SWAP Section: Publications

SWAP Newsletter

Newsletter Editor: Bidushy Sadika (bsadika@uwo.ca)

Assistant Newsletter Editor: seeking a volunteer

The SWAP Newsletter is published three times per year. To receive an emailed copy of the newsletter, you must be a member of the Section on Women and Psychology. Back Issues are posted below one year after publication.


Submissions for the newsletter are welcome from both members and non-members. Submissions can be in any of the categories below:

  1. A column on any topic that would likely be of interest to members. For example, a description of relevant policy or practice guidelines in local or national psychology organizations; a commentary on psychology of women work at the provincial or territorial level; a summary or review of a recent conference or meeting; a commentary on a current media story; a commentary or review of a recent research publication etc.
  2. Abstracts of recently defended Master’s or dissertation work, which will be published in our “Recently Defended” column.
  3. Ideas for regular columns.
  4. Relevant promotional/informational materials. Examples include, but are not limited to: information about upcoming conferences, calls for papers or abstracts, and calls for applications.

Submission Deadlines

Submission deadlines are as follows:

  •  September issue: August 31
  •  January issue: December 31
  •  May issue: April 30

Please send all submissions to:

Bidushy Sadika
SWAP Newsletter Editor

Email: bsadika@uwo.ca

Back Issues

Back issues of the SWAP newsletter are available, below. Volumes/issues that are not listed, and those that are listed but are not hyperlinked, are missing from our archives. If you have a copy of any missing issues that you would be willing to lend to us so that they may be scanned and included on our website, please email SWAP’s Web Maven, Karen Blair, at kblair@trentu.ca.

Volume 20
Volume 14
  • Issue 3 (May 1990)
  • Issue 2 (January 1990)
  • Issue 1 (September 1989)
Volume 13
  • Issue 3 (May 1989)
  • Issue 2 (January 1989)
  • Issue 1 (September 1988)
Volume 12
Volume 11
  • Issue 3 (May 1987)
  • Issue 2 (January 1987)
  • Issue 1 (September 1986)
Volume 10