Psychology Month

February is Psychology Month

Psychology Month logo
Psychology is rooted in science that seeks to understand our thoughts, feelings and actions. It is a broad field – some psychology professionals develop and test theories through research while others work to help individuals, organizations, and communities function better. Still others are both researchers and practitioners.

Psychology Month is celebrated every February to highlight the contributions of Canadian psychologists and to show Canadians how psychology works to help – people live healthy and happy lives, their communities flourish, their employers create better workplaces, and their governments develop effective policies.

Want To Get Involved?

Women in Science

The theme of Psychology Month for 2025 is women in science. This month we will be highlighting the work of 34 remarkable scientists, including eight brand-new podcasts and profiles. Psychology Month 2025 will follow scientists from students to retirees, and take us from BC to PEI, and from the North Pole to outer space.

If you have events planned for Psychology Month, let our Communications Specialist, Eric Bollman, know about them – email to have your event included in the CPA’s social media for the month. Please download the poster here: Psychology Month Poster (JPG) and share with your networks! Use the hashtag #PsychologyMonth.

Psychology Month 2025: Knowledge mobilization and video interviews with Madeline Springle

Psychology Month 2025: Knowledge mobilization and video interviews with Madeline Springle

Madeline Springle is a second-year Ph.D. student at the University of Calgary, who is winning awards for her ability to mobilize knowledge. Specifically, she is taking the research she has done into one-way video interviews, and using it to help people who might use this knowledge to better prepare for their own job search.

As we close out Psychology Month, we wanted to highlight knowledge translation (explaining the science for a more general audience) and knowledge mobilization (putting new findings into practice such that they help those they were designed to help) because without those, science exists in a vacuum!

Psychology Month Profile: Liisa Galea

Liisa Galea
Liisa Galea

Dr. Liisa Galea is a scientific lead for the CAMH (the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health) program womenmind™. It’s a community of philanthropists, thought leaders and scientists dedicated to tackling gender disparities in science, and to put the unique needs and experiences of women at the forefront of mental health research.


Le Mois de la psychologie : la santé sexuelle avec Sophie Bergeron, Ph. D.

Le Mois de la psychologie : la santé sexuelle avec Sophie Bergeron, Ph. D.

Cette semaine, dans le cadre du Mois de la psychologie dont le thème, cette année, est « Les femmes et la science », nous présentons Sophie Bergeron, Ph. D., qui détient une Chaire de recherche du Canada sur les relations intimes et le bien-être sexuel au Département de psychologie de l’Université de Montréal, où elle dirige également le Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les problèmes conjugaux et les agressions sexuelles (CRIPCAS), l’Équipe SCOUP Sexualité et Couple, et le Laboratoire d’étude de la santé sexuelle. Ses travaux portent sur les déterminants psychosociaux de la santé sexuelle des individus et des couples ainsi que sur le traitement des dysfonctions sexuelles.

Psychology Month 2025: Anxiety, gender, and leadership with Dr. Winny Shen

Psychology Month 2025: Anxiety, gender, and leadership with Dr. Winny Shen

There has always been a stereotype that women are “more emotional” than men, and even that they are “too emotional” for leadership roles. Dr. Winny Shen joins Mind Full to discuss the results of her study which suggest that not only is that stereotype untrue, the exact opposite might actually be the case.

Psychology Month Profile: Jessica Strong

Jessica Strong
Jessica Strong

We all plan to get older. So why do so few of us gravitate toward working with older adults? Dr. Jessica Strong is a Geropsychologist in the department of psychology at the University of PEI. She tells us about cognitive reserve, fights against ageism, and discusses how a passion for music led her toward her current career path.


Psychology Month 2025: Bullying in school and society with Dr. Wendy Craig and Dr. Deinera Exner-Cortens

Psychology Month 2025: Bullying in school and society with Dr. Wendy Craig and Dr. Deinera Exner-Cortens

Kids in school face bullying – we all know this. Dr. Wendy Craig and Dr. Deinera Exner-Cortens say that much of the bullying in school is connected to power imbalances in society writ large. They join Mind Full to talk about societal structures, bullying, and what parents and educators can do.

Psychology Month Profile: Laura Thomas

Laura Thomas - photo by Erik McRitchie
Laura Thomas-photo by Erik McRitchie
B.I.G. at the North Pole photo by Edel Kieran
B.I.G. at the North Pole photo by Edel Kieran

Training astronauts for space flight requires a huge team, including psychologists who can help to prepare them for the close quarters and isolation for long periods of time. Laura Thomas is not only one of those psychologists, she has also experienced similar close quarters and isolation with all-female expeditions to places like the North Pole.

We kick off 2025’s Psychology Month: Women in Science with a look at Laura’s work, her travels, and the requirements for setting a Guinness World Record!


Psychology Month 2024 Profiles

Climate Crisis and Coping: The drivers, effects and the role of psychology
The theme of Psychology Month for 2024 was the climate crisis. How does human behaviour shape climate change, and how can we approach the issue from that perspective? What are some of the mental health effects created by climate change, and how can we address them? Psychologists have a part to play in all phases of our collective response to the crisis that is upon us, and we highlighted what many of them are doing and what we can all do to help mitigate the damage from this global catastrophe.

Reflections on Psychology Month, climate change, and the path forward

Psychology Month 2024: Climate Crisis and Coping

Psychology Month 2024 was on the subject of climate change and psychology’s role. Our communications specialist reflects on the campaign, the key messages, and the next steps we can all take in tackling the biggest threat of our lifetimes.

Psychology month: moving past climate change disinformation

Psychology Month: Moving past climate change disinformation

Throughout Psychology Month in February, the topic of disinformation when it comes to climate change has arisen time and again. To close out the month, we spoke with Kyra Simone and Rachel Salt at Science Up First about our responses to disinformation, ways to combat it, and difficult conversations with friends and family.

Psychology Month: Merril Dean and the Northwest Territories Wildfires

Psychology Month: Merril Dean and the Northwest Territories Wildfires

This summer wildfires ravaged the Northwest Territories, forcing the evacuation of about 70% of the population. Yellowknife psychologist Merril Dean was one of the evacuees, and saw the devastation from many perspectives. In this Psychology Month episode of the CPA podcast Mind Full, Merril shares her own experiences, as well as some thoughts on the government response and where the northern communities might go from here.

Climate change: Every science has a role, every person has an impact

Dr. Heathxxkwell

Starting a little more than a decade ago, climate science in Canada suffered a significant setback when the federal government cut funding for environmental research and restricted scientists from speaking with the media and sharing their findings. Climate scientists are still feeling the effects of those policies, and have still not completely regained their footing. In the interim, other scientific disciplines started taking a greater interest in climate change and making some strides. One of those disciplines was psychology.

Psychology Month: Sustainable Happiness with Dr. Jiaying Zhao

Psychology Month: Sustainable Happiness with Dr. Jiaying Zhao

So much of the talk when it comes to the climate crisis is doom and gloom. It’s hard for many not to become a little defeatist or to throw their hands up and ignore the problem. The solution to that kind of despair is action – little actions that move us all toward a more sustainable future. And those actions – and the conversation about them – can be a happy one! Our podcast guest is Dr. Jiaying Zhao, who connects climate action to our own personal happiness in a way that we hope spurs some of that action – and makes you happy along the way!



Building Momentum: York University’s 1 in 5 Project Gets the Ball Rolling

Dr. Heather Prime, Paul De Luca, Alex Markwell
Dr. Heather Prime, Paul De Luca, Alex Markwell

A lot of action on climate change is aspirational. Pledges, pacts, and agreements are often non-binding and have no enforcement mechanisms. But aspirational action is action, and it often works – especially when the action is undertaken by many. York University’s Psychology Department is the first in Canada to sign on to the 1 in 5 Project, an initiative that asks academics and students to make climate change the subject of one in five projects or assignments.

Psychology Month: The Muzzling of Canadian Scientists with Dr. Alana Westwood

Psychology Month: The Muzzling of Canadian Scientists with Dr. Alana Westwood

Dr. Alana Westwood and her lab at Dalhousie University recently completed a study of environmental researchers in Canada. Their results showed that researchers in this space still feel muzzled despite changes in federal policy designed to allow them more freedom to speak and share their results. On the CPA podcast Mind Full we discuss the reasons for this, the ramifications, and specifically what this means for environmental science – and the communication of that science – in Canada.



Psychology Month: Wildfires, evacuations, and unprecedented stress: The Northwest Territories in summer 2023

Merril Dean
Merril Dean

In the summer of 2023, wildfires forced the evacuation of 70% of the residents of the Northwest Territories. There was a lot of trauma that resulted from leaving their homes behind. But there was also the stress of figuring out how to get supports through cultural and language barriers, and the shock that came when they returned to devastated communities. Yellowknife psychologist Merril Dean provides an inside look at the experiences of the people in the Northwest Territories, and makes some suggestions as to how schools can best help their staff and students upon their return from devastating climate events like these.

This article by Merril Dean originally appeared in the Fall-Winter newsletter of the CPA’s Education and School Psychology Section.

Psychology Month podcast: Trust with Dr. Katherine Arbuthnott

Psychology Month: Trust with Dr. Katherine Arbuthnott

We kick off Psychology Month in February speaking with Dr. Katherine Arbuthnott about trust on the CPA podcast Mind Full. We tend to think of other people as self-interested, and we are therefore pessimistic about things like our ability to tackle major subjects like climate change. Dr. Arbuthnott is here to tell us this isn’t really the case – that most people are, in fact, willing to make sacrifices for the good of the communities and the people around them.



Psychology Month: Social Connection, Trust, and the Intersection of Climate and Health

Dr. Todd Kettner and Dr. Kyle Merritt
Dr. Todd Kettner and Dr. Kyle Merritt

Nelson, BC was right near some of the most extreme and devastating climate events of 2021. The heat dome and wildfires had a profound effect on the city and the surrounding area. Dr. Todd Kettner and Dr. Kyle Merritt stepped up to do something about it in their own practices and workplaces. Dr. Kettner is a practising psychologist and Dr. Merritt is an emergency room doctor. They are both part of an organization called Doctors and Nurses for Planetary Health, formed in the wake of the 2021 devastation.

Psychology Month 2023 Profiles

The theme of the 2023 Psychology Month was 'The Future of Psychology’, where we profiled psychology students doing amazing things outside the classroom.

Psychology Month Profile: Marjolaine Rivest-Beauregard and Justine Fortin

Sors de ma tête
Marjolaine Rivest-Beauregard and Justine Fortin

Montréal psychology students Marjolaine Rivest-Beauregard and Justine Fortin created the podcast Sors de ma tête to combat disinformation and to make science accessible for non-scientists toward the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. They joined the CPA podcast Mind Full to discuss their work, which has branched out a little bit as they get ready to launch their third season.

Psychology Month Profile: Nardeen Yalda

Nardeen Yalda
Nardeen Yalda

Our podcast Mind Full spoke with Nardeen Yalda and her professor at the University of Western Ontario, Dr. Leora Swartzman. Dr. Swartzman has created a program to pair students with community organizations to implement change on the ground. That program led Nardeen to working with organizations helping the homeless.

Psychology Month Profile: Nancy Tangon

Nancy Tangon
Nancy Tangon

Nancy Tangon is a CPA student representative at the University of Alberta. Her South Sudanese family has played an enormous influence in her life, including her decision to pursue a career in psychology.

With her friend Priscilla Ojomu, Nancy created the online forum Canada Confesses, where they collect anonymous testimonials from people that shine a light on the racism that exists under the surface in Canadian society. They spoke with the CPA podcast Mind Full about their project.

Psychology Month Profile: Kevin Prada

Kevin Prada and Thilini Dissanayake (and Myrtle)
Kevin Prada

Kevin Prada is a student at the University of Manitoba, where his research focuses on the difficulties faced by the French-speaking 2SLGBTQ+ community in Manitoba.

Kevin and his colleagues, including Thilini Dissanayake, started an initiative in their area called A Listening Ear. They joined the CPA podcast Mind Full to explain the project.

Psychology Month 2022 Profiles

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Charlene Senn and Dr. Lorraine Radtke, Section on Women And Psychology

Dr. Charlene Senn
Dr. Charlene Senn
Dr. Lorraine Radtke
Dr. Lorraine Radtke

Dr. Charlene Senn, and Dr. Lorraine Radtke, Section on Women And Psychology
The CPA’s Section for Women And Psychology (SWAP) creates a community of researchers, teachers, and practitioners interested in the psychology of women and feminist psychology. Today’s Psychology Month feature talks to Dr. Lorraine Radtke and Dr. Charlene Senn about the work they’re doing in this space.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Joshua Bourdage and Dr. Winny Shen, Industrial Organizational Psychology

Dr. Joshua Bourdage
Dr. Joshua Bourdage
Dr. Winny Shen
Dr. Winny Shen

Dr. Joshua Bourdage and Dr. Winny Shen, Industrial Organizational Psychology
Industrial/Organizational psychology is the study of psychology in the workplace. We spoke to Dr. Joshua Bourdage and Dr. Winny Shen about workplace culture, organizational structure, and the vast variety of work I/O psychologists do.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Cheryl Harasymchuk, Dr. Katherine Starzyk, and Dr. John Zelenski, Social and Personality Psychology

Dr. Cheryl Harasymchuk
Dr. Cheryl Harasymchuk
Dr. John Zelenski
Dr. John Zelenski
Dr. Katherine Starzyk
Dr. Katherine Starzyk

Dr. Cheryl Harasymchuk, Dr. Katherine Starzyk, and Dr. John Zelenski, Social and Personality Psychology
Social and Personality Psychology is really a description of two different disciplines that are inextricably linked. We spoke to Dr. Cheryl Harasymchuk, Dr. Katherine Starzyk, and Dr. John Zelenski about the contentious history and harmonious present, and the work they do to influence us all to be better.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Randal Tonks and Dr. Gira Bhatt, International and Cross-Cultural Psychology

Dr. Randal Tonks
Dr. Randal Tonks
Dr. Gira Bhatt
Dr. Gira Bhatt

Dr. Randal Tonks and Dr. Gira Bhatt, International and Cross-Cultural Psychology
International and Cross-Cultural Psychology are two separate but related fields. The study of cultural differences and similarities has long brought needed perspective to psychology, and that work has been accelerated as the world becomes more and more globally connected. We spoke to Dr. Randal Tonks and Dr. Gira Bhatt about the work they do in this space.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. David Nussbaum and Dr. Yusef Karimi, Extremism and Terrorism

Dr. David Nussbaum
Dr. David Nussbaum
Dr. Yusef Karimi
Dr. Yusef Karimi

Dr. David Nussbaum and Dr. Yusef Karimi, Extremism and Terrorism
Extremism and Terrorism are not limited to a geographic location or to a time period. We see the results all over the world, here in North America, in the Middle East, and most recently in Europe. Dr. David Nussbaum and Dr. Yusef Karimi discuss psychology’s role in understanding, and possibly preventing, violent extremism.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Wendy Darr, Dr. Allister MacIntyre, Dr. Susan Dowler and Dr. Damian O’Keefe, Psychology in the Military

Dr. Wendy Darr
Dr. Wendy Darr
Dr. Allister MacIntyre
Dr. Allister MacIntyre
Dr. Damian O’Keefe
Dr. Damian O’Keefe

Dr. Wendy Darr, Dr. Allister MacIntyre, Dr. Susan Dowler and Dr. Damian O’Keefe, Psychology in the Military

Psychologists in the military play many roles, from personnel selection to designing training to a number of therapy roles. We spoke with Dr. Wendy Darr, Dr. Allister MacIntyre, Dr. Susan Dowler and Dr. Damian O’Keefe to learn more.

Psychology Month Profile: Alejandra Botia and Emily Winters, Students in Psychology

Alejandra Botia
Alejandra Botia
Emily Winters
Emily Winters

Alejandra Botia and Emily Winters, Students in Psychology

Students in psychology, like students everywhere, have had a tough adjustment to make these last two years. Alejandra Botia and Emily Winters spoke to us about what they’re doing to help their fellow students navigate the new challenges presented by COVID.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Jim Cresswell and Dr. Thomas Teo, History and Philosophy of psychology

Dr. Jim Cresswell
Dr. Jim Cresswell
Dr. Thomas Teo
Dr. Thomas Teo

Dr. Jim Cresswell and Dr. Thomas Teo, History and Philosophy of Psychology

The History and Philosophy of psychology is long, broad, and a truly enormous field of study. A lot of it involves ‘big-picture’ thinking. We spoke to Dr. Jim Cresswell and Dr. Thomas Teo about how they see the ‘big picture’.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Veronica Hutchings, Charlene Bradford, and Dr. Reagan Gale,Rural and Northern Psychology

Dr. Veronica Hutchings
Dr. Veronica Hutchings
Dr. Reagan Gale
Dr. Reagan Gale
Charlene Bradford
Charlene Bradford

Dr. Veronica Hutchings, Charlene Bradford, and Dr. Reagan Gale, Rural and Northern Psychology
There are unique challenges that come with living in small communities – especially those far in the north. Being a psychologist in these areas brings unique challenges as well. We spoke to Dr. Veronica Hutchings, Charlene Bradford, and Dr. Reagan Gale about their work in Yukon and Newfoundland.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Stryker Calvez and Dr. David Danto, Indigenous Peoples’ Psychology

Dr. Stryker Calvez
Dr. Stryker Calvez
Dr. David Danto
Dr. David Danto

Dr. Stryker Calvez and Dr. David Danto, Indigenous Peoples’ Psychology
As psychology comes to grips with the need to change practices to welcome Indigenous people and attract Indigenous practitioners, the Indigenous Peoples’ Psychology Section says this will involve many important and difficult conversations. We had one with Dr. Stryker Calvez and Dr. David Danto.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Lindsay McCunn and Dr. John Zelenski, Environmental Psychology

Dr. Lindsay McCunn
Dr. Lindsay McCunn
Dr. John Zelenski
Dr. John Zelenski

Dr. Lindsay McCunn and Dr. John Zelenski, Environmental Psychology
Environmental psychology has two main branches. We spoke to Dr. Lindsay McCunn about the architectural branch (designing buildings and rooms for the well-being of occupants), and to Dr. John Zelenski about the conservation branch (examining sustainable behaviours through peoples’ connectedness to nature).

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Maria Rogers and Dr. Maria Kokai, Educational and School Psychology

Dr. Maria Rogers
Dr. Maria Rogers
Dr. Maria Kokai
Dr. Maria Kokai

Dr. Maria Rogers and Dr. Maria Kokai, Educational and School Psychology
While the terms Educational and School Psychology are sometimes used interchangeably, they can also refer to the two parts of psychology in the education system – the researchers who come up with evidence-based best practices, and the practicing school psychologists who implement that research. Dr. Maria Rogers and Dr. Maria Kokai joined us to explain further.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Elizabeth Hartney and Dr. Mari Swingle , Quantitative Electrophysiology

Dr. Elizabeth Hartney
Dr. Elizabeth Hartney
Dr. Mari Swingle
Dr. Mari Swingle

Dr. Elizabeth Hartney and Dr. Mari Swingle , Quantitative Electrophysiology
Quantitative Electrophysiology studies electrical activity in the brain. We spoke with Dr. Elizabeth Hartney and Dr. Mari Swingle about the real value of lie detector technology and the value of boredom.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Jen Theule and Dr. Cathy Costigan , Family Psychology

Dr. Jen Theule
Dr. Jen Theule
Dr. Cathy Costigan
Dr. Cathy Costigan

Dr. Jen Theule and Dr. Cathy Costigan, Family Psychology
The field of family psychology is as dynamic and complex as families themselves. We spoke to Dr. Jen Theule and Dr. Cathy Costigan about families, definitions, and the vast ‘systems’ that encompass them all.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Brigitte Sabourin and Dr. Nicholas Carleton, Clinical Psychology

Dr. Brigitte Sabourin
Dr. Brigitte Sabourin
Dr. Nicholas Carleton
Dr. Nicholas Carleton

Dr. Brigitte Sabourin and Dr. Nicholas Carleton, Clinical Psychology
Clinical psychology is the branch of psychology most of the public thinks about when they hear the word ‘psychologist’. But we have moved far beyond the patient-lying-on-the-couch cliché, and clinical practice has entered the virtual world online. We spoke to Dr. Brigitte Sabourin and Dr. Nicholas Carleton about where clinical psychology is today.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Keira Stockdale and Dr. Sandy Jung,Criminal Justice Psychology

Dr. Keira Stockdale
Dr. Keira Stockdale
Dr. Sandy Jung
Dr. Sandy Jung

Dr. Keira Stockdale and Dr. Sandy Jung, Criminal Justice Psychology
The field of criminal justice is vast, and psychologists are involved with nearly every facet of it, from prevention to probation. We spoke with Dr. Keira Stockdale and Dr. Sandy Jung about their work in this space, and where the profession is headed from here.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Zarina Giannone, Sport and Exercise Psychology

Dr. Zarina Giannone
Dr. Zarina Giannone

Dr. Zarina Giannone, Sport and Exercise Psychology
As the accomplishments of Olympic athletes capture our attention, we place today’s Psychology Month focus on the psychologists who help them attain that high performance. Sport Psychology, however, extends far beyond just high-performance athletes. We spoke to Dr. Zarina Giannone all about this exciting field.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Amir Sepehry and Dr. Diana Velikonja, Psychopharmacology Section

Dr. Amir Sepehry
Dr. Amir Sepehry
Dr. Diana Velikonja
Dr. Diana Velikonja

Dr. Amir Sepehry and Dr. Diana Velikonja, Psychopharmacology Section
At the intersection of psychology and medicine is psychopharmacology. Psychologists who can prescribe medication like a psychiatrist, but with a psychologist’s training in behaviour and therapy-based interventions. Dr. Amir Sepehry and Dr. Diana Velikonja tell us more.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Kerry Mothersill, Dr. Kelsey Collimore, and Dr. Stephanie Greenham, Psychologists in Hospitals and Health Centres

Dr. Kerry Mothersill
Dr. Kerry Mothersill
Dr. Kelsey Collimore
Dr. Kelsey Collimore
Dr. Stephanie Greenham
Dr. Stephanie

Dr. Kerry Mothersill, Dr. Kelsey Collimore, and Dr. Stephanie Greenham, Psychologists in Hospitals and Health Centres
Many psychologists work in the public health system. Some in hospitals and others in different health centres as part of interdisciplinary teams seeing patients of all kinds. Drs. Kelsey Collimore, Stephanie Greenham, and Kerry Mothersill give us some insight into the work they do.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Jude Mary Cénat, Dr. Helen Ofosu, Anita Shaw, Kafui Sawyer, Dr. Erin Beettam, and Dr. Monnica Williams, Black Psychology Section

Dr. Jude Mary Cénat
Dr. Jude Mary Cénat
Dr. Helen Ofosu
Dr. Helen Ofosu
Anita Shaw
Anita Shaw

Dr. Jude Mary Cénat, Dr. Helen Ofosu, Anita Shaw, Kafui Sawyer, Dr. Erin Beettam, and Dr. Monnica Williams, Black Psychology Section

Kafui Sawyer
Kafui Sawyer
Dr. Erin Beettam
Dr. Erin Beettam
Dr. Monnica Williams
Dr. Monnica Williams

One of the two new sections at the CPA is the Black Psychology Section, which looks to increase the presence of Black professionals in psychology and to increase access to mental health services for the Black community.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Vinay Bharadia and Dr. Kristina Gicas, Clinical Neuropsychology Section

Dr. Vinay Bharadia
Dr. Vinay Bharadia
Dr. Kristina Gicas
Dr. Kristina Gicas

Dr. Vinay Bharadia and Dr. Kristina Gicas, Clinical Neuropsychology Section
Your brain and your body have a relationship – sometimes it’s a harmonious one, other times it’s contentious. This is the domain of clinical neuropsychology. We spoke to Dr. Vinay Bharadia and Dr. Kristina Gicas to learn more.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Karen Blair, Dr. Rhea Ashley Hoskin, and Bre O’Handley Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Section

Dr. Karen Blair
Dr. Karen Blair
Dr. Rhea Ashley Hoskin
Dr. Rhea Ashley
Bre O’Handley
Bre O’Handley

Dr. Karen Blair, Dr. Rhea Ashley Hoskin, and Bre O’Handley Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Section
The field of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in psychology has come a long way in the last few years, from securing same-sex marriage rights to banning conversion therapy. We spoke to Dr. Karen Blair, Dr. Rhea Ashley Hoskin, and Bre O’Handley about that progress, and about a term you may not have heard before – “femmephobia”.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Shahnaz Winer, Psychology Careers and Professionals Section

Dr. Shahnaz Winer
Dr. Shahnaz Winer

Dr. Shahnaz Winer, Psychology Careers and Professionals Section
One of two brand-new sections at the CPA, the Psychology Careers and Professionals Section is a place to network and collaborate for those who have a psychology degree but work in an area other than clinical practice or academia.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Marvin McDonald, Dr. Tanya Mudry, Dr. Janet Miller, Dr. Houyuan (Hy) Luo, and Dr. Jessica Van Vliet, Counselling Psychology Section

Dr. Marvin McDonald
Dr. Marvin McDonald
Dr. Tanya Mudry
Dr. Tanya Mudry
Dr. Jessica Van Vliet
Dr. Jessica Van Vliet
Dr. Houyuan (Hy) Luo
Dr. Houyuan (Hy) Luo
Dr. Janet Miller
Dr. Janet Miller

Dr. Marvin McDonald, Dr. Tanya Mudry, Dr. Janet Miller, Dr. Houyuan (Hy) Luo, and Dr. Jessica Van Vliet, Counselling Psychology Section
Counselling psychology has many facets and many different practitioners. We spoke with five of them about what it is they do, and how it affects the lives of everyday people.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Jenna Boyd and Dr. Rachel Langevin, Traumatic Stress Section

Dr. Jenna Boyd
Dr. Jenna Boyd
Dr. Rachel Langevin
Dr. Rachel Langevin

Dr. Jenna Boyd and Dr. Rachel Langevin, Traumatic Stress Section
Traumatic Stress shows itself in more than just PTSD, and can be caused by more than just major single events. Dr. Jenna Boyd and Dr. Rachel Langevin are working to help those affected by trauma, and working to learn more about traumatic stress as they do.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Andrew Hyounsoo Kim and Dr. Nassim Tabri, Addiction Psychology Section

Dr. Andrew Hyounsoo Kim
Dr. Andrew Hyounsoo Kim
Dr. Nassim Tabri
Dr. Nassim Tabri

Dr. Andrew Hyounsoo Kim and Dr. Nassim Tabri , Addiction Psychology Section
Addiction Psychology covers a lot of ground, from substance use to video games. Today’s Psychology Month feature talks to Dr. Andrew Hyounsoo Kim and Dr. Nassim Tabri about the work they’re doing in the field of addictions, and about combatting the stigma that remains around the subject.

Psychology Month Profile: Juanita Mureika and Dawn Hanson, Psychologists and Retirement Section

Dr. Juanita Mureika
Juanita Mureika
Dr. Dawn Hanson
Dawn Hanson

Juanita Mureika and Dawn Hanson , Psychologists and Retirement Section
Even after retiring, many psychologists have ongoing professional responsibilities. Today’s Psychology Month feature talks to Juanita Mureika and Dawn Hanson about the work they’re doing in this space.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Jonathan Wilbiks, Brain and Cognitive Science Section

Dr. Jonathan Wilbiks
Dr. Jonathan Wilbiks

Dr. Jonathan Wilbiks , Brain and Cognitive Science Section
Researchers in the realm of the Brain and Cognitive Science are interested in how our brains work, and how they perceive and sort external stimuli. Today’s Psychology Month feature delves into this subject with Dr. Jonathan Wilbiks about his work – and that of Snoop Dogg and Angela Hewitt.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Gilla Shapiro, Health Psychology and Behavioural Medicine Section

Dr. Gilla Shapiro
Dr. Gilla Shapiro

Dr. Gilla Shapiro, Health Psychology and Behavioural Medicine Section
Health Psychology and Behavioural Medicine covers a lot of ground, from encouraging people with diabetes to take their insulin to nudging people toward healthier eating habits. Today’s Psychology Month feature talks to Dr. Gilla Shapiro about the work she’s doing in the areas of cancer and vaccines.

Psychology Month Profile: Ann Marie Beals, Dr. Natalie Kivell, and Ramy Barhouhe, Community Psychology Section

Ann Marie Beals
Ann Marie Beals
Dr. Natalie Kivell
Dr. Natalie Kivell
Ramy Barhouhe
Ramy Barhouhe

Ann Marie Beals, Dr. Natalie Kivell, and Ramy Barhouhe, Community Psychology Section
Community Psychology is a little more “community” than “psychology” and is heavily involved with social justice issues. Today’s Psychology Month feature talks to Ann Marie Beals, Dr. Natalie Kivell, and Ramy Barhouhe about the work they’re doing in this space.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Milica Miočević and Dr. Rob Cribbie, Quantitative Methods Section

Dr. Milica Miočević
Dr. Milica Miočević
Dr. Rob Cribbie
Dr. Rob Cribbie

Dr. Milica Miočević and Dr. Rob Cribbie, Quantitative Methods Section
Quantitative Methods is a science that works with nearly every branch of psychology. All researchers use different methods to analyze data – but all of them analyze data. Today’s Psychology Month feature talks to Dr. Milica Miočević and Dr. Rob Cribbie about the work they’re doing to make that data collection and analysis easier, more consistent, and more accurate.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Elena Antoniadis, Dr. Elizabeth Bowering, and Dr. Steve Joordens , Teaching of Psychology Section

Dr. Elena Antoniadis
Dr. Elena Antoniadis
Dr. Steve Joordens
Dr. Steve Joordens

Dr. Elena Antoniadis, Dr. Elizabeth Bowering, and Dr. Steve Joordens , Teaching of Psychology Section
The Teaching of Psychology is a science that never happens in exactly the same way. Different groups in varied settings approach learning in a multitude of ways. Today’s Psychology Month feature talks to Dr. Elena Antoniadis, Dr. Elizabeth Bowering, and Dr. Steve Joordens about the work they do in this field.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Nasreen Khatri and Dr. Colleen Millikin, Adult Development and Aging Section

Nasreen Khatri
Dr. Nasreen Khatri
Colleen Millikin
Dr. Colleen Millikin

Dr. Nasreen Khatri and Dr. Colleen Millikin, Adult Development and Aging Section
The psychology of adult development and aging is the study, assessment and management of the physical, psychological, cognitive, emotional and social functioning of people 18 years and up and includes aging in all its forms, milestones, joys and challenges. Today’s Psychology Month feature talks to Dr. Nasreen Khatri and Dr. Colleen Millikin about the work they do in this field.

Psychology Month 2021 Profiles
Psychology Month2021
COVID-19 has brought a new set of challenges to the public, and to psychologists as well. Beginning February 1st and running the month of February, we will shine a spotlight on the Canadian psychologists who are responding to the pandemic in a wide variety of ways. #PsychologyAndCovid

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Justin Presseau

Justin PresseauDr. Justin Presseau
Psychology Month has been extended two days, so we can bring you the work of Dr. Justin Presseau, who is co-Chairing a working group of behavioural scientists advising Ontario healthcare executives and government representatives on best practices during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Psychology Month 2021: Silver Linings in the Pandemic

Featured Psychology Month PsychologistsSilver Linings in the Pandemic
Psychology Month has focused on dozens of aspects of the pandemic, a global catastrophe that is deeply tragic. To close out Psychology Month, we focus on a few positives that have come about as a result of COVID-19.

Silver Linings From the Pandemic: Ending Psychology Month 2021 on a positive note

Silver Linings From the Pandemic: Ending Psychology Month on a positive note
Psychology Month has focused on dozens of aspects of the pandemic, a global catastrophe that is deeply tragic. To close out Psychology Month 2021, we focus on a few positives that have come about as a result of COVID-19.

Psychology Month Profile: Karen Cohen

Dr. Karen CohenDr. Karen Cohen
The CPA has been adjusting, like everyone else, to working from home and embracing the new normal. Our work has been guided by our CEO, Dr. Karen Cohen.

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Jenn, Dr. Laila, Dr. Mary and the Coping Toolbox podcast

Dr. Jenn Vriend, Dr. Laila Din Osmun, and Dr. Mary Simmering McDonald Dr. Jenn, Dr. Laila, and Dr. Mary
Friends since they did an internship together at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, child psychologists Dr. Laila Din Osmun, Dr. Mary Simmering McDonald, and Dr. Jenn Vriend are trying to reach as many kids and parents as they can during the pandemic with the Coping Toolbox podcast.

Psychology Month – Dr. Jenn, Dr. Laila, Dr. Mary and the Coping Toolbox podcast

Dr. Jenn, Dr. Laila, Dr. Mary and the Coping Toolbox podcast
Introducing The Coping Toolbox: A Child Psych Podcast. Dr. Jenn Vriend, Dr. Laila Din Osmun, and Dr. Mary Simmering McDonald are three child psychologists from Ottawa.

Psychology Month Profile: Penny Corkum

Penny CorkumPenny Corkum
Dr. Penny Corkum studies sleep and children, and created Better Nights Better Days, a cross-Canada trial that improved sleep for both kids and parents before the pandemic. In the last year, Dr. Corkum and her team went back to those families to see how they were doing during COVID. Their launch of a revamped Better Nights Better Days for the pandemic era is imminent.

Psychology Month Profile: Natalie Rosen

Natalie RosenNatalie Rosen
At Dalhousie University, Dr. Natalie Rosen studies sexual health in the context of couples. Many people thought there would be a baby boom during the pandemic – Dr. Rosen explains why this hasn’t happened.

Psychology Month Profile: Joanna Pozzulo

Joanna PozzuloJoanna Pozzulo
Dr. Joanna Pozzulo and the Carleton University Psychology Department launched a virtual space for researchers, students, and other stakeholders called MeWeRTH (The Mental Health and Well-being Research and Training Hub). It’s a means of connecting the university with community organizations and anyone else who might be a consumer of mental health and well-being research.

Psychology Month 2021 – some of the psychologists doing interesting things during the pandemic

Psychology Month - some of the psychologists doing interesting things during the pandemicSome of the psychologists doing interesting things during the pandemic
Meet some of the psychologists who have been profiled in this Psychology Month. We speak with Dr. Adrienne Leslie-Toogood, Dr. Christine Chambers, Courtney Gosselin and Dr. Mélanie Joanisse about their work during the pandemic.

Psychology Month Profile: Vina Goghari

Vina GoghariVina Goghari
Dr. Vina Goghari is the Editor of the Canadian Psychology journal. The amount of pandemic-related research and article submissions has been overwhelming in the past few months. The upcoming COVID special edition of the journal will present papers that cover a very broad range of topics related to the pandemic.

Psychology Month Profile: Judy Moench

Judy MoenchJudy Moench
Dr. Judy Moench has helped create protocols to help her Alberta community and others during the pandemic. Prepped 4 Learning helps teachers, parents, and kids cope with disruption. The Self-care Traumatic Episode Protocol (STEP) is helping mental health clinicians, hospital staff, and others decrease stress and increase coping.

Psychology Month Profile: Chloe Hamza

Chloe HamzaChloe Hamza
Dr. Chloe Hamza has an article in the upcoming Canadian Psychology journal COVID-19 special edition entitled ‘When Social Isolation Is Nothing New’. It’s part of an ongoing study of post-secondary students, some of whom had pre-existing mental health concerns before the pandemic, and some of whom didn’t.

Psychology Month Profile: Laurie Ford

Laurie FordLaurie FordLaurie Ford
Dr. Laurie Ford at UBC has school psychologists to train, students adjusting to online learning, and innovations to replace hands-on experiences. She also has a community garden and two great dogs!

Psychology Month Profile: Dr. Christine Chambers

Dr. Christine ChambersDr. Christine Chambers
Dr. Christine Chambers is part of the #ScienceUpFirst initiative, the Scientific Director at the CIHR Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health, and many other things. The biggest change for her during the pandemic might be as the Scientific Director of SKIP (Solutions for Kids in Pain).

Psychology Month Profile: Mélanie Joanisse

Mélanie Joanisse
When the pandemic began, Dr. Mélanie Joanisse created a simple, easy, and funny Guide to Wellness for her frontline co-workers at the Montfort hospital. It immediately took off and has been shared and translated around the world to help healthcare workers everywhere.

Psychology Month Profile: Khush Amaria

Khush Amaria
MindBeacon had a bit of a head start on other similar groups when the pandemic began, as they had already been providing online services for some time. Dr. Khush Amaria is the Senior Clinical Director at MindBeacon, and the last year for her has been packed with speaking engagements.

Psychology Month Profile: Helen Ofosu

Helen Ofosu
Dr. Helen Ofosu runs IO Advisory in Ottawa where she helps organizations and businesses tackle structural racism and promote equity, diversity, and inclusion. During the pandemic, more and more groups are looking for this kind of assistance and her business is growing.

Psychology Month Profile: Maya Yampolsky

Maya Yampolsky
The COVID-19 pandemic has made racism worse around the world for marginalized communities. Racism has made the pandemic worse for those communities as well. Dr. Maya Yampolsky specializes in social and cultural psychology, with a particular focus in her research on systemic racism and how racism enters into our personal lives.

Psychology Month Profile: Karen Blair

Karen Blair
Dr. Karen Blair and her colleagues created the ‘COVID-19 Interpersonal & Social Coping Study’ which surveyed hundreds of Canadians over several months. One of the most striking results they found was the impact of the pandemic on LGBTQ+ university students.

Psychology Month Profile: Courtney Gosselin

Courtney Gosselin
Courtney Gosselin was one of 25 students from Canada and the UK who worked on the COVID-19 Coping Study between March and August. Part of the study was letters people wrote to their past selves (pre-pandemic) and future selves (what they thought at the time would be post-pandemic).

Psychology Month Profile: Jonathan N. Stea

Jonathan N. Stea
The proliferation of disinformation and misinformation online over the past few years has become more dangerous with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Jonathan Stea, a clinical psychologist and an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Calgary, is one of two psychologists invited to join Science Up First, an initiative bringing together experts from every field to combat disinformation online.

Psychology Month Profile: Adrienne Leslie-Toogood

Adrienne Leslie-Toogood
Dr. Adrienne Leslie-Toogood works with elite athletes in Manitoba. When the pandemic hit, those athletes were spread out across the world, some unable to return home. In response, Dr. Leslie-Toogood launched the #TerrificTuesdays Zoom therapy sessions, a podcast, a book club, and much more to connect athletes across levels, disciplines, and the world.

Psychology Month Profile: Andrew Ryder

Andrew Ryder
Dr. Andrew Ryder helped prepare the Fact Sheet ‘Why Does Culture Matter to COVID-19’ for the CPA. An Associate Professor in the Psychology department at Concordia University, Dr. Ryder self-identifies as a ‘cultural-clinical’ psychologist, and the intersection of culture and the pandemic is in his wheelhouse.

Psychology Month Profile: Ian Nicholson

Ian Nicholson
Dr. Ian Nicholson is the Manager for Psychology and Audiology at the London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC), and a former President of the CPA. As with most hospitals, the LHSC has had to change many of their practices since early 2020, including the way they deliver instruction as a teaching hospital.

Psychology Month Profile: Chelsea Moran

Chelsea Moran
Chelsea Moran is a PhD student in Clinical Psychology at the University of Calgary. Along with her supervisor Dr. Tavis Campbell, the bulk of her research has been about behavioural medicine – adherence to health behaviours. That research took a fortuitous turn when the pandemic began in early 2020.

Psychology Month Profile: Gabrielle Pagé

Gabrielle Pagé
Dr. Gabrielle Pagé works with people experiencing chronic pain. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she and her team have had to pivot to a number of different forms of care. They have discovered some expected results among those suffering from chronic pain, but also some real surprises.

Psychology Month Profile: Jenn Gordon

Jenn Gordon
Dr. Jenn Gordon is an associate professor at the University of Regina, and a Canada Research Chair in the bio-psychosocial determinants of women’s mental health. A study she conducted at the beginning of the pandemic identified a major gap in how women in academia were faring during the pandemic compared to their male counterparts, especially among those with young children.

Psychology Month Profile: Steven Taylor

Steven Taylor
We kick off Psychology Month 2021, Psychology And COVID, with a profile of Dr. Steven Taylor. Dr. Taylor’s book ‘The Psychology of Pandemics: Preparing for the Next Global Outbreak of Infectious Disease’ was published in October of 2019

Psychology Month 2020 Profiles
Psychology Month2020
Throughout Psychology Month we will be highlighting people with psychology degrees working outside clinical settings and academia. We are going to profile magazine editors, aviation specialists, bankers working in people analytics, and much more #PsychologyAtWork

Psychology Month Profile: Meghan Norris – The Canadian Handbook for Careers in Psychological Science

Dr. Meghan NorrisMeghan Norris: The Canadian Handbook for Careers in Psychological Science

We’re closing out Psychology Month by connecting you with a resource that could help you with one of the career paths you may have read about in February. Dr. Meghan Norris’ open-source book The Canadian Handbook for Careers in Psychological Science.

Psychology Month Profile: Leanna Verrucci

Leanna Verrucci
The Director of Marketing and Membership at the Canadian Psychological Association, Leanna Verrucci’s background in psychology has led her to jobs in TV, newspapers, travel, entrepreneurship, and now the CPA.

Psychology Month Profile: Leigh Greiner

Leigh Greiner
As the Director of Research and Strategic Planning for BC Corrections, Dr. Leigh Greiner leads a multi-disciplinary staff on a huge variety of evaluations, assessments, and projects.

Psychology Month Profile: Marais Bester

Marais Bester
In the growing field of Aviation Psychology, PhD psychologists are increasingly being hired to help keep air travel safe. One of them is Dr. Marais Bester, a Manager of Assessments and Psychology at Qatar Airways.

Psychology Month Profile: Natalie Jones

Natalie Jones
A Senior Program Evaluation Officer with the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Dr. Natalie Jones says her colleagues and fellow researchers are the highlight of her job.

Psychology Month Profile: Jen Welter

Jen Welter
Dr. Jen Welter is many things – the first woman to coach in the NFL, and the first to play running back in professional football. An author, speaker, TV producer and fashion designer. And also a PhD psychologist.

Psychology Month Profile: Eva Best

Eva Best
Last year, Eva Best earned a CPA award for her thesis on the ‘positivity effect’. This year, she scored a terrific research job at Gameloft, one of the biggest mobile gaming companies in Canada.

Psychology Month Profile: Lauren Florko

Lauren Florko
Dr. Lauren Florko is the founder of Triple Threat Consulting, providing managerial consulting for corporate social responsibility, change management, and organizational development.

Psychology Month Profile: Heather Orpana

Heather Orpana
Heather has a long career in public service, working in three different federal departments. She recently moved into Substance-Related Harms, to help tackle the opioid crisis.

Psychology Month Profile: Gregory Craig

Gregory Craig
Dr. Gregory Craig is part of a team of “human factors researchers” at the National Research Council. His work might one day lead to a new frontier in aviation – pilotless airplanes.

Psychology Month Profile: Alexandra Thompson

Alexandra Thompson
Dr. Alexandra Thompson is a Program Leader with the NRC working on ‘High Performance Buildings’. Her team aims to reduce energy emissions by identifying industry, scientific, technological & societal issues that can stall the adoption of new technologies.

Psychology Month Profile: Robin Langerak

Robin Langerak
Working as a Design Researcher on a suite of business intelligence software tools at IBM’s Ottawa studio, Robin Langerak says “I get to do a little bit of everything I loved about running my own research studies as a psychology graduate student!”

Psychology Month Profile: Suzanne Simpson

Suzanne Simpson
Dr. Suzanne Simpson founded the talent management firm Human Resource Systems Group Ltd. more than 30 years ago. Now the CEO, HRSG is a global company, hiring people and taking on clients from all over the world

Psychology Month Profile: Chrissy Chubala

Chrissy Chubala
Dr. Chrissy Chubala helps naval personnel make better decisions during mission planning and execution. She is a Defence Scientist in Maritime Decision Support at Defence Research & Development Canada’s Atlantic Research Centre.

Psychology Month Profile: Amy Bucher

Amy Bucher
Amy Bucher graduated with a PhD from a psychology program that no longer exists, and that made her skill set unique in the post-grad world. She puts those skills to use at Mad*Pow, a design agency that improves peoples’ experiences with technology, services, organizations and each other.

Psychology Month Profile: Liane Davey

Liane Davey
A writer, blogger, public speaker, and volunteer board member at the Psychology Foundation of Canada, Liane Davey has made her mark on corporate culture with her consultancy group 3COze.

Psychology Month Profile: Angela Febbraro

Angela Febbraro
A defence scientist with Defence Research and Development Canada, Angela Febbraro works to create messaging that counters the recruitment propaganda put out by extremist groups like ISIS.

Psychology Month Profile: Amanda Parriag

Amanda Parriag
Amanda owns her own consulting business, the ParriagGroup, and spends much of her spare time working in her Ottawa community to end violence against women.

Psychology Month Profile: Anne-Marie Côté

Anne-Marie Côté
Anne-Marie coordinates virtual field trips, among many other things, for students in remote northern indigenous communities with a program called Connected North.

Psychology Month Profile: Susan Underhill

Susan Underhill
President of the Connor Claire Group, a consulting firm that works with both the government and non-profit sectors, Susan is a specialist in doing more with less.

Psychology Month Profile: Sophie Kenny

Sophie Kenny
A staff scientist for VPixx Technologies, Sophie helps bring eye capture technology, among other devices, to scientists and labs around Canada and the rest of the world.

Psychology Month Profile: Troy Forcier

Troy Forcier
Troy has worked in Child and Youth Mental Health for years, since graduating with an M.Ed. in Education Counselling Psychology. He is the Director of Operations for the Ministry of Child and Family Development (MCFD) in Williams Lake, B.C.

Psychology Month Profile: Natalie Therrien Normand

Natalie Therrien Normand
Natalie is a Program Manager at the provincial team that oversees grants made by the Ontario Trillium Foundation. Her current work is informed enormously by her studies in psychology and experience as a TA.

Psychology Month Profile: Sandra Meeres

Sandra Meeres
Sandra works for the provincial government in Saskatchewan. She is the Manager of Planning, Evaluation and Improvement in the aptly-titled Office of Corporate Planning Evaluation and Improvement.

Psychology Month Profile: Jenn Richler

Jenn Richler
Dr. Jenn Richler has always been deeply passionate about championing the work of others. Jenn has a PhD in Cognitive Psychology and is putting it to use as a senior editor at two scientific journals – Nature Climate Change and Nature Energy.

Psychology Month Profile: Christina Bilczuk

Christina Bilczuk
Christina has achieved a remarkable work-life balance thanks to her background in psychology. She works from all over Canada, from home and from the office on her own schedule, as an Account Executive for McCabe Promotional Advertising.

Psychology Month Profile: Marc-André Lafrenière

Marc-André Lafrenière
Director of People Analytics for the National Bank of Canada, Marc-André coaches a team of data scientists, combining scientific rigor and creativity with practical considerations. His team, he says, is “at the forefront of innovation”.

Psychology Month Profile: Evangeline Danseco

Evangeline Danseco
Dr. Evangeline Danseco loves that her job has an impact on improving mental health services and addressing system-level issues. Evangeline is the Performance Measurement Coach at the Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health.

Psychology Month Profile: Jennifer Veitch

Jennifer Veitch
From her very first introductory psychology class, Jennifer Veitch knew she wanted to get into environmental psychology. Many classes, years, and a PhD later, Jennifer is living her dream as a Principal Research Officer at the National Research Council of Canada.