It’s part of an ongoing study of post-secondary students, some of whom had pre-existing mental health concerns before the pandemic, and some of whom didn’t.

Psychology Month Profile: Mélanie Joanisse

Mélanie Joanisse
When the pandemic began, Dr. Mélanie Joanisse created a simple, easy, and funny Guide to Wellness for her frontline co-workers at the Montfort hospital. It immediately took off and has been shared and translated around the world to help healthcare workers everywhere.

Psychology Month Profile: Maya Yampolsky

Maya Yampolsky
The COVID-19 pandemic has made racism worse around the world for marginalized communities. Racism has made the pandemic worse for those communities as well. Dr. Maya Yampolsky specializes in social and cultural psychology, with a particular focus in her research on systemic racism and how racism enters into our personal lives.

Psychology Month Profile: Karen Blair

Karen Blair
Dr. Karen Blair and her colleagues created the ‘COVID-19 Interpersonal & Social Coping Study’ which surveyed hundreds of Canadians over several months. One of the most striking results they found was the impact of the pandemic on LGBTQ+ university students.

Psychology Month Profile: Courtney Gosselin

Courtney Gosselin
Courtney Gosselin was one of 25 students from Canada and the UK who worked on the COVID-19 Coping Study between March and August. Part of the study was letters people wrote to their past selves (pre-pandemic) and future selves (what they thought at the time would be post-pandemic).

Psychology Month Profile: Jonathan N. Stea

Jonathan N. Stea
The proliferation of disinformation and misinformation online over the past few years has become more dangerous with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Jonathan Stea, a clinical psychologist and an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Calgary, is one of two psychologists invited to join Science Up First, an initiative bringing together experts from every field to combat disinformation online.

Psychology Month Profile: Andrew Ryder

Andrew Ryder
Dr. Andrew Ryder helped prepare the Fact Sheet ‘Why Does Culture Matter to COVID-19’ for the CPA. An Associate Professor in the Psychology department at Concordia University, Dr. Ryder self-identifies as a ‘cultural-clinical’ psychologist, and the intersection of culture and the pandemic is in his wheelhouse.

Psychology Month Profile: Gabrielle Pagé

Gabrielle Pagé
Dr. Gabrielle Pagé works with people experiencing chronic pain. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she and her team have had to pivot to a number of different forms of care. They have discovered some expected results among those suffering from chronic pain, but also some real surprises.

Strong Majority of Canadians Want Improved Access to Psychologists (January 2021)

The CPA, partnering with the Council of Professional Associations of Psychologists (CPAP), commissioned Nanos Research to survey more than 3,000 Canadians to better understand how they perceive the role of psychology, the barriers and solutions to accessing care, and the quality of care they receive. See news release and survey findings.

CPA’s 2021 National Annual Convention

The CPA has continued to monitor the ongoing issues related to the COVID-19 situation in Canada and abroad, inclusive of federal and provincial government decisions taken in the service of community safety.  Experts and all levels of government continue to warn or advise about the greater transmission risks posed by large gatherings of people.

While we do not know for how long COVID-19 will remain a public health emergency in Canada, we do know that at this time, restrictions continue to exist regarding in-person gatherings of more than 50 attendees, where proper physical distancing measures would be difficult to implement and maintain.  Accordingly, the CPA has taken the decision to cancel our in-person 82nd CPA Annual National Convention in Ottawa, ON, scheduled for June 4-6, 2021, inclusive of all pre-convention workshops that would occur on June 3rd and pivot, once again, to a virtual event over the month of June.

Click here for the full notice

2021 Pre-Budget Consultation Process (August 2020)

The CPA submitted its own Brief which included six recommendations to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance as part of the 2021 pre-budget consultation process.  In addition, as a member of several strategic partnerships, the CPA played a key role in the writing of other Briefs that were submitted by the Canadian Alliance on Mental Health and Mental Illness (CAMIMH), the Canadian Consortium of Research (CCR), Organizations for Health Action (HEAL), and the Extended Healthcare Professionals Coalition (EHPC).  Convergence of messaging across national organizations signals to the federal government there is consensus about where and how they should invest in the science and practice of psychology that supports the mental health of Canadians.

Meeting with Minister of Health (May 2020)

As part of the Organizations for Health Action (HEAL), the CPA had an opportunity to meet with the Federal Minister of Health, The Honourable Patty Hajdu to discuss the role of the government in the context of COVID-19. The Minister indicated that the government is discussing what additional investments need to be made to support the mental health of Canadians.